Get an overview of all your Assets' activities. Using the Asset Activity Board, you can view Asset related activities happening today and weeks ahead. View activities such as: Work Orders, Downtimes, Asset Transfers, Maintenance Log, and Production Orders.
In the following articles, you will find everything related to the setup of the Asset Activity Board to help you get started and customize the data you want to view on your Asset Activity Board. A default setup is automatically applied to the board, which you can make changes to anytime if you want to, both on a general level and on a user-specific level.
These articles cover the general setup and the user specific setup related to the Asset Activity Board.
The general setup
The general setup contains setup that is applied to all users.
- Setting up the type of data you want to be visible on the board.
- Such as data you want to see for Assets for instance Description, Asset No., Status, Priority and so on.
- Setting up colors and managing filters on the board.
- Colors can be used on for instance Work Order Statuses and help you get an overview and differentiate between statuses. Filters help you get specific on what data you want to view.
User specific setup
The user specific setup contains setup that is applied to the specific user who is logged in.
- Setting up and customizing what you want to see on the board and how.
- Setting up a time period that you want to show activity within.
- Applying a default filter used when a user opens the board.
- Setting up which objects you want to be visible on the board.
- Setting up symbols to represent data about objects such as assets to give a clearer overview.
All users set up as maintenance employees have access to use the Asset Activity Board. If some users should have a limited access to the board, they can be set up to have access to a read-only mode without being able to make edits.
Remember to set up users as maintenance employees.
To set up users who should only have access to a read-only mode without being able to make edits, go to:
- Maintenance employees from the search bar.
- Click the checkbox in the 'Scheduling Board Read Only' tab for users or groups who should have read-only access.
Note: Two new permission sets have been added for the board:
- The 'DAM EAM SCHEDULER' set is for users who can make edits on the board.
- The 'DAM EAM S.BOARD READ' set is for users who can only read the board without making changes.
The general setup of the Asset Activity Board is applied for all users using the board.
The board automatically has a default setup which can be changed later. The Asset Activity Board Setup page can be accessed from the search bar.
On the home tab on the Asset Activity Board Setup page, you can see an overview of data from which you can create labels and tooltips for objects on the board.
You can customize the data shown on the board for the following objects:
- Assets
- Work Orders
- Work Order Simulations
- Downtimes
- Downtime Simulations
- Asset Transfers (with the exeption of labels)
- Maintenance Logs
- Production Orders
Each object has its own legend to help change the setup from the default setup. As seen in the screenshot below, you can put values in the fields to the right which you want to see on the board. Read more about setting up labels and tooltips here.
If you want to restore the setup to the default one, Select Home > Restore Defaults to restore the default configuration.
Example of adding values for Work Order label and tooltips into the fields to the right.
You can set up colors for the Asset Activity Board. Working with colors lets you customize data in a visual way and make it easier to get an overview of asset activity.
From the 'Set up Colors' tab on the Asset Activity Board Setup, you can use the toolbar to select which objects you want to create colors for. For instance, if you want to create colors for Work Order Statuses, go to:
- Set up Colors > Work Orders > Work Order statuses.
- A list with the Work Order statutes opens.
- In the Color column to the right, click a field for the status of which color you want to change.
- Select a color from the drop-down.
- Repeat steps 3-4 in the other Work Order Status fields to change their colors if necessary.
Selecting objects from the 'Set up Colors' tab.
Example of colors for Work Order Statuses.
From the Asset Activity Board Setup, you can manage all saved filters within your company by selecting Filters from the toolbar.
- Saved Filters contain information about the description, who it was created by, whether it's shared, and what board type it's applied to.
- In the Shared column, you can see whether a filter is shared with other users.
- To work with shared filters, select a checkbox in the 'Shared' column for a filter that you want to share or unshare with other users.
- Sharing a filter is helpful when you know that you and other workers will benefit from using the same.
- A filter can only be applied to one board type.
On the Asset Activity Board, you can apply, create, clear, and save filters.
- From the Apply Filter toolbar, select Apply Filter to apply one of your saved filters to be shown on the board.
- Select Create Filter if you want to create a new filter, fill out the form based on the filter you want to create, and click OK to finish setting up your filter.
- The filter is now shown on the board. To save it, go to Apply Filter > Save Filter and enter a description for the filter. Click OK to save the filter.
- If you want to clear the filter, go to Apply Filter > Clear Filter. After clearing a filter, you can start over and create a new one, if needed.
View the documentation below to see how to work with filters on a user-specific level.
The Asset Activity Board can be opened from the Asset Manager role center within Assets, or from the search bar.
