Ability to Devide lines on Work Order Lines

The user has the possibility to divide the selected resource line.

The division is possible on the Work Order, on the line that contains Resource No. or Work Type Code.

When selected - the user needs to define what is the new quantity on the line.

In the given example - the user selected the line where the quantity was set up as 10. The user wants to create lines that will have quantity set up as 3. So the result will be:

  • the original line will be reduced to quantity 3
  • two new lines will be created with quantity 3
  • the last line with the remaining 1 quantity will be added as the last line*

*Remainder (if exists) will be added always to the last line

When the line is already consumed (quantity set up as 10 and 2 are already posted) - division will have a result:

  • quantity on the original line will be reduced to the consumed quantity
  • new lines will be created based on the entered Quantity on Line value

Every time when the line is being divided - all data for the new line is taken from the original line (except - quantity).

For Advanced Planning (setup in the Asset Management Setup):

  • ending time on the original line will always be changed to the starting date of this line
  • each new line will have starting date as +1 day from the previous one (the ending date will be the same as starting date of this line)
  • order of the task is taken from the original line
  • starting time/ending time will be set up from 1:00 - 23:00
  • after division - the Planned Ending Date on the Work Order header will be updated

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