
Setup required for working with Dimensions on Assets


Dimensions are set up on Assets for cost analysis purposes.


You have created Assets.

Maintenance Manager

Set Up Dimensions on Assets

When you have created an Asset, you can set up the dimensions you want to use to track costs on the Asset.

  1. On an Asset List, select and open an Asset Card.
  2. On the Asset Card, select Related > Dimensions.
  3. In the Default Dimensions pop-up, select New to create a new dimension and make your selections as you require.

Refer to Microsoft documentation to learn more about how to Work with Dimensions in D365BC.

Refer to Test Cases below for step-by-step procedures on how to manage Dimensions on Assets:

  • Adding Dimension to Asset.
  • Removing Dimension from Asset.
  • Copying Asset with Dimensions.

The screenshot below shows an example of the dimensions setup on an Asset.

Define a default dimension

You can define the default dimension for each new asset. To do this:

  1. Visit Asset Management Setup.
  2. Specify the Asset Dimension. From now every new asset will get this dimension and the new dimension value with the code the same as the asset number will be created and assigned to the asset.
  3. You can additionally mark Dimension Value Name as Asset Description - this means that all created dimensions will have code equal to the asset number and name equal to the asset description. When this option is on, the relevant asset dimension value will be updated when you change the asset description. This can be helpful when users need to specify the dimension value and the asset number doesn't provide enough information.

Dimensions setup on an Asset.
Dimensions setup on an Asset.
Asset Management Setup.
Asset Management Setup.
Asset description as dimension value name.
Asset description as dimension value name.


Adding Dimension to Asset

Data Requirements

  1. At least one Asset exists.
  2. At least one Dimension Code exists (with Dimension Value Code and Value Posting).

Steps 12 expand


The user can set up a Dimension for the Asset.

Removing Dimension from Asset

Data Requirements

  1. At least one Asset with Dimension exists.

Steps 8

  1. Go to Assets > Assets.

  2. Select an Asset from a list by clicking on its Nos.

  3. Be sure that in the ribbon more options are shown - Fewer options button is visible.
    If not - click on More Options.

  4. Select Related.

  5. Select Dimensions.

  6. Highlight the Dimension to be deleted.

  7. Select Delete.

  8. Select Yes.


The user can delete a Dimension from the Asset.

Copying Asset with Dimensions

Data Requirements

  1. At least one Asset with Dimensions exists.

Steps 8

  1. Go to Assets > Assets.

  2. Select an Asset from a list by clicking on its Nos.

  3. Be sure that in the ribbon more options are shown - Fewer options button is visible.
    If not - select More Options.

  4. Select Actions.

  5. Select Copy Asset.

  6. Be sure that Extended FastTab is expanded. If not - select Expanded.

  7. Select the Dimensions check box.

  8. Set up other options, if required, and select OK.


The user can copy an Asset with all its Dimensions.

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