The board has a default layout setup which can be customized by each user. From the board, select User Setup from the reload toolbar to open the user setup. Note: more options can be shown by using personalization on the page.
On the user setup, you can set up the following information:
- Board setup
- Assets
- Work Orders
- Asset Downtimes
- Asset Transfers
- Production Orders
Choosing User Setup from the board.
The User Setup page with tabs to set up each objects.
In the 'Setup' tab, you can do the following:
- Specify the dates or time period the board shows activity from and to.
- Specify a filter to be applied when you open the board.
- Specify if symbols should be visible.
- Specify if Work Order should be visible.
Note: You can use 'personalization' to add even more fields that you want to be visible on the board. Click the cogwheel in the upper right corner > Personalize > + Field to drag fields to the setup tab.
Specify Asset activity from and to
- In the Board Scope field, you can toggle the button if you want to use dates to create the board, meaning that you can specify when the board should show activity from and to. Refer to the screenshot below.
- If you don't toggle the button, you can define the number of days that you want activity to be shown from and to. The number will calculate the first date shown on the board based on today's date.
Note: In situations where you have activity that starts before the period that the board shows acitivity from, you will maybe only be able to see part of the activity block and it's ending date. Refer to the screenshots below.
Manage and apply a default filter
A default filter can be applied to the board every time you open it. Each user can have their own default filter applied.
- Click the three dots next to the Default Filter field and select a filter to apply.
- You can also view filters created by you by going to Related > User Filters which opens a list of saved filters.
- From Related > User Filters, you can also change the description of a filter and decide whether the filter should be shared with other users by using the checkbox in the 'Shared' column.
- If you need to remove a filter, you can go to Related > Remove Default Filter.
- If you need to delete a filter, you can go to Related > User Filters and click the delete button to delete a filter from the Saved Filters list. Note, if a filter is specified as default, you are not able to delete it unless you remove it as a default filter.
Visible symbols and Work Orders
In the setup tab in the Visible Objects field, you can toggle the button 'Symbols Visible' to show symbols on the board, and you can toggle the button 'Work Orders' to show Work Orders on the board.
Add more fields
You can use 'personalization' to add even more objects that you want to be visible on the board. Click the cogwheel in the upper right corner > Personalize > + Field to drag fields to the Visible Objects area.
You can add the following objects:
- Work Orders Simulations – define if you want to see objects representing Work Order Simulations.
- Asset Downtimes – define if you want to see objects representing Asset Downtimes.
- Asset Downtimes Simulations – define if you want to see objects representing Asset Downtime Simulations.
- Asset Transfers – define if you want to see objects representing Asset Transfers.
- Objects Compressed - define if all objects on the board are compressed to one line.
- Maintenance Logs - define if you want to see objects representing Maintenance Logs.
- Asset Condition Changes - define if you want to see objects representing asset condition changes. Only visible when Maintenance Logs are visible.
- Asset Status Changes - define if you want to see objects representing asset status changes. Only visible when Maintenance Logs are visible.
- Asset Location Changes - define if you want to see objects representing asset location changes. Only visible when Maintenance Logs are visible.
- Production Orders - define if you want to see objects representing Production Orders. (Only available when Dynaway Manufacturing, 2301.0.0.0 or higher, is installed).
User setup - board scope and dates.
Activity block starting before the period of activity set up to show on the board.
The start and end point of this activity block is shown on the board.
In the User Setup from the Asset Activity Board, you can configure how Assets are shown. Assets are either organized in groups or shown as a full list of Assets (on the left side of the board).
From Group Assets, you can specify how you want to organize assets in the field to the left on the board. Assets can be grouped into the following:
- None – all assets are listed alphabetically.
- By Parent – asset view is created by asset hierarchy.
- By Location – assets are added to groups representing asset locations. The structure of asset locations is also visible.
- By Status – assets are added to groups representing asset statuses.
- By Condition – assets are added to groups representing asset conditions.
- By Category – assets are added to groups representing asset categories. The structure of categories is also visible.
From Asset Color, you can specify which color an Asset should have on the board, and here you must define where the asset color is created from. From the drop-down, you can choose between:
- None – color is not used for assets.
- Asset Condition – asset color is created from the Asset Condition Color.
- Asset Status – asset color is created from the Asset Status Color.
- Asset Category – asset color is created from the Asset Category Color.
- Asset Location – asset color is created from the Asset Location Color.
Add more fields
In the Asset tab, you can use 'personalization' to add even more fields that you want to be visible on the board. Click the cogwheel in the upper right corner > Personalize > + Field to drag fields to the Asset tab.
