Work Order Execution

Use Work Orders to manage and register consumption on maintenance jobs


A Work Order describes a maintenance job on an Asset. Consumption registrations are used to track costs on Assets.


You have set up resources, items, and expenses, and the related journals, for consumption registration.

Maintenance Manager, Technician

Work Order List

Work Order lists show a list view of Work Orders and display various Work Orders and Asset details.

From the list, you can also open the list of all Resource/Item/Expense lines on all orders. This means that you can easily open the work order card with specific resources, items, or expenses.

On your role center, you may have access to different Work Order Lists, depending on your role, for example, Assigned to me, Unassigned, Open, and Overdue Work Orders.

Work Order List
Work Order List
Example: Lists for a Technician
Example: Lists for a Technician
Example: Lists for a Maintenance Manager
Example: Lists for a Maintenance Manager
Work Order Lists
Work Order Lists

Work Order Card

A Work Order card contains detailed information about a Work Order, for example, instructions about how to complete the job described on the Work Order. You can make consumption registrations on a Work Order for

  • Items
  • Resources (work hours and tools)
  • Expenses

Open a Work Order list, and select a link in the No. column to open the Work Order card.

The Work Order Card is divided into sections to give you a quick overview of Work Order information. The fields available on a Work Order Card may differ, depending on the number of Dynaway apps and modules currently used by your company.

On the Work Order Card, you can use basic Status to define the current state of the document, or you can use Advanced Maintenance Statuses.

Work Order Printout

Sometimes your technicians may need information about a work order, but they're working in an area without internet or system access. In such cases, you can consider preparing a printed version of the document. You can do this from the Work Order card by using the Print action. It runs a window where you can register a printout. On the Work Order card, there is a hidden field (by default) that shows how many times the work order has been printed. It might be useful to check if someone has already printed the document. Remember that the printout layout can always be redesigned in Word to be customized to your company.

Sending Printout

Sometimes you just need to send the work order printout by email. You can do this directly from the work order card by selecting the Send action from the toolbar.
The email has been created but has not been sent yet. You can make some changes to it or send an email. The body of the email contains some basic information about the work order and the attachment with the printout is added to the email.

Sending Printout to a Vendor

Sometimes you need to send your printout directly to a vendor. On the Vendor Card, you can specify the vendor`s maintenance email.

When a vendor is used on the work order (also taken from the plan), the hidden (by default) field is filled with proper data:

  • If a maintenance email exists - this email address is added to the generated email.
  • If the maintenance email does not exist - the email address from the standard email field is added to the generated email.

You can always change this value on the work order page, but the field must be added by personalization.

Printing and sending printouts work exactly the same on the Posted Work Orders.

Printing Items from Work Orders

Sometimes your technician needs information about spare parts that need to be used on the specific work order(s). They can easily prepare such a list and print it.

From the Work Order List, Work Order and Round Order Card, and the Manager and Technician role center, you can run Order Print printout creator.

The creator allows you to specify how the printout should be created and what should be included there:

  • Group By Item - The list contains items that are needed on work orders. (See example in screenshot below).
    • Here you can also use the Show Work Order Details function - below each item you can see a list of orders that contain this item.
  • Group By Order - The list contains orders below each list with items are created. (See example in screenshot below).
  • Assigned To Me - Applying Resource No. to Assigned To field - resource that is assigned to your user in the Maintenance Employee table.
  • Filters - A set of filters that can be applied to the data.

The created document can be printed so you can easily use this list to collect all needed items.

Individual status for resource line

On the Work Order and Round Order Resource Lines, you can use two new fields. Both fields are hidden by default.

  • Line Status - as a technician, you can use this information to define what is the current status of your work defined in the specific line.
  • Notes - as a technician, you can put some notes about your current work that are visible to any user visiting this work order.

These values are propagated to the posted document when the Order/Round order is closed. Fields are also hidden by default.

Work Order Card.
Work Order Card.
Work Order Printout.
Work Order Printout.
Print your Work Order.
Print your Work Order.
Send Printout.
Send Printout.
Email With Printout.
Email With Printout.
Maintenance Vendor.
Maintenance Vendor.
Resource Line Status.
Resource Line Status.
Order Pick By Item With Details.
Order Pick By Item With Details.
Order Pick By Order.
Order Pick By Order.

