Define Asset Defects

You can create defects for the specific asset. These defects are shown when the maintenance orders are being executed so you can solve them if you can - during the not related to them work order/round order. With the proper permissions defect can be registered by any BC user in the system.

Defect Categories

Defect Categories specifying the category of the defect.

Standard Defects

Standard Defects are Defects that are typical in your company. When the defect is being registered - you can choose only the standard defect, and all data will be applied automatically to the defect.

Defect Registration

Defects can be registered only from the list of defects of selected asset. List can be open from different places in the system.

For example on the asset card there is an action Asset Defects.

In Asset Details FactBox there is a field with the number of actually open defects. Selecting this number opens a list of defects on the asset.

Sometimes you can see the notification describing how many defects is currently open for the asset. Defect list can be also open from that place.

Being on the Asset Defects list - you can register the defect for the asset. Only one field is mandatory - Description. by choosing Defect Code this field is filled automatically from the Defect Code description, but always can be changed. If you do not have a proper Defect Code - you can put just a description, and it will be still properly registered defect.

+Once registered Asset Defect can not be edited.+

From that place you can open:

  • Work Order Card - it will open an order document (or posted order) during which this defect was solved
  • Source Document Card- it will open the document card from which the defect was registered*

*You can register defects from: Asset, Work Order, Round Order, Asset Transfer and Downtime. When you are opening the Asset Defect list being on the specific document and you are creating a defect - this document will be specified as the source document.

Solving Defect****

When you are working on a work order or round order - you can open a list of asset defects. When you open this list - you can mark existing defect as solved.

Because you have opened this list directly from the specific order card - Solved By Document No. is automatically added to the line.

Asset Defects for all assets

You can always open the list of all asset defects in your company. On the list you can check all assets with defects. List is not editable and has only informative purpose.

Asset Tree

Actual (not solved) defects might be shown on the Asset Tree.

On the Asset Tree there is and action to show all Asset Defects of the selected asset, and the node representing the active defects on the asset.

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