Get a visual overview of all your Assets' activities. Using the Asset Activity Board, you can view Asset related activities happening today and weeks ahead. View activities such as: Work Orders, Downtimes, Asset Transfers, Maintenance Log, and Production Orders.
You have completed the setup for Asset Activity Board.
In the following articles, you can read about how to use the board and view data relevant for you.
In the article Manage the General view of the Board, you will find information about how to:
In the article Manage Maintenance on the Board, you will find information about how to work with:
The Asset Activity Board can be accessed via search or by going to the Assets toolbar and choosing Asset Activity Board.
From the Asset Activity Board, you can define general settings of how you want to view the board and the data on it.
From the Reload tab, you can:
From the Today tab, you can:
On the timeline at the top, you can use the scroll wheel on your mouse to either zoom in on a date to view time periods within that date, or zoom out to view weeks.
From the Apply Filter tab, you can:
Read more about general filters on the board here, or read about user-specific default filters here.
From the Collapse All tab, you can select Collapse All to collapse all groups of assets on the board, or select Expand All to expand all groups of assets.
From the View tab, you can specify whether you want to show or hide certain information.
From the table below, you can see all actions available when showing and hiding records on the board.
Note: When the action shown in section A is visible, the action in section B is not and vice versa.
A | Explanation | B | Explanation |
Asset with Object |
Removes assets without allocation from the board view. Note: If you have an asset that has a work order, but you have set up the board to not show work orders, this asset is considered an asset without object, on the board. |
All Assets | Deactivates 'Asset With Object' function. All assets are shown on the board |
Hide Empty Groups |
Note: when Asset With Object is off, the empty group has no assets in it. When the Asset With Object is on, the empty group has no activities in it. |
Show Empty Groups | Adds empty groups to the board. |
Show Groups Only | Use it to hide assets. | Show Assets | Use it to show assets. |
Show Priority | Use it to show priority bookmarks on work order and downtime blocks | Hide Priority | Use it to remove priority bookmarks |
Compress Objects | Use it to compress all visible objects to only one line | Expand Objects |
Use it to remove compression |
Highlight Overdue | Use it to keep colors only on work orders that are overdue, other work orders will be transparent. | Highlight All | Use it to remove highlighting overdue work orders |
The information shown on each Asset block (label) to the left and on the tooltip (the text field that is shown when you hover over the Asset block) can be specified in the setup here.
Use Objects from the toolbar to turn on/off the visibility of allocations on the board.
From Objects you can:
Use the Search tab to find specific records on the board. From Search you can open a list of records from each object. When selecting a record from a list, the record is highlighted on the board in a blinking motion surrounding the block. You can click on the board to dismiss the blinking. From Search you can see lists of records from:
In this section, you will see how you can manage maintenance on the board regarding Assets and all other objects shown on the board.
On the left side of the board, you can see Assets. These may show up as organized in groups or as a list of all Assets. View further documentation on how to set up groups here.
In the example in the screenshot below, Assets are grouped by Assets By Parent, Assets By Location, and Assets By Status.
Asset Symbols
Asset Symbols are shown on the left side next to the list of Assets and/or Asset Groups. The symbols are:
Right-click on an Asset row to open the context menu.
For a virtual Asset, you can:
For a non-virtual Asset, you can:
Work Orders and Simulated Work Orders are blocks that represent Work Order document or Simulated Work Order document.
The color of the simulation block is always lighter than the regular Work Order. See screenshot 1 below.
Work Order Simulation blocks are only shown on the board and can't be moved. Moving Work Order blocks is possible, but only when Adanced Planning in Asset Management Setup is off.
Work Order blocks can be moved between dates on the same row/Asset (horisontally), but not between Assets (vertically).
Blocks on groups can't be moved. If you have an Asset group shown on the left, you can show a Work Order block for the group. The Work Order block for a group has a different shape than an original Work Order block and a lighter color.
