Register Counter & Measurement Readings

Register Counter Readings from Manufacturing in Business Central


In the EAM manufacturing module you can use EAM counters and measurements in two different ways:

  • when the counter/measurement is mounted on the asset that is connected to the machine/work center
  • when the counter is connected to the machine/work center

The first is allowing you to register counter/measurements readings directly from the manufacturing module.

The second is allowing you to collect the number of created units or the time of the run time from the production order.

Dynaway Manufacturing - Counter & Measurement integration
Dynaway Manufacturing - Counter & Measurement integration

Knowledge of the Counters and Measurements. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the Counter module and Measurement module before reading this page.

Register Counter Readings from Manufacturing

From the manufacturing module, you can easily register counter readings for the asset connected to the specific work/machine center. You can do this without leaving the manufacturing module.

You can register counter readings directly from:

  • machine/work center card
  • production order routing
  • production journal

The Register Counter Reading action is available only when the selected record is connected to the Asset that has a counter mounted on it.

Work Center and Machine Center can be connected to the specific counter. With this setup, it is possible that your machine/work center will register the number of produced units or the running time from the production order.
In the articles below you can find some detailed information about that.

Register Counter Reading
Register Counter Reading

Output Quantity

Output Quantity on the Work Center or Machine Center updates the Counter. When Production Order Quantity is registered as Work Center or Machine Center output, the Counter assigned to the machine can be automatically updated, so that the Counter registration process will be fully automated and reduce mistakes and manual registration.

  • It's possible to choose that Counter is responsible for quantity produced on Work Center or Machine Center.
  • When registering output quantity on the Machine Center or Work Center, the Counter Journal Line is created and ready to receive registrations.

Time registered

Time registered on the Work Center or Machine Center updates the Counter. When time is registered on the Work Center or Machine Center, then Counter assigned to the machine is automatically updated, so that the Counter registration process will be fully automated and reduce mistakes and manual registration. Also, will more integrate maintenance with manufacturing module.

  • It is possible to choose that Counter is responsible for time registered on Work Center or Machine Center.
  • It is possible to choose if the total time, only run time.
  • When register time on the Machine Center or Work Center the the Counter Journal Line is created and ready for register.

Register Measurement Readings from Manufacturing

From the manufacturing module, you can easily register measurement readings for the asset connected to the specific work/machine center. You can do this without leaving the manufacturing module.

You can register measurement readings directly from:

  • machine/work center card
  • production order routing
  • production journal

The Register Measurement Reading action is available only when the selected record is connected to the Asset that has a counter mounted on it.

Register Measurement Reading
Register Measurement Reading

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