Asset Setup describes the setup tasks to be completed before you can create and manage Assets in EAM-BC.
- Prerequisites
You have installed a valid license for Enterprise Asset Management (EAM-BC) for Business Central.
- Audience
Sysadmin, Maintenance Manager
Use the Asset Data Migration Wizard to easily migrate Asset data from your previous ERP system to EAM-BC. The Asset data wizard allows you to migrate:
Asset data:
- Asset No.
- Description
- Status
- Condition
- Category
- Criticality
- Asset Parent No.
- Location data: Location, Latitude, Longitude, Level
- Product and tracking dimensions: Model, Serial number, Manufacturer
- Notes
- Virtual Asset
- Assigned To
- Warranty No.
Asset Item data:
- Asset No.
- Item No.
- Variant Code
Asset Attributes data:
- Asset No.
- Attribute Name
- Attribute Value
Fixed Asset Relation data:
- Asset No.
- Fixed Asset No.
Learn more in this video: Migrate Asset Business Data, or follow these steps:
- On your role center, open the Asset Data Migration Wizard by selecting the Settings button at the top of the screen > Assisted Setup, or search for and select Assisted Setup.
- In the Assisted Setup list > Migrate data to Dynaway EAM section, select Migrate assets and go through the wizard.
- Download the Excel templates and add your Asset data.
- Upload the file and migrate the data.
To learn more about how to set up a configuration package, refer to Microsoft D365BC documentation: Prepare a Configuration Package.
To learn more about the general setup, refer to Microsoft D365BC documentation: Setting up Business Central.
Migrate Asset Data
In Asset Management Setup, you set up various data related to Assets and Work Orders in EAM-BC.
On your Role Center, click the Assets Setup menu item > Asset Management Setup. You can also search in Tell Me for Asset Management Setup.
Asset Management Setup
Icons for Condition Codes are shown in the Description field on Asset Lists.
- On your role center, select Assets Setup > Asset Management Setup.
- If you want to use icons for Condition Codes, activate the Use Condition Icons toggle button.
- Select Actions > Import Icons to import the icons you want to use. Icons are provided by Dynaway.
- Select Related > Predefined Icons to see a list of existing icons.
- You can import icons from the Predefined Icons list by selecting Actions > Import Icons.
- In Asset Management Setup > Assets section, you find Asset-related setup.
- In the Asset Dimension field, select which dimension code should be used for Assets. The selected dimension is automatically added to all the Assets you create. The dimension is used for financial reporting on Maintenance Assets in D365BC.
- In the Dimension Value Name as Asset Description parameter, you can enable it if you want to use the asset description for the dimension value name. If you leave it off, the asset no. is used as the name of the dimension value.
- Activate the Asset Location Mandatory toggle button if you want to ensure that once you have selected a location on an Asset Card, you can change the location if required, but you cannot leave the Asset Location Code field blank.
- Activate the Same Location on Child Asset toggle button if you want to ensure that any change of location on a parent Asset will add the same location to the child Assets.
- In the Warranty Notification Days field, enter number of days before expiration date of an Asset Warranty that a notification should be created to inform the user of the upcoming expiring warranty.
- Activate the Dynamic Asset Category Icons toggle button if you want to use dynamically created category icons (colored circle icons) in the Assets Tree.
- In the Show Downtime Dates when Registering field, select which date fields should be available when you create Downtime Registrations.
- In Asset Management Setup > Work Orders and Rounds section, you find Work Order-related setup.
- Activate the Use Expenses on Work Order Plan toggle button if you want expenses related to a Work Order Plan to be shown on the plan.
- In the Work Order Look Ahead field, insert number of days before due date on a Work Order. This is the planning horizon, which means that when running Work Order Planning, Work Orders will be created for the period inserted here, for example, the next 14 days. There is one active Work Order per Work Order Plan.
- In the Simulations Look Ahead field, insert a number of days before the due date when simulations should be created. This allows simulating Work Orders for the period inserted here and having a longer scope for Simulated Work Orders than for Work Order Look Ahead, so you can have simulations, for example, for the next 60 days, but Work Orders will be created for the next 14 days. By default, Simulations Look Ahead is set to 14 days. If you would put 0 in this field, then the Work Order Look Ahead value will be used for simulation.
- In the Last Period View Days field, insert number of days that an employee is able to see posted Work Orders in the past. Example: If you insert "20" in this field, you may be able to see posted Work Orders for the last 20 days in the Posted Work Orders list, depending on your role setup in EAM-BC.
- Activate the Calculate Work Orders on Plan Release toggle button if you want Work Orders from a Work Order Plan to be automatically scheduled when the Work Order Plan is released.
