Downtime registration enables you to plan shutdown of a machine or work center that requires inspection or maintenance.
- Prerequisites
You have completed setup for Downtime registrations.
- Audience
Maintenance Manager, Maintenance Planner, Technician
You can create Downtime Registrations from the
- Assets Tree
- Asset List
- Asset Card
On your Role Center, select Assets Tree (opens Assets Tree) or Assets (opens Asset List).
- Select the Asset you want to create a Downtime Registration for.
- Select Process > Register Downtime.
- In the Register Downtime pop-up, select Starting Date-Time and Ending Date-Time if both fields are available.
- Depending on the setup, only one of the fields may be available. If only one field is available, you enter downtime duration in the Duration field.
Example: "1h 30s" means one hour and 30 seconds.
Example: "1d 4h" means one day and four hours.
- If downtime is outside business hours, select the Outside Business Hours toggle button.
- Select a Priority Code.
- Enter a Description.
- You can also specify the Problem Code for this Downtime. By default, this field is hidden but can be shown by using Personalize for this page.
- Select Yes to save the Downtime Registration.
- Select Yes to open the Downtime Entry Card.
- If required, you can edit the Downtime registration. For example, you can change Duration. The Starting Date-Time and Ending Date-Time fields will update according to your changes.
Note, on the Downtime Entry card, the fields Problem Code, Reason Code, and Action Code are also hidden by default but can be shown by personalization if needed.
Use Power Automate Workflows
You can create workflows for when downtime is created in the system. Read more about how to set up workflows using Power Automate in Business Central.
Asset Downtime can be created automatically from a Work Order Plan; when a new Work Order is instantiated.
- On Work Order Plan, the 'Additional Parameters' FastTab specifies if Asset Downtime should be created automatically.
- It is possible to choose the category code and also start and end time for the Downtime.
- Default values can be set also on Asset Management Setup.
Change Downtime Entries in Planning Worksheet
During the planning in Planning Worksheet, it is possible to change the values. If the Create Downtime checkbox is marked during the creation of a Work Order then the Downtime Entry is created automatically for the asset on the Work Order Plan and date as on Work Order.
Scheduled Downtime Entries can be created directly from a Work Order Plan.
- It is possible to define default start time and end time of Downtime on the plan or in setup.
- When creating Work Order in worksheet it is possible to define if the Work Order creates the Downtime.
- When Work Order is created if the option is on then the Asset Downtime for correct dates and time is created and liked to Work Order.
When a Downtime Registration is no longer required on an Asset, for example, after a related Work Order has been completed, you close the Downtime Registration.
- On the Downtime Entry Card, select the Closed toggle button (button is shown in green color).
- If you want to reopen a Downtime Registration on the Downtime Entry Card, select the Closed toggle button to deactivate it (button is shown in white color).
If you want to close several Downtime Registrations at a time:
- On your Role Center, select Assets Tree (opens Assets Tree) or Assets (opens Asset List).
- Select the Asset.
- Select Process > Downtime Entries.
- In the list, select the Downtime Entries you want to close.
- Select the 'Show more' button (...) > Close Downtime.
- If you want to reopen one or more closed Downtime Entries in the Downtime Entries list, select the entries and select the 'Show more' button (...) > Reopen Downtime.
You cannot close a Downtime Registration as long as an open Work Order is related to it.
On the Downtime Entry Card, you see the status of related Work Order Plans and Work Orders in the Related Work section > Status and Closed columns.
You can create Asset Downtime Analysis Reports to get an overview of and make decisions regarding Asset Downtime.
The Report is exported to Microsoft Excel and presents data related to Downtime as pivot tables - Downtime by Asset Category, Downtime Category, Problem Code, and Asset Location.
The report can be run from either Tell Me, Asset Manager Role Center, or Maintenance Menu.
Example: Report is run from Asset Management Role Center
You can create a Failures by Downtime Entry report, which provides information about the number of failures by downtime entry.
- On the Asset Manager Role Center, select Failures by Downtime Entry in the Reports section.
- You can apply filters to Date and Asset No., you can also add your own filters to the report.
- Select Download or Send to to create a report.
The report consists of 4 sheets:
Downtime Failures by Asset, Downtime Failures by Problem, Downtime Failures by Work Order, and Data.
- Downtime Failures by Asset sheet provides information about which downtime failures occurred in an asset.
- Downtime Failures by Problem provides information about how many times a specific problem occurred and in which assets. The chart shows the percentage share of specific problems in all failures. You can expand or collapse the rows to alter the chart.
- Downtime Failures by Work Order sheet shows which downtime failures occurred in the specific work order.
- Data sheet provides the necessary data for you to create your own customized pivot tables and charts.
Location of Failures by Downtime Entry report in Asset Manager Role Center.
Modal window for creating a report.
Downtime Failures by Asset.
Downtime Failures by Problem - collapsed view.
Downtime Failures by Problem - expanded view.
Downtime Failures by Work Order.
Exported Data.