Fault Management

Create and manage Failure Registrations on Work Orders


Failure Registrations describe Faults detected on the Asset you are working on by defining the Problem, the Reason for the Problem, and the Action taken to solve the problem.


Setup for Failure Reporting has been completed.

Maintenance Manager, Technician

Create Failure Registrations on a Work Order

You can create Failure registrations on a Work Order.

  • If the Asset selected on the Work Order has an Asset Category that includes Failure Codes, you can only select those Failure Codes.
  • If the Asset has an Asset Category with no Failure Codes, you can select all combinations of Problem Codes, Reason Codes and Action Codes when you create a Failure Registration.

Refer to Work on a Work Order to learn how to work with a Work Order and complete the maintenance job.

Follow this procedure to make Failure Registrations on a Work Order:

  1. On the Work Order, select Related > Failure Codes.
  2. In the Work Order Failures list, select a Problem Code.
  3. Select a Reason Code to describe the cause of the failure.
  4. Select an Action Code to explain how the problem was solved.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 if you want to create more Failure Registrations.
  6. Close the Work Order Failures list to return to the Work Order.

Work Order with list of Failure Registrations
Work Order with list of Failure Registrations

Video: Failure Registration

Failure Registration - EAM for Microsoft Business Central

View Posted Work Order Failures

When a Work Order has been posted, you can see Posted Work Order Failures in a list.

If you want to see a list of all Work Order Failure Registrations:

  1. Select "Alt+Q" on your keyboard to open the search field.
  2. Enter "posted fail" in the search field.
  3. Select Posted Work Order Failures. All Failure Registrations on all posted Work Orders are shown in the list.

If you want to see Posted Work Order Failures on a selected Work Order:

  1. On your role center, open the Posted Work Orders list.
  2. Select a Work Order in the list.
  3. On the Posted Work Order Card, select Related > Failure Codes.

If you want to see Posted Work Order Failures on a selected Asset:

  1. On your Role Center, open an Assets list.
  2. Select an Asset in the list.
  3. On the Asset Card, select Related > Failure Codes.

Failures by Assets Report

You can create Failures by Assets Reports to get an overview of Assets and related Failure registrations.

Refer to the article Consumption Report on Work Orders for descriptions of how to work with standard report setup, such as

  • Selecting the Send to... button to create a specific output type, for example, XML, Microsoft Excel Document (data only), or Schedule a report creation
  • What to use the "Schedule" output type for.
  • How to delete a report schedule that is no longer required.

The created report is a mostly dataset of values from the system. You can always use it to create your own personalized reports that will be used in your company.

Report dialog regarding Failures by Assets
Report dialog regarding Failures by Assets

Register Faults on Maintenance Request

When the user is posting Work Order connected to a Maintenance Request, and the failure codes (problem/reason/action) are added to the Work Order - all posted failures are visible for the chosen Maintenance Request.

The "Posted Failures"-button is enabled and visible for the Maintenance Employee only. After selecting the button, the proper list appears with posted failures for the chosen record.

"Posted Failures"-button on Maintenance Request card
Posted Work Order failures (that can be shown on the Maintenance Request card)
Posted Work Order failures (that can be shown on the Maintenance Request card)

Register Faults on Asset Downtime

When the user is posting Work Order connected to an Asset Downtime, and the failure codes (problem/reason/action) are added to the Work Order - all posted failures are visible for the chosen Asset Downtime.

The "Posted Failures"-button is enabled and visible for the Maintenance Employee only. After selecting the button, the proper list appears with posted failures for the chosen record.

"Posted Failures"-button on Downtime Entry card
Posted Work Order failures (that can be shown on the Downtime Entry card)
Posted Work Order failures (that can be shown on the Downtime Entry card)

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