Follow-up Work Order

On the work order card you can find the following fields (both can be shown by personalization):

  • Follow Up Orders - Shows a number of work orders that are follow-up orders for this work order.
  • Follow Up Orders to - Shows the number of orders for which this work order is a follow-up in the style X/Y where:
    • X = the number of already created orders.
    • Y = the number of possible orders.

Selecting a value in these fields opens the Follow Up Work Orders list with the proper filtering. On the list, you can inspect more details about the orders.

  • In the toolbar, you can use actions to open the relevant document.
  • Open - this is information that the work order that is triggering the specific frequency is closed (so the plan is ready to create a work order) - but it does not mean that the work order has been created.
  • Closed - this is information that this follow-up work order is already closed.
  • Asset No. - here you can check for which asset the follow-up work order exists.

If the work order has more follow-up work orders but they are not created yet, and there is a possibility to use the current work order for future follow-up, you can do it by specifying the Follow Up Order No.

Follow-Up Work Orders.
Follow-Up Work Orders.

Work Order Waiting Reasons and Status Updates

In EAM-BC, you can set up Waiting Reasons for automatic update, which is related to update of the Status field on a Work Order. This is useful if you are waiting for items (spare parts) to be in stock, or a Work Order is waiting for a condition to be met on a specific date. Three Waiting Reason types are available:

  • Date
  • Items
  • Other

Working with Waiting Reasons and automatic status update on Work Orders include the following tasks:

  1. Set up change of Work Order status to be done automatically in Asset Management Setup.
  2. On a Work Order Card, select status "Waiting" and create the Waiting Reason(s) required for the Work Order.
    1. You can create maximum three Waiting Reasons on one Work Order, one of each type (Date, Items, Other).
  3. On a Work Order List or Work Order Card, run a status update at regular intervals (for example daily) to update Work Order Status.

Waiting Reason Setup

Before you start to work with Waiting Reasons and automatic update of Work Order Status based on the Waiting Reasons, the following setup is required:

Create a Waiting Reason on a Work Order

On a Work Order card

  1. Select "Waiting" in the Status field.
  2. Select the Waiting Reasons field. The Change Waiting Reasons list opens.
  3. Create a Waiting Reason to register that the Work Order cannot be started until the condition described in the Waiting Reason is met.

On a Work Order card, you can also open the Change Waiting Reasons list by selecting Process > Waiting Reasons.

Refer to Test Cases below for step-by-step procedures regarding

  • Setting up Waiting Reason (Automatic) - type "Date"
  • Setting up Waiting Reason (Automatic) - type "Items"
  • Setting up Waiting Reason (Automatic) - type "Other"

Waiting Reason examples:

  • Type Date: The Technician who should do the job is not available this week due to vacation. Then, you create a Waiting Reason of type "Date", add a short description of the Waiting Reason, and select the date on which the Technician returns to work.
  • Type Items: 10 pieces of a spare part (item) is required for the maintenance job, but there are no items in stock. Then, you create a Waiting Reason of type "Items" and add "Waiting for spare parts", or a similar text, as the reason. This type does not require a date. When you run a status update, this type checks stock availability on the Location Code selected on the item line on the Work Order.
  • Type Other: This type can be used for other delays or conditions, which are not related to items or a particular date to pass.

The screenshots below show a Waiting Reason of type "Items" and the Work Order the Waiting Reason is created for.

Waiting Reason record of type
Waiting Reason record of type "Items".
The Work Order waiting for items to be on stock.
The Work Order waiting for items to be on stock.

Setting Up Waiting Reason (Automatic) - type "Date"

Data Requirements

  1. A Work Order Card is open.
  2. In Asset Management Setup, the 'Change Waiting Work Order Status' field is set to "Automatically".

Steps 6

  1. On the Work Order card > Status field, select "Waiting".

  2. Select Process > Waiting Reasons in the ribbon.

  3. In the Waiting Reason Type field, select "Date".

  4. In the Waiting Reason field, select a Waiting Reason or create a new one, if required.

  5. In the Change Date field, select a date.

  6. Select the go-back button in the upper-left corner to close the Change Waiting Reasons screen.

    The date is shown in the Waiting Reasons field on the Work Order.