- In the Change Waiting Work Order Status field, select "Automatically" if you want to use functionality for automatic update of Work Order Status, based on your Waiting Reason setup on a Work Order. Refer to article Work Order Waiting Reasons and Status Updates for more information.
- Activate the Work Order Remarks Mandatory toggle button if remarks on Work Orders created from Work Order Plans should be mandatory and shown on the Work Order Checkout screen.
- Activate the Round Order Remarks Mandatory toggle button if remarks on Work Orders created from Round Plans should be mandatory and shown on the Work Order Checkout screen.
- Activate the Asset Condition on Work Order Mandatory toggle button if Asset Condition should be mandatory and shown on the Work Order Checkout screen.
- Activate the Asset Status on Work Order Mandatory toggle button if Asset Status should be mandatory and shown on the Work Order Checkout screen.
- Activate the Showing Posting Date when Closing Work Order toggle button if the Posting Date should be mandatory and shown on the Work Order Checkout screen.
- In the Failure Reasons Required on Work Order field, select if registration of failure reasons are mandatory before a Work Order can be closed.
- In the Claim Work Order Event Type Code field, select the event type code you want to use for logging events related to Work Orders, which are created from Claims. Refer to Asset Warranty to learn more about warranties and claims.
- In the Resources section > Base Unit for Resource Consumption field, select the unit you want to use when showing data in Maintenance KPI Statistics, for example, "Hour". This field is mandatory.
- In the Resources section, you can specify the level of skill-based planning.
- If you select None, skills do not have an impact on Work Orders
- If you select Warning, you are notified when the resource has missing skills
- If you select Error - you cannot add a resource that does not have the required skills
In Asset Management Setup, you can set up number series manually or by default.
1. Setting up default number series is time-efficient and can be set up by going to Asset Management Setup > Actions > Default No. Series, or from Settings > Assisted Setup.
Keep in mind that the creation of default no. series doesn't change existing no. series that you have set up previously.
2. If you need to set up number series manually, go to Asset Management Setup > Numbering.
Select number series codes for (recommended: consistent numbering shown in parenthesis):
- Assets (A-000001).
- Asset Template (AT-000001).
- Work Order Plans (WOP-000001).
- Work Orders (WO-000001).
- Posted Work Orders (WOPO-000001) - if this field is left blank, the number series selected for Work Orders is used.
- Round Plans (ROP-000001).
- Round Orders (RO-000001).
- Posted Round Orders (ROPO-000001) - if this field is left blank, the number series selected for Round Orders is used.
- Task Plan Orders (MTP-000001).
- Task Orders (MT-000001).
- Transfer Orders (TRO-000001).
- Transfer Shipments (TRS-000001) - if this field is blank, the Asset Transfer Shipment will have the same number as Asset Transfer.
- Transfer Receipts (TRR-000001) - if this field is blank, the Asset Transfer Receipt will have the same number as Asset Transfer.
- Warranty Nos. (WTY-000001).
- Claim Nos. (CLAIM-000001).
Refer to Microsoft documentation for further information on the setup of number series in D365BC: Create number series.
Use Asset Locations to keep track of where your assets are located in a hierarchical structure. You can define both fixed locations and in-transit locations for assets that require transfers. Asset locations can be used on for example Round Plans where you can choose to make round orders for assets based on their locations. Locations are also needed to consume items on Work Orders from the proper warehouse. You can connect standard Locations with Asset Locations. Asset locations may describe:
- Geography (country, city, address, GIS data)
- Site/building
- Department
- Work center
- Transit location
- or any notation required to fit your business needs
Search for and select Asset Locations.
- Select the New button.
- On the Asset Location Card, enter a Code, which is the unique code for your location.
- Enter a Name for the location.
- Select a Warehouse Location. The selection of warehouse is the default location from which maintenance items are taken when a Work Order is created.
- Select a Parent Location for your assets if you want to view the Asset Locations in a tree structure. For example, if you have multiple locations within e.g. Hall 1 such as Section 1 you can select Hall 1 as the parent of Section 1, and view it in a tree structure in Asset Locations.
- Specify the Status:
- Open - fully functional location.
- Blocked - assets cannot be moved in or out of the location.
- Closed - location doesn't have any assets, new assets cant be added to the location. The location cant be used for Asset Transfers.
- If you use Dynaway Safe Work > Risk Assessment module, you can select a Risk Assessment in the Risk Assessment No. field. This means that the hazards and precautions included in the Risk Assessment will automatically be transferred to a Work Order that uses an Asset with this Asset Location.
- If you have selected a Risk Assessment, you can select the Active Risks button to see the list of hazards and precautions that are included in the Risk Assessment.
