From now, on the asset card, you can use some fields dedicated for finance description of the asset.
*Expected End Of Life Date** - where you can define when the asset will stop operating - field added in the Additional Information
*Ownership Code** - here you can define the owner of the asset (value selected from the Asset Ownership table)
Acquisition Date - here you can specify when you got the asset
Acquisition Cost - here you can specify what was the cost of getting the asset
Current Value - here you can specify what is the current value of the asset
Replacement Cost - here you can specify what is the cost of the asset replacement
Insurance Policy - here you can specify what is the insurance policy for this asset - by default EAM permissions are not including access to the Insurance Policy records. You should add it by your own.
*these fields are also added to the Asset Migration Template that you are using in the Assisted Setup
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