Work with Requests

View and edit Maintenance Requests


You can view all Maintenance Requests in the Maintenance Request List. Depending on your user setup, you can edit and update a Maintenance Request.


Maintenance Requests have been created.

Maintenance Manager, Technician, Operator

View Maintenance Requests

When Maintenance Requests have been created, you can view them in the Maintenance Requests list. The list shows some of the information related to a Request.

To open the Maintenance Requests list, select the link on your Role Center, or find the list by using the search field.

In the Maintenance Requests list, select a link in the No. column to open the selected record and see more details.

You may be able to edit information on a Maintenance Request. That depends on your employee status in EAM-BC.

On a Maintenance Request, Maintenance Employees can

  • edit some of the fields in the General section
  • assign the Maintenance Request to myself or another Maintenance Employee
  • edit the Group code
  • select an Asset if not already selected
  • edit the Status
    • Note that you can close the a Request without closing the related Work Order.
  • add and edit Comments
  • Attach the Request to a Work Order Plan
  • Create a One-off Work Order from the Request
  • Select Related > Show Log to open the change log
    • All changes are logged including new comments, but changes made on existing comments are not shown.
    • In the log, you can select Open Setup to see and edit the setup of the change log.

On a Maintenance Request, if you are not set up as a Maintenance Employee, you can

  • view Request details
  • edit the Status (depending on the setup)
  • add a Comment and edit your own comment

Refer to Test Cases below for step-by-step procedures on how to create filters in Maintenance Request lists:

  • Assigned to Me
  • Requested by Me
  • Requests for Asset
  • Request for Group


'Assigned to Me'

Data Requirements

  1. At least one Maintenance Request exists.
  2. At least one Maintenance Request is assigned to the current user.

Steps 5

  1. Select the magnifier in the corner.

  2. Enter 'Maintenance Requests' in this window.

  3. Select Maintenance Requests visible in Go to Pages and Tasks area.

  4. Select Process in the ribbon.

  5. Select Assigned to Me.


The user can see Maintenace Requests assigned to the current user.

'Requested by Me'

Data Requirements

  1. At least one Maintenance Request exists.
  2. The current user is requested at least one Maintenance Request.

Steps 5

  1. Select the magnifier in the corner.

  2. Enter 'Maintenance Requests' in this window.

  3. Select Maintenance Requests visible in Go to Pages and Tasks area.

  4. Select Process in the ribbon.

  5. Select Requested by Me.


The user can see Maintenace Requests that are requested by him.

Requests for Asset

Data Requirements

  1. At least one (open) Maintenance Request for Asset exists.

Steps 7

  1. Select the magnifier in the corner.

  2. Enter 'Maintenance Requests' in this window.

  3. Select Maintenance Requests visible in Go to Pages and Tasks area.

  4. Ensure that FactBox pane is expanded. If not - expand it.

  5. Highlight the row with the record which will be analyzed.

  6. Ensure that Details in FactBox pane is expanded. If not - expand it.

  7. Select Open Requests for Asset box.


The user can view Maintenance Requests for Asset.

Requests for Group

Data Requirements

  1. At least one (open) Maintenance Request for Group exists.

Steps 7

  1. Select the magnifier in the corner.

  2. Enter 'Maintenance Requests' in this window.

  3. Select Maintenance Requests visible in Go to Pages and Tasks area.

  4. Ensure that the FactBox pane is expanded. If not - expand it.

  5. Highlight the row with the record which will be analyzed.

  6. Ensure that Details in FactBox pane is expanded. If not - expand it.

  7. Select the Open Requests for Group box.


The user can view Maintenance Requests for Group.

Maintenance Requests

1 What Requests are Maintenance working on?. The Request list allows the organization to see all requests and their status. Show that a request is awaiting the organization by setting status to Waiting.
2 Create Request. Any employee with a Business Central license can raise a request. First step is to choose the group or asset from a view based on the Maintenance Request Groups.
3 Requested by Me. As a requestor, you can quickly zoom in on requests created by you by selecting the 'Requested by Me' action
4 Fact Box with Request and Asset details. Details for the current request and its selected asset. Tiles indicate how many open requests there are for this asset, request group, and how many requests, the current requestor has created.

Maintenance Request Card

1 Your organization can add Maintenance Request. Let operators, administration, and others in the organization create, follow, and comment on Maintenance Request.
2 Comments. Read correspondence between the requestor and the maintenance team. Decisions, status, and outstanding assignments can be logged - it facilitates open communication between operations and maintenance that is can be visible to all employees (permissions can be customized).
3 Work Orders. List of Work Orders related to the current maintenance request including asset, work order, and planned execution date.
4 Take Picture. Take picture using phone or laptop and attach to a request.
5 Create Work Order. Maintenance team can create a one-off work order from the request.
6 Failures reported on the Asset. Track any failures posted on work orders associated to this request.

View Maintenance Request Log

The Maintenance Request Log shows a list of changes made to Maintenance Requests.

To open the log, select the Maintenance Requests list on your Role Center, or find the list by using the search field.

  • In the Maintenance Requests list, select a link in the No. column to open the selected Maintenance Request.
  • On the Maintenance Request Card, select History > Show Log.
  • The Request Log shows a list of changes made to the selected Maintenance Request.

You can select the Open Setup button to see which events are logged on Maintenance Requests. In Maintenance Request Log Setup, select Show Log if you want to see the log for all Maintenance Requests.

Example: Request Log for Maintenance Request 00024
Example: Request Log for Maintenance Request 00024

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