The user can set up a Waiting Reason of type "Date" on a Work Order.

Setting Up Waiting Reason (Automatic) - type "Items"

Data Requirements

  1. A Work Order Card is open.
  2. In Asset Management Setup, the 'Change Waiting Work Order Status' field is set to "Automatically".

Steps 5

  1. On the Work Order card > Status field, select "Waiting".

  2. Select Process > Waiting Reasons in the ribbon.

  3. In the Waiting Reason Type field, select "Items".

  4. In the Waiting Reason field, select a Waiting Reason or create a new one, if required.

  5. Select the go-back button in the upper-left corner to close the Change Waiting Reasons screen.

    Text regarding the item waiting reason is shown in the Waiting Reasons field on the Work Order.


The user can set up a Waiting Reason of type "Items" on a Work Order.

Setting up Waiting Reason (Automatic) - type "Other"

Data Requirements

  1. Work Order Card is open.
  2. Change Waiting Work Order Status in Asset Management Setup is set up as 'Automatically'.

Steps 5

  1. On the Work Order card > Status field, select "Waiting".

  2. Select Process > Waiting Reasons in the ribbon.

  3. In the Waiting Reason Type field, select "Other".

  4. In the Waiting Reason field, select a Waiting Reason or create a new one, if required.

  5. Select the go-back button in the upper-left corner to close the Change Waiting Reasons screen.

    Text regarding the waiting reason is shown in the Waiting Reasons field on the Work Order.


The user can set up a Waiting Reason of type "Other" on a Work Order.

Update Status on Work Orders

You run status updates on Work Orders on a regular basis, for example daily or weekly. When status on Work Orders with Waiting Reason Types

  • Date
  • Items

are updated because the conditions related to the Waiting Reasons are met, the Waiting Reasons are automatically updated on the Work Orders, meaning the Condition met check box on the Waiting Reason is automatically ticked during the status update.

If you have created a Waiting Reason of type "Other" on a Work Order, that Waiting Reason is not automatically updated when you run a status update on Work Orders. In that case, you must manually update the Waiting Reason as "Condition met". Then, when you run a status update, the Work Order status is updated.

To update status on a Work Order Card or List

  1. Open the Work Order Card / Work Order List.
  2. Select Actions > Update Status / Update Statuses.

When you work with Work Order status updates and Waiting Reasons Types Date and Items, status can be updated from "Open" to "Ready", and from "Waiting" to "Ready", but not the other way around.

Refer to test cases below for step-by-step procedures on

  • Updating Work Order Status - type "Date"
  • Updating Work Order Status - type "Items"
  • Updating Work Order Status - type "Other"
  • Changing Work Order Status Manually

The following describes a scenario that you should be aware of in case you are waiting for the same item on multiple Work Orders.

If Work Orders are planned on the same date, and those Work Orders are waiting for the same item to be on stock, you may need to edit one of the Work Orders (which both have Waiting Reason type "Items"). Here is an example:

  1. Two Work Orders are waiting for the same item/spare part to be available on stock. Each Work Order requires a quantity of 10, meaning a quantity of 20 must be available before work can start on both Work Orders.
  2. The item is purchased and put on stock, but only a quantity of 15 is available.
  3. In that case, because both Work Orders are planned on the same date, you must
    1. reduce the quantity (items required) to "5" on one of the Work Orders if you want both Work Orders to be started on the same date, or
    2. select another planned date for one of the Work Orders.

Waiting Reason record of type
Waiting Reason record of type "Items" after Work Order Status update - items are now on stock.
The Work Order after Work Order Status update - items are now on stock.
The Work Order after Work Order Status update - items are now on stock.

Updating Work Order Status - type "Date"

Data Requirements

  1. A Work Order Card is open.
  2. Work Order Status is set to "Waiting".
  3. Work Order Waiting Reason of type "Date" exists on the Work Order.
  4. The current date is the same as the date set up in the Waiting Reason, or the current date is later.

Steps 1

  1. On the Work Order Card, select Actions > Update Status.


The user can update Status on a Work Order that has a Work Order Waiting Reason of type "Date".

