When working with work order types in Advanced Asset Management, you can specify whether work order types should be active, change the lifecycle model on a work order type, and map maintenance job type categories to work order types.
You can define whether or not work order types are active.
To make the 'Active work order types' functionality enabled, a few things must be done beforehand:
To start using the 'Active work order types' functionality, navigate to Asset management > Setup > Work orders > Work order types where you can see the form shown in screenshot 01 below. Here, you can see that the 'Status > Active' checkbox is visible.
By default, upon enabling the feature, if none of the existing work order types are set to 'Active = Yes', all the work order types will be active. Otherwise, only work order types that are referenced by setup records in the following places will be enabled automatically:
When changing the work order types in the places in question, the new work order type provided must be set to 'Active = Yes'. Similarly, when deactivating a work order type, it can't be referenced by the setup records.
Generally, assuming this feature is activated, and when selecting a work order type, only active work order types will be displayed in the lookup dropdown grid.
You can relate maintenance job type categories to work order types.
Traditionally, maintenance job types are mapped to asset types, but by further relating them to work order types, it's easier to select the relevant job type categories and job types and it improves the quality of the entered data.
Maintenance job type must be applicable for both work order type and asset type, as asset type is still taken into consideration. It impacts the lookup of maintenance job type categories and maintenance job types when set up.
This functionality makes it easier to select the right job type when creating: work orders, related work orders, work orders from requests, and work orders from tool crib. It's also used when creating work orders in the Mobile client. This only affects the lookup values shown.
Note, if relations are not set up between maintenance job type categories and work order types, the lookups work as standard.
You can specify the related work order types on the 'Work order types' form. This allows you to limit work order type lookup only to allowed related work order types when you create related work order from a work order or a maintenance checklist review. When creating related work orders, this helps to select the work order type more easily and improves the quality of data entered. View the screenshot below for reference.
When creating related work orders from a work order or a maintenance checklist review, you have the option to define the parent project. This setup helps in organizing and managing related work orders effectively.
You can set up which parent project to be used when a related work order is created. On Work order types, you can use the option 'Related work order parent project'. See the screenshot below.
On 'Related work order parent project', you have the following options:
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