It's possible to easily rename multiple functional locations using the 'Functional location identifier rename service' to rename functional location identifiers.
Using the functionality Functional location identifier rename service you can rename functional location identifiers.
- Go to System administration > Setup > License configuration.
- From License configuration, enable the configuration key Dynaway Data Manipulation Toolbox.
Rename functional location identifiers
- In Periodic > Functional location > Rename functional locations, you will see the 'Rename functional locations' dialog.
- In the dialog, specify what the functional location begins with and what the new prefix should be.
- Example: Functional location identifiers that start with 'rename' will be prefixed with 'test-' which results in the functional location identifier 'rename1' will become 'test-rename1'. See screenshot 01 below for reference.
- If you want to include assets, you can check the parameter 'Include assets'. Checking this parameter means that asset identifiers will be renamed as well based on the provided field values.
- Click OK to apply your changes.
- There is a validation if the renamed functional location identifier doesn't exceed the maximum allowed functional location identifier character length.
- There is a validation if the current functional location lifecycle state allows renaming.
- If a record fails the validation, it will be skipped during the identifier rename operation.
- If 'Include assets' is off, the 'Assets found' input field will be hidden.
01: 'Rename functional locations' dialog.