If the group has a parent/child structure, for instance Asset Locations, the block of the group will be shown from the top parent of the original group. See screenshot 2 below.
If you double click on the block from the group, the original Work Order block will be highlighted and the view will be scrolled to it.
When right-clicking a block representing a Work Order, you can:
When right-clicking a block representing a Work Order Simulation, you can:
Asset Downtimes and Simulated Downtimes are blocks that represent Downtime Entry document or Simulated Downtime Entry document.
The color of the simulation block is always lighter than the regular Downtime. See screenshot 1 below.
Asset Downtimes Simulation blocks are only shown on the board but can't be moved.
Asset Downtime blocks can be moved between dates on the same row/Asset (horisontally), but not between Assets (vertically). Asset Downtime blocks can only be moved when the Downtime is open, not when it's closed. The date and time is automatically applied to the document.
Blocks on groups can't be moved. If you're working with Asset groups (shown on the left side), Asset Downtime blocks can be shown on groups where it has the same shape as a single Asset Downtime block, but the red color is faded. If a group has a parent/child structure, for instance Asset Locations, the block on the group will be shown from the top parent of the original group. See screenshot 2 for an example of moving the Downtime.
If you double click on the block from group, the original Asset Downtime block will be highlighted and the view will be scrolled to it.
When right-clicking a block representing an Asset Downtime, you can:
When right-clicking a block representing an Asset Downtime Simulation, you can:
In the User Setup from the Asset Activity Board, you can set up a visual connection between Asset Downtimes and Work Orders.This connection is visualized as an arrow from downtime to work order. See screenshot 3 for an example of the visual connection.
Asset Transfers on the board are represented by two blocks, shipping and receipt, and an arrow between these blocks. Each block represents the line from the Asset Transfer document.
Blocks of Asset Transfer, shipping or receipt, can only be moved when the Asset Transfer is not yet shipped. Blocks on group can't be moved.
For Asset Transfers, it's possible to show blocks on groups but only when Assets are grouped by locations. This is different to other objects on the board that can be shown in groups by multiple factors.
Asset Transfer blocks can be moved between dates on the same row/Asset (horisontally), but not between Assets (vertically). Because each block represents one line from the Asset Transfer document, when you move one block for the Asset that is not only one Asset on the asset transfer, the rest of the Assets (asset transfer lines) will be updated on the board.
If you double click on the block from group, the first transfer line block will be highlighted and the view will be scrolled to it.
When Asset Transfers are shown on groups, and Assets are grouped by Location, you can see a clear view of what is happening with Asset Transfers in your company. You can remove empty groups, show Assets with object, and turn off visibility of other objects to make this view more clear and only contain information about Asset Transfers.
When right-clicking a block representing an Asset Transfer, you can:
Maintenance Logs on the board are represented by a symbol of a blue star and are created based off of data from the Maintenance Log table. Symbols shown on the board can't be moved.
Before showing Maintenance Logs on your board, make sure that the needed data is being collected in your company, which you can check from the Maintenance Log Setup. On the board you can check Maintenance Logs for changes on Asset Status, Asset Location, and Asset Condition.
To show Production Orders on the board, you need to install Dynaway EAM Manufacturing (2301.0.0.0 or higher).
Production Orders are blocks that represent Production Order documents.
On the board you can see Production Orders with the statuses:
Blocks of Production Orders can only be shown on the board and can't be moved.
If groups exist, you can show Production Order blocks on the group. The color of the block on group is lighter than the color of a production order. If the group has a parent/children structure, for instance Asset Locations, the block on the group is shown from the top parent of the original group.
If you double click on the block from group, the original Production Order block will be highlighted and the view will be scrolled to it.
Note: On the board, you can only see Production Orders which are related to a manufacturing center that is connected to an Asset. If a Downtime creates a 'production on hold' production order, you will not see this production order on the board.
When right-clicking a block representing a Production Order, you can:
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