
Create purchase requisitions or purchase orders for work orders automatically


When using Maintenance plan procurement, updating a work order lifecycle state will automatically create purchase orders and purchase requisitions for items required on a work order, based on your setup of item forecasts.


You have completed standard setup for Asset management in D365FO.

Sysadmin, Maintenance Manager


License Configuration

The Maintenance plan procurement functionality in Asset management requires specific setup regarding license configuration.

  1. Select System administration > Setup > License configuration.
  2. Select Dynaway Advanced Asset Management.
  3. Ensure that the Maintenance Plan Procurement check box is selected.

Item Forecast

On an asset type, you select the maintenance job types to be available for an asset of a particular asset type. On a maintenance job type, you can set up maintenance job type defaults, including item forecast lines, to be automatically copied to a work order created for an asset, which allows that maintenance job type.

Refer to Microsoft documentation for information about the standard setup of maintenance job types and maintenance job type defaults in Asset management:

The field Procurement type on item forecast line in Maintenance job type defaults supports maintenance plan procurement. When you create an item forecast line on the 'Maintenance job type default maintenance forecast' screen, use one of these setup options:

  1. On an item forecast line, select 'Purchase order' in the Procurement type field to automatically create a purchase order for the selected item. The item forecast line is not copied to the work order.
  2. On an item forecast line, select 'Purchase requisition' in the Procurement type field to automatically create a purchase requisition for the selected item. The item forecast line is not copied to the work order.
  3. Leave the Procurement type field blank to use standard setup, meaning the item forecast line is copied to the work order.

The screenshot below shows an example of the Maintenance job type defaults screen with an item forecast line and the Procurement type drop-down.

Procurement type on item forecast line in Maintenance job type default.
Procurement type on item forecast line in Maintenance job type default.

Procurement Setup in D365FO

In order for the item forecast setup to work in Asset management, the following setup must also be done in D365FO:

  1. In the Procurement and sourcing module, the items used for maintenance plan procurement must be added to a procurement category. Refer to Microsoft documentation to learn how to add an item/product to a procurement category.
  2. In the Product information management module, a vendor must be selected on each item/product that you want to use for maintenance plan procurement. Refer to Microsoft documentation to learn how to add and approve vendors on products.

Note: If site and location are selected on the item as part of item/product setup, that information is transferred to purchase orders or requisitions created in maintenance plan procurement. If no default site and location are set up on the item/product, the values from the item forecast line are used.

Work Order Lifecycle State

Set up a work order lifecycle state to launch automatic creation of a purchase order or purchase requisition based on the setup of item forecast lines described above. For example, you can set up work order lifecycle state "Released" to handle this procurement action.

Refer to Microsoft documentation regarding standard setup of work order lifecycle states.

Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step procedure regarding procurement setup on a work order lifecycle state.

Depending on your preferred setup of work order lifecycle states, you can set up automatic procurement on more than one work order lifecycle state. If you update a work order to various lifecycle states and then revert to an earlier lifecycle state, you will always create only one purchase order or requisition for each work order line, even if you set up automatic procurement on more than one lifecycle state.

Example: A work order with ID 000120 is created. The following work order lifecycle states are available on the work order:

Work order
lifecycle state

setup added
New No
Released Yes
Scheduled No
Pending Yes
InProgress No
Completed No

Work Order 000120 has one work order line with purchase order setup on the item. The work order goes through the following lifecycle states:

New - Released - Scheduled - New (when reverted to this state, work order line #2, also with purchase order setup on the item, is added) - Released - Scheduled - Pending - InProgress

Result: One purchase order is created for work order line 1, and one purchase order is created for work order line 2. No matter how many times you update to the next work order lifecycle state, or revert to a previous work order lifecycle state, only one purchase order or purchase requisition is created for a work order line if that line uses maintenance plan procurement setup.

To be considered:

  • If several purchase order lines or purchase requisition lines are set up on an Item forecast, then multiple purchase orders or purchase requisitions may be created for one work order line.
  • If you change or update procurement setup, that will not affect existing work order lines using the procurement setup. Only new work order lines, created after setup changes were made, will use the updated setup.

Procurement Setup on a Work Order Lifecycle State

Data Requirements

  1. Work order lifecycle states have been created.

Steps 3

  1. Select Asset Management > Setup > Work orders > Lifecycle states.

  2. Select the lifecycle state you want to set up procurement functionality for, for example, "Released".

  3. On the General FastTab > Maintenance plan procurement section, select the Create procurement toggle button to show Yes.


The user can set up a work order life cycle state for automatic creation of a purchase order or a purchase requisition, based on item forecast setup.


Create Purchase Orders and Requisitions on a Work Order

When a work order is updated to a work order lifecycle state that is set up to manage procurement, purchase orders and/or purchase requisitions are created for the work order jobs, based on the maintenance plan procurement setup.

The screenshots below show an example of a work order that was updated to work order lifecycle state "Released", which triggered the automatic creation of related purchase orders for each work order line. Focus in the first two screenshots is on work order line 1. The work order line and the purchase order relates to the same project ID in the Project management and accounting module.

The third screenshot shows the project hierarchy. Each work order line - for assets "AK-101" and "AK-301" - get separate project IDs, which are used on each purchase order.

Refer to Microsoft documentation to learn more about Asset management and Project management and accounting integration in D365FO.

Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step procedure on how to create automatic procurement on a work order.

On a work order, you can easily get an overview of which purchase orders or purchase requisitions have been created for a work order line.

  1. On a Work order card, select a job line on the Work order maintenance jobs FastTab.
  2. Select Item tasks > Purchase requisition from work order job or Purchase order from work order job to open the Project purchase requisitions or Project purchase orders list.

Work order with two work order lines - line 1 selected, showing Project ID for the line.
Work order with two work order lines - line 1 selected, showing Project ID for the line.
Purchase order created from maintenance plan procurement setup, using the same Project ID as the work order line it was created from.
Purchase order created from maintenance plan procurement setup, using the same Project ID as the work order line it was created from.
Projects automatically created for the work order - one project ID for each work order line.
Projects automatically created for the work order - one project ID for each work order line.

Create Automatic Procurement on a Work Order

Data Requirements

  1. Maintenance plan procurement setup is completed.

Steps 2

  1. Create a work order using the appropriate maintenance job type.

  2. On the work order, update the work order lifecycle state to a state which is set up to create procurement.


The user can create a purchase order or a purchase requisition from updating the work order lifecycle state on a work order.

Create Item Requirements

You can create item requirements automatically for all active item forecasts on a work order when updating the work order's lifecycle state. This makes the process of creating item requirements easier and more time-efficient.

To use the functionality, you need to check the parameter Create item requirement on the relevant work order lifecycle state in the 'Maintenance Plan Procurement' tab. (Asset management > Setup > Work orders > Lifecycle states).

After checking the parameter, item requirements will be created automatically for all active item forecasts on this work order when updating the lifecycle state (the lifecycle state where the parameter is checked). See screenshot 01 below.

Note: item requirements can only be created automatically for time and material projects. If any work order line doesn't have time and material projects assigned, an error will be thrown when updating the work order lifecycle state.


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