Updating Work Order Status - type "Items"

Data Requirements

  1. A Work Order Card is open.
  2. Work Order Status is set to "Waiting".
  3. A Work Order Waiting Reason of type "Items" exists on the Work Order.
  4. At least one item line on the Work Order has a number of items with quantity lower than the quantity available on the selected location.
  5. Scenario: A Waiting reason was set up because you are waiting for spare parts. Now, the spare parts are on stock.

Steps 1

  1. On the Work Order card, select Actions > Update Status.


The user can update Status on a Work Order that has a Work Order Waiting Reason of type "Items".

Updating Status on Work Order - type "Other"

Data Requirements

  1. A Work Order Card is open.
  2. Work Order Status is set to "Waiting".
  3. A Work Order Waiting Reason of type "Other" exists on the Work Order.

Steps 4

  1. On the Work Order Card, select Process > Waiting Reasons.

  2. Select the Condition Met check box for the Waiting Reason set up with type "Other".

  3. Select the go back-button in the upper-left corner to close the Change Waiting Reasons screen.

  4. On the Work Order Card, select Actions > Update Status.


The user can update Status on a Work Order that has a Work Order Waiting Reason of type "Other".

Changing Work Order Status Manually

Data Requirements

  1. A Work Order Card is open.

Steps 2

  1. In the Status field, select the arrow to see the list.

  2. Select a status.


The user can manually change Status on a Work Order.

Work on a Work Order

An Asset Technician works on maintenance jobs and makes consumption registrations on the related Work Orders. Work Order tasks include:

  • Complete the maintenance job described in the Work Order
  • Create consumption registrations
  • Post consumption registrations and close the Work Order (may be done by a Technician or a Manager)

You start by opening the Work Order.

  1. On the role center > Activities section > My Work Orders, select Assigned to me to see your work list.
  2. Select the Work Order in the list. On the Work Order Card > General section, various information regarding the Asset and the Work Order is shown.
  3. Select Documents > Show Documents to see if there are documents attached to the Work Order that you must read before you start working on the job.
    1. If required, you can Upload Documents from your laptop, or Select Documents from D365BC document database and attach them to the Work Order, if required. You can also go to the Documents FactBox on the right side of the screen to see a list of documents.
  4. If Item lines are added to the Work Order, go to the Items section > Manage > Show Documents to see if there are documents related to items/spare parts that you should read before you start working on the job.
  5. On the right side of the screen, go to the Pictures FactBox to see if there are pictures or photos you must look at before you start working on the job.
  6. Follow the description in the Instructions section and complete the maintenance job.
  7. If your company uses Failure Registrations, refer to the Fault Management section to learn how to create Failure Registrations on a Work Order.
  8. When you have completed the job, add your notes about the work in the Remarks field. Next step is to create consumption registrations.

Take pictures

Technicians can upload and take pictures during Work Order execution. Upload of pictures has support for JPG pictures.

Multiple pictures can be added to Work Ordrs.

The latest picture is shown on the Work Order. Multiple pictures are shown in a thumbnail view.

Multiple pictures shown in Work Order Picture List
Multiple pictures shown in Work Order Picture List
Picture shown on Work Order
Picture shown on Work Order

Work Order Creator

You can create Work Orders quickly and easy in the case where you have an asset that needs immediate attention, or when you need to follow-up on something after a work order was carried out. When you're using this approach, you can create the Work Order without having to create a Work Order Plan first.

The two articles below explain how you can:

  • Create a quick work order (one-off).
  • Create a follow-up work order.

Create a Quick Work Order

You can create a Work Order in case a problem occurs on an Asset, which requires immediate attention. In that case, you may not have an active Work Order for the Asset, and you create a Work Order (a one-off Work Order) to make registrations and solve the problem right away.

When you create a one-off Work Order, a Work Order Plan is automatically created from the Work Order.

You should only use one-off Work Orders for urgent problems that must be quickly resolved. Generally, use Work Order Plans as the basis for creating Work Orders for preventive maintenance jobs and corrective maintenance jobs.

  1. On the role center, select Actions > Create One-off Work Order, or select an Asset from the Assets Tree > Action > Create Work Order.
  2. In the pop-up window, select the Asset No. of the Asset that requires urgent maintenance.
  3. Insert a Description of the job.
  4. Select the Work Order Date.
  5. Select a Work Order Category in the Category Code field. If the Category contains setup regarding Frequencies, Items, Resources, and expenses (if available), then Items, Resources, and Expenses are automatically transferred to the Work Order and the related the Work Order Plan.
  6. In the Priority Code field, select a Work Order Priority.
  7. If required, enter instructions for the task to be solved in the Instructions field.
  8. Select Yes to create the Work Order.

