Measurement Devices

Gather multiple measurements from the same Measurement Device


Measurement Devices are designed for automated readings and support many measurements from the same Measurement Device. This allows gathering data from industrial IoT devices with many built-in sensors such as temperature and humidity sensing devices.

Measurement Devices are primarily designed to automate an ingoing flow of measurement readings over our built-in API.

This article covers how to set up a device to contain multiple measurements, how to assign devices to assets, how to copy Measurement Devices to multiple assets, and how to use Measurement Reading Numbers.


You have set up Measurement Equipment and Measurement Units.

Maintenance Manager

Group Measurements into a Device

Multiple measurements can be grouped into one device. Whenever the device is used, it allows the tracking of multiple measurements in one card. It is possible to assign measurements to a device by creating a default set of the measurements using the Measurement Device Card.

Set up a device

  1. Go to Measurements > Measurement Device Card. Refer to the screenshot below.
  2. On the General tab, specify the following information:
    • Device No.
    • Description
    • Profile Code
    • Active (boolean)
    • External No.
    • Model Number
    • Serial Number
    • IMEI
    • Manufacturer Code

It is not possible to delete the measurement from the measurement list, if the measurement is added to the device.

Add Measurements to the Device

The following section explains adding measurements and thresholds to the Measurement Device Card.

  1. If you want to add existing measurements to the device, go to the lines on the 'Device Measurements' tab. From there, you can specify:
    • No.
    • Name
    • Category Code e.g. Temperature
    • Work Order Frequnecies Count
    • Last Measurement Reading Date
    • Last Measurement Reading Value
    • Unit of Measure e.g. Celsius
  2. If you want to add new measurements to the device, go to 'Create Measurement' on the toolbar. Refer to the screenshot below. From there, you can specify:
    • Category Code e.g. Temperature
    • Unit of Measure Code e.g. Celsius
    • Measurement Name
  3. You have the possibility to specify a threshold for the measurements on the device. Refer to the screenshot below. On the 'Device Measurements' tab, click on the line you want to specify a threshold for > go to Manage > Threshold to specify the values:
    • Acceptable Values Threshold
    • Warning Values Threshold
    • Not Acceptable Values Threshold

Example of a device with measurements.
Example of a device with measurements.
Explained in point 2:  Adding a new measurement to the device from 'Create Measurement'.
Explained in point 2: Adding a new measurement to the device from 'Create Measurement'.
Explained in point 3: Specifying a threshold for a measurement.
Explained in point 3: Specifying a threshold for a measurement.

Assign Devices to Assets

Assign devices to assets to define which devices are working with specific assets. It is possible to assign multiple devices to an asset. When you assign a device to an asset, all measurements are copied from the device to the asset.

  1. Assign devices to an asset by going to Measurement > Measurement Devices.
  2. Choose the Measurement Device you want to assign assets to, to open the Measurement Device Card.
  3. From the Measurement Device Card, choose 'Assets' to open Asset Device Measurements, and specify which asset(s) you want to assign to the device in the lines. Refer to the screenshot below.
  4. For each line, you can specify the following information:
    • Asset No.
    • Measurement Device No.

If you change or remove a measurement from a device that is assigned to an asset, the asset will be updated automatically.

Example: Assigning a device to an asset.
Example: Assigning a device to an asset.

Copy Measurement Devices to Multiple Assets

If you have multiple assets that need the same type of device assigned to them, you can easily create
multiple copies of a device and assign them to the relevant assets. Refer to the screenshot below.

When copying, you can specify:

  • Target Measurement Device No.
  • Target No. Series
  • Number of Copies

When copying, you can also specify if you want to copy the following details:

  • Thresholds
  • IMEI and Serial Number
  • And if you want to 'Assign to Assets'

Copy Measurement Device

To copy, go to the Measurement Device Card, go to 'Actions' on the toolbar > Copy Measurement Device.

  1. Specify the information you want to copy using the toggle buttons. Refer to the screenshot below.
  2. Click OK. You will see a notification on the Measurement Device Card that the device was copied.
  3. On the notification, you can click 'Show created measurement devices' to view them.
  4. On the 'Assets' toolbar, you can assign Assets to the measurement device copies you just created. From here, you can specify:
    • Asset No.
    • Measurement Device No.

The copied devices can now be viewed from Measurements > Measurement Devices.

Copying a Measurement Device.
Copying a Measurement Device.

View Measurement Device Readings

On the Measurement Device Card, you can view all the measurement readings on the device. You can filter the readings by Date and Time and which measurements you want to view.

  1. Go to the Measurement Device Card you want to view the readings for.
  2. Click 'Show Entries' and the Measurement Device Readings will open where you can specify the information you want to see. The measurements are shown in the 'Measurement Readings' tab. See the screenshot below.

Example of a Measurement Device with Measurement Readings.
Example of a Measurement Device with Measurement Readings.

Define Reading Number in the Measurement Journal

When working with Measurement Journals, you have the possibility to group readings for measurements. Since the device is sending one signal with all measurements at the same time, it is necessary to group them.

A Reading No. is essential when working with Measurement Device readings. A Reading No. can be registered using API which can add the Reading No. automatically as well as post the reading automatically. In Measurement Entries, the field Reading No. is copied from the Measurement Journal.

Note: To view the Reading No. in the Measurement Journal and Measurement Entries, go to Measurement Journal > Settings > Personalize and drag the field to the Measurement Journal.

Example: A Measurement for a Device is shown with the Reading No. on the Measurement Entries.
Example: A Measurement for a Device is shown with the Reading No. on the Measurement Entries.

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