Improvements to Asset type include:
It's possible to set up default asset attribute values for each attribute assigned to an asset type. Only attribute types that are assigned to an asset type will be visible under the tab 'Attribute values' in the 'Asset type defaults' form. See screenshot 01.
For every newly created asset, the default attribute values will be set automatically.
Important remarks about the feature:
Asset type default values can be copied from one asset type default to another by selecting the Copy setup button with the 'Copy default attribute values' checkbox set to 'Yes'. See screenshot 02.
It's possible to change the view on the Asset types page from panels to grids. This feature enables the functionality for adding Maintenance job types, Counters, Attribute types and Condition assessments by searching.
To change the view on the Asset types page, the Dynaway - Asset type setup grids feature needs to be enabled. To enable this navigate to:
You can set up an asset type as a tool.
For more information of handling tools please refer to the section about Tool Crib.
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