Ability to filter asset list based on asset category and asset location containing child categories

On the Asset List you can create a filter for location and asset category that includes all children locations/categories below selected one.

In our case:

  • when we select UV LAMS and include children - the final result is: UV LAMPS|UV LAMPS CAT 1|UV LAMPS SUBCAT 1-1|UV SUB CAT 1-1-1|UV LAMPS SUBCAT 1-2|UV LAMPS CAT 2
  • when we select UV LAMPS CAT 1 and include children - the final result is: UV LAMPS CAT 1|UV LAMPS SUBCAT 1-1|UV SUB CAT 1-1-1|UV LAMPS SUBCAT 1-2 

If you are not including children in the filter - just selected record is applied as a filter.

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