- If you use Dynaway Safe Work > Entrance Log module, you can enter the Maximum Entrance Time, if the location is a restricted zone. This will provide information about possible time restrictions in the location during entrance registration and allows tracking if the Maximum Entrance Time has been exceeded by the visitor.
- If the location should be used as a transit location for Asset Transfer, activate the Use As In-Transit toggle button.
- Fill out the address, GPS, and contact information as you require.
- Return to the Asset Location list when you're done and select the Recalculate button to see your recent changes in the list.
Refer to Microsoft documentation to learn more about how to set up warehouse locations in D365BC: Set Up Locations.
You can create and save a filter on an Assets list (on the list select All > Show filter pane) to see a list of Assets on a specific location, for example, "Production Hall 2" and "Production Line 5".
If you use the Safe Work > Tagout module, you can create a Tagout record for the location by selecting the Create Tagout button.
Example: Tree structure in Asset Locations as described in point 5.
An Asset Status defines if the asset is active or not. You can create different statuses for assets to see the current statuses for assets during their lifecycle for example, 'New', 'Installed', and 'Broken'. You can specify which statuses should be active and set a status as the default one.
Asset Statuses can be used to group assets, for searching and reporting, and are helpful when planning maintenance.
You can create a filter on an Assets list (on the list select All > Show filter pane). This is useful if you want to get an overview of the current status of, for example, Assets in a poor condition.
In the EAM-BC role center > Actions section, select Assets Setup > Asset statuses.
- Select the New button.
- Enter a Code, which is the code or ID for the status.
- Enter a Sorting order to create a sequence for showing status codes in an ordered list.
- Enter a Description.
- Select the Asset Active check box for the statuses you want to use as "Active" statuses on Assets. When you select a Status Code on an Asset card, the Active toggle button on the Asset card is automatically activated if the selected status is an "Active" status.
- Select the Default check box for the status that should be automatically set when you create a new asset.
On the Asset Statuses list - the user can specify the style of the Asset Status using these options:
- None - Color code is unset
- Yellow - Asset Status text is colored yellow
- Green - Asset Status text is colored green
- Red - Asset Status text is colored red
Asset Status are shown in color on the Asset List and the Asset Details FactBox which is visible from places like the Work Order Plan list. The Asset Card page does not color Asset Status.
Colored lines on the Asset List
Setting Status on the Asset card
Colored lines when viewing Asset details on the Asset List
Asset Status setup
From the Asset Statuses list, you can set up Allowed Statuses for each status on the list. To do this, select the status from the list and use the Allowed Statuses action from the toolbar. It will open a list of allowed statuses.
From the Allowed Asset Status list, you can specify which asset status is allowed if you are changing the original status.
In the given example, in the screenshot, the 'Broken' status can be changed only to 'Installed', 'Limited', or 'Inactive'. Changing it to 'New' will show an error as it's not an allowed status.
Being on the Asset Statuses list, you can easily check if there are any allowed statuses for any status from the list. This is shown in the Allowed Statuses Exist column on the list.
Example of Allowed Asset Status.
Error on changing to a status that is not allowed.
Asset Statuses.
Use Asset Conditions to visualize and describe the current condition of an asset. In the Assets list, you can easily get an overview of your assets' conditions as they're shown as color codes. You can also mark a condition as default which will be applied to all new assets.
For each asset condition, you select a color code. The color code is automatically applied to the Description field for each asset on the Assets list. Make sure to include, either in the code or in the description, whether the condition is good or poor. In the screenshot below, both the code and the description of conditions indicate the type of condition. This allows users to see the proper cues on the Role Center screen.
In the your role center > Actions section, select Assets Setup > Asset Conditions.
- Select the New button.
- Enter a Code, which is the unique code or ID for the condition.
- Enter a Description for the code and select the related color in the Style drop-down.
- Select which condition to be the Default when you create a new asset.
- Select the Condition Type that best describes the condition.
Asset condition.
You can set up icons on condition code. The icon is shown in Assets lists next to the Asset description. Together with the color of the description text, icons are used to easily visualize the state of an Asset.
- Select a Condition in the Asset Conditions list, and select Asset Condition Icon.
- Select Choose Icon.
- You se a list of predefined icons that are provided by Dynaway. Select an Icon Name.
- Select OK. The icon is shown in the Asset Condition Icon section.
In the Asset Condition Icon section, you can also import your own icons, you can export the list of icons, and you can delete an icon from the selected condition.
Predefined Icons provided by Dynaway can be imported in Asset Management Setup.
Use Asset Categories to group assets and schedule maintenance for specific Asset Categories. Assets should be categorized into groups that have similar features such as conveyor belts, generators and pumps. This allows you to schedule maintenance for multiple assets at the same time that require the same type of maintenance, for example a yearly inspection of all pumps. Categories can be set up in a hierarchical structure and you can assign default attributes to them as well as allocate Resource to categories.