On the Work Order Plan, a one-off frequency line is automatically created, and the Corrective Maintenance check box is selected on the line to show that it is not part of planned maintenance. You can update the Work Order Plan and add frequencies, items, and resources as you require. This allows you to convert a Work Order Plan based on a one-off Work Order to a plan used for continuous maintenance planning.

Create Follow-up

From the Work Order and Posted Work Order cards you can use the action Create Follow Up Work Order.

Follow-up Work Orders are ideal when you want to follow up on something after a work order has been carried out by a technician. For example, in the case when you replace an Asset and you want to check the alignment after instalment.

Selecting the action Create Follow Up Work Order opens a window where you can specify the work order to be followed up for the order/posted order from which you are using this action.

  • All fields and functions are the same as are in the One-Off Work Order Creator.
  • Delay - specify the delay (in days).

Important: when you create the follow-up work order this way, today's date and delay are used to calculate the planned date for the work order that is being created, meaning that today's date counts as the first day of the delay period.

Create follow-up work order.
Create follow-up work order.
Follow-up creator.
Follow-up creator.

View Asset Defects

On a Work Order, you can easily get a comprehensive overview of all associated asset defects and any asset children defects.

If the asset has any open defects, you will see a notification on the work order from where you can open the defects by clicking the Open Defects button. See screenshot 01.

You can also view any associated defects by going to Related > Other > Asset Defects/Asset Children Defects on the work order (see screenshot 02). You can now view the list of associated defects for the asset and its children. See screenshot 03.

01: Asset defects and asset children defects.
01: Asset defects and asset children defects.
02: Opening defects from the menu.
02: Opening defects from the menu.
03: List of asset defects and asset children defects.
03: List of asset defects and asset children defects.

Use Warehouse and Inventory Pick

Using Inventory Pick and Warehouse Pick allows you to manage and track inventory and warehouse operations related to maintenance tasks, ensuring accurate and streamlined processes.

When setting up locations for spare parts used for maintenance, you can choose to set them up either as Inventory Pick or Warehouse Pick. This means that you will be able to create a pick directly from a Work Order document. This integrates with the standard Warehouse management functionality in Business Central.


Go to the location card of the location which you want to set up Warehouse Pick or Inventory Pick (see screenshot 01 for reference).

In the 'Warehouse' tab in the 'Maintenance' field, click the drop-down and select either:

  • Warehouse Pick Mandatory
  • Warehouse Pick Optional
  • Inventory Pick Mandatory

Note: warehouse employees can register warehouse picks without a Dynaway license.

Create Pick on a Work Order

To create an Inventory or Warehouse Pick on a Work Order, go to Actions > Warehouse > Create Inventory Pick/Create Warehouse Pick (see screenshot 02 for example).

When choosing warehouse pick or inventory pick, a standard pick will be created in the warehouse so all warehousing operations can be covered. View screenshot 03 for an example of warehouse pick, and view screenshot 04 for an example of inventory pick.

After picking, the picked quantity is shown in the 'Items' tab in the column 'Qty. Picked' as seen in screenshot 05. The column can be shown through personalization.

01: A location card with the 'Maintenance' field highlighted.
01: A location card with the 'Maintenance' field highlighted.
02: Creating 'Inventory Pick' or 'Warehouse Pick' from the Work Order.
02: Creating 'Inventory Pick' or 'Warehouse Pick' from the Work Order.
03: Creating a 'Warehouse Pick'. The source document and no. is visible.
03: Creating a 'Warehouse Pick'. The source document and no. is visible.
04: Creating an 'Inventory Pick'. The source document and no. is visible.
04: Creating an 'Inventory Pick'. The source document and no. is visible.
05: The quantity is shown in the column after picking.
05: The quantity is shown in the column after picking.


Consumption Registrations

Create consumption registrations on a Work Order so your company can track maintenance costs on the Asset you are working on.

You can post consumption for each of the three consumption types – items, resources, expenses – individually, or you can post all consumption registration lines together. If you want to post all Work Order consumption registration lines together, refer to the article Post Consumption Registrations and Close a Work Order.

