Remarks and Reason Code

When changing lifecycle states on work orders, it's possible to add a remark as to why the state is changed.


A brief overview of the remarks and reason code functionality.

When changing lifecycle states on work orders, it's possible to add a remark as to why the state is changed.

These functionalities provide an overview of why and how many times work orders has changed states and been rescheduled.


To setup this functionality you must decide in which lifecycle state that the remark should be mandatory.

Go to Asset Management > Setup > Work orders > Lifecycle States

In the General section find Remark and set the Remark mandatory toggle-button to Yes

By checking it on specific lifecycle state providing remark is mandatory in update work order lifecycle state dialog when user tries to change manually work order lifecycle state to this specific one.

In the work order lifecycle state setup scroll down to the Lifecycle state remarks tab. Here you have have the possibility to add to the selected lifecycle state a set of predefined remarks with related reason codes which will be displayed in remark lookup in update work order lifecycle state dialog when user will try to change manually work order lifecycle state to this specific one. Click + Add and put in a Remark and a reason code (see attached image).

If a remark is entered for a lifecycle state and the same remark exists for a different lifecycle state, the reason code will be automatically updated. The user can still overwrite reason codes.

Use of Remarks and Reason Codes

When updating a work order lifecycle state the update lifecycle state dialog opens.

Go to Asset Management > Work Orders

Choose a work order and go Work order > Lifecycle state > Update work order state

Select the state to which you want to change current lifecycle state to. If you have setup that the remark is mandatory on the state you switch to then the remark and reason code field appear above the grid and you have to put in a remark and reason code before you can update the state.

If predefined remarks have been specified for selected lifecycle state you can select these from a drop-down menu.

After selecting predefined remark from the drop-down the reason code field is updated automatically with the reason code related to selected remark. User can modify the selected predefined remark in the remark field and provide more description there.

When user provides remark and updates lifecycle state then selected remark and reason code are copied automatically to the lifecycle state log.

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