Ability to set default Locked and Unlocked States on Lockout Point

On the Lockout Point you can define what is the state of the Lockout Point when the point is unlocked/locked. It can be OPEN/CLOSED, UNLOCKED/LOCKED, DISARMED/ARMED, etc.

With this functionality every time when someone is locking/unlocking the lockout point - the relevant value is set up on the Lockout Point as its Current State.

What is important - when someone will lock the lockout point - this status will be set up even if someone is locking and unlocking the same lockout point.


In the company we have a valve that needs to be locked. Our procedure says that two padlocks must be placed by two different technicians. Default state for Locked is CLOSED and for Unlocked is OPEN. Technician A is locking the Lockout Point (valve) by placing his padlock on the valve - so theĀ  current state of Lockout Point is CLOSED . Technician B is adding his padlock and locking the Lockout Point - the current state of the Lockout Point is still CLOSED .

Technician B is removing his padlock and unlocking the Lockout Point - but the padlock from the technician A is still there so the current state of the Lockout Point is still CLOSED .

Technician A is removing his padlock and unlocking the Lockout Point - everything is removed so the Lockout Point state is OPEN.

On the Lockout Point card you can find:

  • Current State of the lockout point
  • Default State When Unlocked
  • Default State When Locked

On the Lockout lines you can find:

  • Lockout Point State - Current
  • Lockout Point State - Locked
  • Lockout Point State - Unlocked

All fields are not editable.

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