Item, resource, or expense registration lines may have been transferred from the Work Order Plan. In that case, enter the quantity you want to register in the Qty. to Consume field on each line, and the lines are ready to be posted.

On the Work Order Card and the Round Order Card, you can change the General Business Posting Group automatically taken from the Asset.

  • On the Work Order, this field is added to the header*.
  • On the Round Order, this field is added to the line*.

*in both cases, the field is automatically filled with data from the Asset. The field is hidden by default but can be shown by personalization.
During posting, the given General Business Posting Group is added to the journal and the proper ledger entries are created.

If you're working on a Work Order that is not assigned to you, which you can select on your role center in Activities > Unassigned, no resource is selected on resource lines transferred from a Work Order Plan. On those Work Orders, you must also select yourself (or your team) as a resource in the No. field on a resource line.

You can delete a registration line as long as it has not been posted. To delete a registration line, select it, then select Manage > Delete line.

General Business Posting Group on Work Order
General Business Posting Group on Work Order
General Business Posting Group on Round
General Business Posting Group on Round

Register Resource Consumption

Resource registration are the work hours spent on the Work Order.

Go to the Resources section on your Work Order.

  1. If you want to create a new resource line, select the No. field on the first empty line and select the resource.
  2. Enter the work hours used in the Qty. to Consume field.
  3. Select Manage > Post Consumption to post resource registrations.

Time Registration

Time Registration is a functionality that allows you to track the exact amount of time spent on a work order and post it as consumption on a work order.

As an Asset Technician, you can easily track how much time you spend on a work order and register the exact amount of time measured by the clock.


To activate Time Registration, go to Asset Management Setup and toggle the button in the Use Time Registration field from the Work Orders and Rounds tab.

Use Time Registration

  1. On a Work Order card, start the time registration by selecting the Start Timer action from the toolbar.
  2. The clock will start and is visible on the card above the General tab. See the screenshot below.

Before you start the timer remember:

  • The current user must be linked with an existing Resource No. (This can be done on the Maintenance Employees list).
  • On the work order, there must be at least one line with a linked resource.
    • If there is more than one, you'll be asked to choose for which line you want to start the registration.

Registering and posting Time Registrations

When the clock is running you can:

  • Pause the clock - you will record the time but it will not be posted yet.
  • Stop & Post- it will stop the clock and post the registered time.

If you didn't post the registered time, but you did register some readings, you can always check them by selecting the My Time Registrations action from the toolbar. From there, you can inspect the registered time, edit if necessary, or post all registered readings.


  • You can only post registrations created by yourself.
  • You can't start a second Time Registration if the previous one (on a different work order) is still running. A user can only use one timer at a time.

Use Time Registration on a Work Order with multiple lines

If a Work Order has multiple lines with different resources specified, each user/resource can start their own timer, and these timers can run simultaneously.

Starting the Timer.
Starting the Timer.
Linking Maintenance Employee and Resource No.
Linking Maintenance Employee and Resource No.
Task selection.
Task selection.
Running clock.
Running clock.
Measured time on the line.
Measured time on the line.
Time Registrations.
Time Registrations.

Register Item Consumption

You can only create item consumption registrations for items that are on stock in the location you are working on.

Go to the Items section on your Work Order.

  1. If you want to create a new item line, select the No. field on the first empty line and select the item.
  2. Enter the quantity used in the Qty. to Consume field.
  3. The Unit of Measurement Code is automatically added from the item selection.
  4. The Location Code field is automatically added from the location code on the Work Order. You can select another location code, if required.
  5. Select Manage > Post Consumption to post item registrations.
    1. When you have posted an item line, quantity consumed in the Qty. to Consume field is now shown in the Qty. Consumed field.

Register Expenses

Expenses are special costs that may be included in a work order. Examples are costs for accommodation, gasoline, and external contractors required to complete the job.

Go to the Expenses section on your Work Order.

