Asset Downtime Integration

Create Asset Downtimes from Maintenance Requests


Create Asset Downtime directly from a Maintenance Request if an Asset has stopped working. The created downtime will be connected with Maintenance Request.


Open Maintenance Request exists.

Maintenance Manager, Technician

Create Asset Downtime from Maintenance Request

You can create an Asset Downtime from the Maintenance Request card. It is useful in the case when a request is created after an asset has stopped working and you need to create downtime for the asset.

  1. From the Maintenance Request card, select Register Downtime from the toolbar.
  2. When selected, it willl launch the downtime registering process. Data on the Register Downtime wizard can be changed, but it's automatically filled with default data: an asset no. from the request and the current date-time.

View Downtime Entries

You can check downtime entries directly from the Maintenance Request card. To do this, select the Downtime Entries action from the toolbar. It will open the list of downtime entries that are connected to this request.

From the Downtime Entry Card, you can always check (and open if there is a connection) the connected Maintenance Request. If there is a number in the Maintenance Request No. field it means that this downtime is created from the request.

Downtime from Request
Downtime from Request
Request on downtime card
Request on downtime card

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