3. Assisted Setup

Use Assisted Setup for setting up the basics and migrate data in EAM-BC


Setting up data using the Assisted Setup Wizards from Dynaway is a necessary step when getting started with EAM-BC for the first time. Assisted Setup enables you to easily perform data migration and quickly complete setup tasks related to Assets, Work Orders, Users, and much more.

All articles related to data migration and assisted data setup are intended for administrators who set up and maintain Work Order data and Asset data in EAM-BC.

You can refer to the Help article Roles, Users, and Permissions for information about the permission sets required for working with assisted setup and data import in EAM-BC.


You have installed a valid license for Enterprise Asset Management (EAM-BC) for Business Central.

Set up Data using Assisted Setup

By following the Assisted Setup wizards in Dynaway EAM for Business Central, you can set up data and/or migrate data to get started with Dynaway EAM for Business Central.

  1. The wizards seamlessly guide you through the steps you need to take to set up relevant data and provide helpful links to our documentation that teaches you how and why you benefit from setting up different data aspects.
  2. In the wizards, simply follow the Read about links that take you to the relevant documentation pages to read more about specific objects you are setting up.
  3. Access the Dynaway EAM for Business Central Assisted Setup wizards by going to Settings > Assisted Setup.

List of Assisted Setup Wizards.
List of Assisted Setup Wizards.

Getting Started

Get started working with Assets and Work Orders right away by completing the wizards in Assisted Setup.

When you're setting up data, the first step is to go through the assisted setup wizards to set up data in the system regarding assets, users, and work orders.

When you have followed the wizards set up data in the system, you're ready to migrate your data, whether you have existing data to migrate or if you're setting up assets and work orders for the first time.

  • Get started with Dynaway EAM > Dynaway EAM initial setup - Complete this wizard if you need to set up users, assets, and work orders from scratch or migrate existing data. See the screenshot below.
    • You can also watch a video on how to complete the initial setup.

Predefined packages

By following the wizards you can select if you want to use predefined packages to help you set up data quicker. This is useful in the case when you want to see how things like assets and work orders work in the system, before setting up your own data. These packages contain data sets prepared by Dynaway or our partners. Read more here.

'Dynaway EAM initial setup': From here you can set up data in the system.
'Dynaway EAM initial setup': From here you can set up data in the system.

Set up Optional Data

The optional data wizards are not necessary to complete before you can get started with Dynaway EAM. You can always return to these Assisted Setup guides later on to complete them.

Depending on your pricing plan and which modules you're using in Dynaway EAM, you can set up the data for each module by following the wizards seen in screenshot 01 and 02 below.

01: List of optional wizards.
01: List of optional wizards.
02: List of optional wizard for Advanced setup in Dynaway EAM.
02: List of optional wizard for Advanced setup in Dynaway EAM.

Predefined Packages

During the setup of data in some cases, in the assisted setup wizards, you can use a predefined package. A predefined package contains sets of data prepared by Dynaway or our partner. This allows you to set up data more quickly by choosing which data you would like to use and which you would rather create manually.

To use a predefined package you need to:

  1. Select a predefined package from the dropdown menu on the first page of a setup.
  2. Select Next.
  3. If you want to apply the whole package, without making any changes, select Apply Package on the banner that appeared at the top of the page.
  4. If you want to control what data from the package is applied, select data to setup, e.g. Statuses.
  5. A new modal will open and you will be able to choose which data from the package you want to apply, select the row with data, and select Apply Data.
  6. Select OK, and repeat the steps from 4 to 6 to set up other data.

This process looks similar for all the setups which have the option to use predefined packages.

Refer to Microsoft documentation to learn more about the setup of users and profiles in Dynamics 365BC: Manage Profiles.

Selecting a predefined package to use during set up procedure.
Selecting a predefined package to use during set up procedure.
Applying the whole package.
Applying the whole package.
Selecting data to set up.
Selecting data to set up.
Applying chosen data from the package.
Applying chosen data from the package.

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