Analyze Maintenance Budgets

Advanced cost control with Dimensions. Learn to review monthly actuals against budget and analyze Maintenance Budget with Dimensions.

Review Budget vs Actual Values

Reviewing budgets is mainly done on the Maintenance Cost/Budget page that you open by editing a budget and press "Budget Realization".

  • Maintenance Cost/Budget analyzes the selected budget
  • Maintenance Cost/Budget shows the data you choose in Options. This include Show as Lines ("Asset Group"), View by ("Month"), Date Filter ("01/12/25..31/12/25"), etc.
  • Maintenance Cost/Budget is showing actual vs budgeted costs in four cost categories: Resource Cost, Item Cost, Expense Cost, and Total Cost.
  • Maintenance Cost/Budget is actual to budget variances in the Resource, Item, Expense, and Total Cost/Budget (%) columns.

Maintenance Statistics and other report allow further analysis of actual maintenance costs.

Tip: Why is the Maintenance Cost/Budget list blank? This happens when no budget entries match filters on your current budget. Go back to the Edit Budget screen to add budget entries.

Budget Realization-button on Edit Budget screen
Budget Realization-button on Edit Budget screen
Maintenance Cost/Budget is showing actual vs budgeted costs
Maintenance Cost/Budget is showing actual vs budgeted costs
Maintenance Statistics: Actual costs are available in the Maintenance Statistics report
Maintenance Statistics: Actual costs are available in the Maintenance Statistics report
Maintenance Statistics report shows values accumulated by period (
Maintenance Statistics report shows values accumulated by period ("Month")

Drill-down to analyze underlying budget entries

Dynaway EAM-BC Budgets allows the user to drill-down on maintenance budget lines. Drill-down entries by pressing a budgeted amount which is a sum of all entries for the budget dimension. Drill-down entries expose entries behind the aggregated budget amount.

To drill-down,

Edit Budget: Drill-down entries by pressing a budgeted amount
Edit Budget: Drill-down entries by pressing a budgeted amount
Drill-down entries expose entries behind the aggregated budget amount
Drill-down entries expose entries behind the aggregated budget amount

Analyze Maintenance Budget Entries

Analyze Maintenance Budget Entries / Dimensions

Edit Budget
Edit Budget

Focused analysis with Filters

Use Filters to zoom in on relevant budget entries such as:

  • Date Filter ("01/01/21..31/12/21")
  • Asset Filter
  • Asset Category Filter
  • Asset Location Filter
  • Maintenance Type Filter
  • Work Order Category
  • Asset Group Filter
  • Item Group Filter
  • Resource Group Filter
  • Budget Dimension

Zoom in on relevant budget entries with Filters
Zoom in on relevant budget entries with Filters

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