Assign asset and location to default Customer No.

On the Asset Locations page, the user can specify the Defaul Customer No.

It can be also done directly on the Asset Location Card.

On the Asset Card, the user can specify the Customer No. for which all bills will be created automatically.

If the location has its Default Customer No. - it will be applied to the Asset when the Asset Location is selected.

Bill-to Customer No. on the Asset Card can be always changed manually.

On the Asset Transfer Order the user sees what is the Current Bill-to Customer No. and can specify the New Bill-to Customer No. which will be applied after Asset Transfer.

If the location to which all assets are going to be transferred - has its own Default Bill-to No. - this number will be applied automatically to the list but can be changed.

On Asset Transfer Entries there is a possibility to inspect the previous Customer No. and new Customer No. added after the transfer.

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