Follow-up Work Order Planning

You can use a new frequency for a Work Order Plan - 'Work Order'.

This solution might be useful if you have work orders which are going to be done in the future, but you just want to create another work order (for even completely different asset) when the previous work is finished. Example: someone is doing a hydraulic work on Monday and you just need to be sure that nothing is leaking so one day after the hydraulic job is done - you are generating a work order to check if everything is in order.

Work Order Plan and Work Order Frequency

To set up a follow up work order you just need to go on a work order plan (or create a new one) and specify the proper frequency.

After selecting the value in the Scheduled column - a window will open. In this window you need to specify which Work Order Plan No. and the Delay in days.  It means that when the Work Order created from specified Plan will be closed - it will create a trigger to create Work Order from this followup Work Order Plan.

+Important: planned date for the Follow Up Work Order will be calculated based on the Posting Date of the Source Work order and the Delay in days.+

On the Work Order Plan card you can also find an information about the number of Follow Up Plans for which this plan is set up as the trigger. !image-2023-04-07-13-15-01-982.png|width=864,height=351!

Selecting the value in this field will open a Work Order Plan Frequencies list where you can inspect all frequencies where this plan is set up as a trigger for the Work Order.

The new frequency - Work Order - works the same as other frequencies:

  • you can specify more than one frequency for the same source plan
  • you can specify more than one frequency on the same plan for different source plans

When the source work order is finished (someone CLOSED this work order) it will update the plans where this source work is set up as a frequency, and these plans are ready to be calculated. So it is not creating work orders from follow-up plans automatically. It must still be planned and confirmed by managers.

Work Order

On the work order card you can find new fields (both hidden by default):

  • Follow Up Orders - it is showing a number of work orders that are follow up orders for this work order

  • Follow Up Orders to - it is showing the number of orders for which this work order is a follow up in the style X/Y where:

  • X - the number of already created orders Y - the number of possible orders

Selecting a value in these fields is opening the Follow Up Work Orders list with the proper filtering. On the list you can inspect more details about the orders.

  • in the toolbar, you can use actions to open the relevant document
  • Open - this is an information that work order that is triggering the specific frequency is closed (so the plan is ready to create a work order) - but it does not mean that the work order has been created
  • Closed - this is a piece of information that this follow up work order is already closed
  • Asset No. - here you can check for which asset the follow up work order exits

If the work order has more follow up work orders but they are not created yet, and there is a possibility to use the current work order for future follow up - you can do it by specifying the Follow Up Order No.

With this - when you will close the current work order - it will also close selected follow ups.

Posted Work Order

On the work order card you can find new fields (both hidden by default):

  • Follow Up Orders - it is showing a number of work orders that are follow up orders for this posted work order
  • Follow Up Orders to - it is showing the number of orders for which this posted work order is a follow up

Selecting value in these fields is opening the Follow Up Work Orders list with the proper filtering. On the list you can inspect more details about the orders.

Create Follow Up Work Order**{**}

From the Work Order and Posted Work Order cards you can use an action - Create Follow Up Work Order.

It is opening a window where you can specify the work order which will be follow up for the order/posted order from which you are using this action.

  • All fields and functions are the same as are in the One-Off Work Order Creator
  • Delay - specify the delay (in days)*

*Important: when you are creating the follow up work order this way - today's date and delay are used to calculate planned date for the work order that is being created

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