Possibiity to post and close multiple work orders at the same time

On the Work Orders list a new action Post/Close... is added. This functionality supports only Work Orders, it does not work for Round Orders.

The user can post/close one or more records from the list.

After selecting the button the user is asked if selected records shall be processed.

Then the user must choose an option.

Then the user is informed about the number of processed records.

This functionality supports only Work Orders with the status 'Completed'.

If the Work Order needs remarks - the Work Order will not be closed without them.

If the Work Order needs failure codes - the Work Order will not be closed without these codes.

If the Work Order needs a counter reading - the Work Order will not be closed without a reading.

The rest of the possible limitations (Asset Condition Mandatory, etc. - from the Asset Management Setup) are skipped. Only missing mandatory remarks, mandatory Failure Codes, missing needed Counter Reading, or missing data (like Resource No.) can block posting/closing the Work Order.

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