  1. If you want to create a new expense line, select the No. field on the first empty line and select the expense.
  2. Select the vendor in the Vendor No. field.
  3. Enter the actual quantity used in the Quantity field. When you leave this field, the next fields on the line may be automatically updated.
  4. Select the Unit of Measurement Code related to quantity.
  5. Enter the Expected Unit Cost (LCY). The Expected Line Cost (LCY) field is automatically updated, depending on quantity.
  6. Select Manage > Post Consumption to post expenses. When an expense line is posted, the number added in the Qty. to Consume field is moved to the Qty. Consumed field.

Group expenses on purchase orders and invoices

An employee in Finance or a manager can create a purchase document with data from existing expense lines on a Work Order.

  1. Create a new purchase order and select a vendor. Next, you select the Get Work Order Expenses button.
  2. In the pop-up window, you can select a date interval and an Expense Code.
  3. In the 'Grouping Method' field, you can select how the expense lines will be grouped:
    • None - each line will be added separately.
    • By Expense No. - lines will be grouped by expense no.
    • By Type No. - lines will be grouped by type no.
    • By Work Order No. - lines will be grouped by work order no.
    • By Work Order No. and Expense No. - lines will be grouped by work order no. and expense no.
    • By Work Order Group No. - lines will be grouped by work order group no.
  4. You can also specify the Work Order No. from which you want to get expenses. If you leave all fields blank, you get all expense lines created for the selected vendor.
  5. When you're done, you can view information about which lines were used to create a purchase line and details about them on Detailed Expense Entries. When you post the purchase document, the Work Order Ledger Entries are updated.


  • Dimensions are automatically taken into consideration. If two similar lines have different dimensions, both will be treated as separate lines.
  • For grouped lines:
    • Quantity is a summarize of all grouped lines.
    • Unit costs is calculated based on grouped lines - their costs and quantities.
    • Have created Detailed Expense Entry.

Read more about how to work with purchase orders in the Microsoft documentation for D365BC: Record Purchases.

Post Consumption Registrations and Close a Work Order

When consumption registrations have been added to a Work Order, the next step is to post consumption and close the Work Order.

If your company does not allow Assets Technicians to post consumption registrations and close Work Orders, but requires a Manager to do that, use the Status field in the General section on the Work Order. Select "Completed" in the Status field to show that you have completed a job, and that consumption registration lines are ready to be approved and processed.

When you have completed the maintenance job and created consumption registrations, scroll to the top of the Work Order.

  1. Select Post > Post to start the process of posting/closing the Work Order. A dialog opens, and you select what you want to do:
    1. Select Post if you want to post consumption and not close the Work Order yet.
    2. Select Close if you want to close the Work Order without posting consumption.
    3. Select Post & Close if you want to post consumption and close the Work Order.

When you close a Work Order, the Work Order Checkout screen is shown.

  • The checkout screen validates Work Order data compared to the Asset Management Setup. If information is missing, according to the setup, a red asterisk is shown in the fields that require update. Select OK to continue checkout and close the Work Order.
  • The fields available on the checkout screen may vary, depending on the Asset Management Setup.

When you have closed a Work Order, consumption registration lines cannot be edited or deleted.

If you are working on several Work Orders at a time, for example, recurring cleaning jobs or inspection jobs on several Assets, you can use the Work Order Journal to create and post consumption registrations on several Work Orders at a time.

You can create workflows for when a work order is completed. Read more about how to set up workflows using Power Automate in Business Central.

Work Order Checkout screen
Work Order Checkout screen

Consumption from Work Order List

You can also proceed posting/closing the Work Order directly from the Work Order list. You can register posting/closing for multiple records from the list at the same time.

Before you post/close Work Orders from the list, be aware that posting in bulk has some limitations:

  • Only Work Orders with the status 'Completed' can be processed.
  • If the Work Order needs remarks, the Work Order will not be closed without them.
  • If the Work Order needs failure codes, the Work Order will not be closed without these codes.
  • If the Work Order needs a counter reading, the Work Order will not be closed without a reading.

The rest of the possible limitations (Asset Condition Mandatory, etc. from the Asset Management Setup) are skipped. Only missing mandatory remarks, mandatory Failure Codes, missing needed Counter Reading, or missing data (like Resource No.) can block posting/closing a Work Order.

From the Work Order list:

  1. Select the relevant records.
  2. Select Post/Close action from the toolbar.
  3. You will be notified how many records will be processed. Approve that you want to continue.
  4. Choose either to Post, Close, or Post & Close.
  5. You will be notified how many records from the selected records were processed.