You can create a filter on an Assets list (on the list select All > Show filter pane) to see a list of Assets with a specific category.
Asset Categories specify a set of attributes and attribute values on an Asset.
- Pump (parent):
Has a set of attributes and values.
- Feed-water pump (child):
Has a set of attributes and values.
Inherits attributes and values from the parent Asset.
In the your role center > Actions section, select Assets Setup > Asset Categories.
- Select the New button.
- Enter a Code, which is the unique code or ID for the category.
- Enter a Description for category.
- In the Background Color field, select the color to be shown on a dynamic icon in the Assets Tree for Assets using this Asset Category.
- The setting whether to show dynamic icons or static icons on Asset nodes in the Assets Tree is shown in Asset Management Setup > Set Up Asset Data section regarding the Dynamic Asset Category Icons toggle button.
- If you want to create a category tree structure, select a Parent Category.
- In the Def. Gen. Bus. Posting Group field, select the default general business posting group for the asset category. This information is used when you post work orders on an Asset to get an overview of consumption registrations, based on Asset Categories.
- Select the Resource Allocation button to assign one or more resources to a category. For instance, if you have a technician who is in charge of an Asset Category, you can assign them to it and they will be applied automatically as a resource to e.g. a round order (if no other resource has been specified on the Round Plan to begin with).
- If you use Dynaway Safe Work > Risk Assessment module, you can select a Risk Assessment in the Risk Assessment No. field. This means that the hazards and precautions included in the Risk Assessment will automatically be transferred to a Work Order that uses an Asset with this Asset Category.
- If you have selected a Risk Assessment, you can select the Active Risks button to see the list of hazards and precautions that are included in the Risk Assessment.
- You can attach Attributes to the category. Select the Attribute field in the table and the drop-down arrow. The selected attributes are automatically added to an Asset Card when you create a new Asset and select an Asset Category.
- Select an attribute in the list or select New to create a new attribute.
- If you want to create a new attribute, refer to Asset Attributes to learn more.
- You can set up Failure Codes on the category if your company uses Fault Management to manage faults on Assets and Work Orders.
- Select a Problem Code and a related Reason Code and Action Code in the table. You can create multiple Failure Codes, if required.
- If you have selected a Parent Category for the Asset Category, and that Parent Category contains Failure Codes, those codes are automatically transferred to the Asset Category. The Parent Category Code is then shown in the Inherited from Asset Category Code field on the Failure Code line.
In Asset Management Setup > the Failure Reasons Required on Work Order field, your selection determines if the Failure Reasons set up on an Asset Category are mandatory on a Work Order before you can close the Work Order.
You can select an icon for a category code. The icon is shown on a node in the Assets Tree for the Assets using the Category if the Dynamic Asset Category Icons toggle button in Asset Management Setup is deactivated.
- Select a Category in the Asset Categories list, and select Asset Condition Icon.
- Select Choose Icon.
- You see a list of predefined icons that are provided by Dynaway. Select an Icon Name.
- Select OK. The icon is shown in the Asset Category Icon section.
In the Asset Category Icon section, you can also import your own icons, you can export the list of icons, and you can delete an icon from the selected category.
Set up attributes to add additional information to Asset Categories. Attributes help to inform you about Assets and can contain data that is relevant for you to have readily at hand when looking something up, or planning maintenance such as Rounds and Work Order Groups. You can define your own attributes to fit your needs.
Examples of Asset Attributes are: color, length, year of production, model, weight and width.
- In the EAM-BC role center > Actions section, select Assets Setup > Asset Attributes.
- Select the New button.
- Enter a Name for the attribute.
- Select an attribute Type.
- If you select type Option, you can define your own attribute Values.
- If you select type Decimal or Integer, you can add a Unit of measure.
- If a category no longer applies to your assets, select the Blocked check box for that attribute.
You can also assign default Asset Attributes directly from the Category Code field on an Asset Card.
Asset Attributes.
You can set up manufacturer information on an Asset card in the Manufacturer Code field. You can add or edit manufacturer codes in two ways:
- On the Asset Card, select the Manufacturer Code drop-down, or you can just enter a name for a manufacturer because this field also works as a free-text field. If you enter free text, the manufacturer name is not added to the Asset Manufacturers list.
- Select or search for Asset Manufacturers. The menu item may be available in the Actions section on your role center.
On the Asset Manufacturers card, add a Code and Name for a manufacturer to create a new record.
If you open the Asset Manufacturers card as described in the second bullet above, you see an empty list. If you have already set up manufacturers, select the Search field on the Asset Manufacturers card and press Enter to see the complete manufacturers list.