You can create Lockout Template that later can be used to create a lockout document.
First you need to specify the number series in the Safe Work Setup.
This number series is supported with the Default No. Series action.
Now you can create Lockout Template. Thanks to that later you will be able to easily create a specific lockout with some predefined Lockout Points. Processing Order works the same as it is on the lockout header. All data from this document will be added to the lockout created from this template.
You can create lockout based on the lockout template from places like:
When you apply all needed information and use Create Lockout action - the lockout based on selected template will be created.
Created lockout might be automatically set up with the state Pending Lockout (approved document) - to do this you just need to specify Approved in the creator. To use approved - used template must contains at least one line, Assigned To, Planned Start Date, and Planned End Date are specified.
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