Measurement Registration

Create and manage Measurement Readings, which are used in Work Order Plans to create reactive maintenance Work Orders


Measurements are readings regarding, for example, vibrations, temperature and air quality, made in a specific area like a production hall or by a production line. Measurements relate to the Assets installed in the area.


You have set up Measurement equipment and the units used on Measurement equipment.

Maintenance Manager, Technician

Register a Measurement Reading

You can register a Measurement reading in a few ways. This article describes how to register readings on the Measurements page or on an Asset Card. You can also register a measurement reading through a Maintenance Task.

  1. On your role center, select Measurements > Measurements > select the Measurement line > Register Reading, or on an Asset Card, select Related > Asset Measurements > Register Reading.
  2. Select a Posting Date.
  3. Enter the measurement value in the Reading Value field.
  4. Select Yes to save the registration.

You can make register multiple Measurement readings at the same time in the Measurement Journal.

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