You can add the following fields:
- Show Empty Group - define if you want to see empty groups on the board. This option has no impact when assets are grouped by parent. Empty group has two different scenarios depending on whether the action 'Assets With Object' is on.
- If off: Empty Group has no assets on it.
- If on: Empty Group has no activities on it.
- Groups Collapsed - define that all groups will be in a collapsed state every time you open the board.
- Show Groups Only - define if you only want to see groups on the board. This option is useful if you want to focus on what's going on in groups (for example asset locations).
In the Work Order tab on the User Setup page, you can configure how you want to view Work Order and Work Order Simulation data on the board.
From Order Color by, you can specify which color a Work Order/Work Order Simulations should have on the board, and here you must define where the Work Order color is created from. From the drop-down, you can choose between:
- None – default color for the work order is used.
- Work Order Status – work order color is created from the Work Order Status Color.
- Work Order Category – work order color is created from the Work Order Category Color.
- Frequency Type – work order color is created from the Frequency Type Color.
- Maintenance Type – work order color is created from the Maintenance Type Color.
From Default Order Color, you can specify a default color for Work Orders and simulations.
On the Show Lines Caption toggle button, you can turn it on if you want to see captions for lines (Original Planned Date/Latest Finish Date).
In the Original Planned Date area, you can:
- Specify if you want to see the line representing original planned date by turning on the button 'Show original planned date'.
- Specify if the scope of work is highlighted from the originally planned date of the work order when the block is being moved by turning on the button 'Highlight scope from original planned date'.
In the Latest Finish Date area, you can:
- Specify if you want to see the line representing the latest finish date by turning on the button 'Show latest finish date'.
- Specify if the scope of work is highlighted to the latest finish date of the work order when the block is being moved by turnign on the button 'Highlight scope to latest finish date'.
Add more fields
In the Work Order tab, you can use 'personalization' to add even more fields that you want to be visible on the board. Click the cogwheel in the upper right corner > Personalize > + Field to drag fields to the Work Order tab.
You can add the following fields:
- Work Order Visible On Group - specify if you want to see the block representing the work order on the group.
- Work Order Simulation Visible On Group - specify if you want to see the block representing the work order simulation on the group.
- Original Planned Date Line - specify the color of the original planned date line.
- Original Planned Date Line Caption - specify the color of the original planned date line caption.
- Latest Finish Date Line - specify the color of the latest finish date line.
- Latest Finish Date Line Caption - specify the color of the latest finish date line caption.
In the Asset Downtimes tab on the User Setup page, you can configure how you want to view Asset Downtimes on the board.
From Downtime Color by, you can specify which color a downtime should have on the board, and here you must define where the downtime color is created from. From the drop-down, you can choose between:
- None – default color for downtime is used.
- Downtime Status – downtime color is created from the Downtime Status Color.
- Downtime Category – downtime color is created from the Downtime Category Color.
From Default Downtime Color, you can specify a default color from the drop-down.
Select the 'Show more' tab to see the following fields:
- Show Closed Downtime - specify if you want to see closed downtimes on the board.
- Connection With Work Order - specify if you want to see an arrow from the downtime pointing to the related work orders.
Add more fields
In the Asset Downtimes tab, you can use 'personalization' to add even more fields that you want to be visible on the board. Click the cogwheel in the upper right corner > Personalize > + Field to drag fields to the Asset Downtimes tab.
You can add the following fields:
- Downtime Visible on Group - specify if you want to see the block representing the downtime on the group.
- Downtime Simulation Visible on Group - specify if you want to see the block representing the simulated downtime on the group.
In the Asset Transfers tab on the User Setup page, you can configure how you want to view Asset Transfers on the board.
From Shipment Color, you can specify the color of asset shipment allocation from the drop-down.
From Receipt Color, you can specify the color of the asset receipt allocation.
From Direct Transfer Line Color, you can specify the color of the asset transfer line for direct transfers.
From Indirect Transfer Line Color, you can specify the color of the asset transfer line for indirect transfers.
Add more fields
In the Asset Transfer tab, you can use 'personalization' to add even more fields that you want to be visible on the board. Click the cogwheel in the upper right corner > Personalize > + Field to drag fields to the Asset Transfers tab.
You can add the following field:
- Asset Transfer Visible On Location Group - specify if asset transfer allocations are visible on the groups. This is only applied when the assets are grouped by location.
In the Production Orders tab on the User Setup page, you can configure how you want to view Production Orders on the board, if you are using Dynaway Manufacturing.
From Production Orders on Group, you can specify if you want to see production orders on groups.
Note, the field is hidden by personalization, but can be shown by clicking the cogwheel in the upper right corner > Personalize > + Field and dragging the field to the tab.