Posting/closing in bulk

Posting/closing in bulk can be useful in a company where the team of technicians is only updating work orders with needed data (quantities, remarks, etc.), and when the work is done, they are not closing/posting work orders but they are marking the work orders as 'completed'. Then the manager is posting/closing all Work Orders in bulk that are completed by technicians.

Post/Close in bulk.
Post/Close in bulk.
Confirmation bulk post.
Confirmation bulk post.
Notification after bulk posting.
Notification after bulk posting.

Consume from Purchase Order

You can easily consume items/resources/expenses on the Maintenance Work Order directly from the Purchase Order. When you create the Purchase Order, you can decide for which Work Order this record should be applied or even choose the existing line that fits the record you are about to post.

In the given example we have two work orders.

One already has lines for resource/item/expense, the second one is empty.

On the Purchase Order, we defined that some lines must be applied to the Work Order with lines (the Work Order Line No. is defined), and some lines must be created (when the Work Order Line No. is not defined, the new line will be created). All fields on the Purchase Order Lines are hidden by default.

The Work Order Line Type is defined - without that lines will not be applied to the line.

You can only apply consumption on the items and resources that are defined as Maintenance. When you want to apply consumption to expenses, you must use G/L Account No. that is defined on the Expense.

When you post the Purchase Order:

  • Lines on the work order are updated or created.
  • Work Order Ledger Entries are created.
  • If you used job-related data on the Purchase Order, this data will also be applied to the lines on the Work Order so the connection between Work Orders and Jobs is also supported.

You can also create a Purchase Quote where you can define all values that you can find on the Purchase Order (related Work Order) but also the Work Order Plan, or even this value only.
The Work Order Plan No. will later be added to the line on the Purchase Order and you will not be able to post the Purchase Order until the Work Order No. is blank. This is because someone by purpose decided that the Purchase Quote is related to the Work Order Plan.

Prepared Work Order.
Prepared Work Order.
Purchase Order Lines.
Purchase Order Lines.
Work Order after posting Purchase Order.
Work Order after posting Purchase Order.

Closing & Posting

Closing without Posting

Data Requirements

  1. At least one Work Order exists.
  2. Work Order Card is open.

Steps 4

  1. Select Post in the ribbon.

  2. Select Post....

    Select Post/Close....

  3. Select Close and select OK.

  4. Enter all needed data (depends on Asset Management Setup like Remarks or Failure Codes) and select OK.


The user can close Work Order without posting lines (Items, Resources or Expenses).

Post or close the Work Order
Post or close the Work Order

Closing with mandatory remarks

Data Requirements

  1. Work Order Remarks Mandatory is activated (in Asset Management Setup).
  2. The field 'Remarks' on the Work Order Card is empty.
  3. Closing procedure for Work Order is started.
  4. 'Edit - Work Order Checkout - Order ∙ <Work Order No.>' window is open.

Steps 3

  1. Enter data in the Remarks field.

  2. Apply all needed data before closing the Work Order.

  3. If all data is applied - select OK.


The user can close the Work Order when Remarks are mandatory.

Posting without Closing

Data Requirements

  1. At least one Work Order exists.
  2. At least one Item/Resource/Expense (with positive quantity to consume) on Work Order exists.
  3. Work Order Card is open.

Steps 3

  1. Select Post in the ribbon.

  2. Select Post....

    Select Post/Close....

  3. Select Post and select OK.


The user can post lines (Items, Resources or Expenses) on Work Order without closing it.

Post or close the Work Order
Post or close the Work Order

Posting and Closing

Data Requirements

  1. At least one Work Order exists.
  2. At least one Item/Resource/Expense (with positive quantity to consume) on Work Order exists.
  3. Work Order Card is open.

Steps 4

  1. Select Post in the ribbon.

  2. Select Post....

    Select Post/Close....

  3. Select Post & Close and Select OK.

  4. Enter all needed data (depends on Asset Management Setup like Remarks or Failure Codes) and select OK.


The user can close Work Order with posting lines (Items, Resources or Expenses).

Post or close the Work Order.
Post or close the Work Order.

Automatic Closing of Work Order Plans

When all Work Orders have been completed as part of a Work Order Plan, the Work Order Plan can close automatically.

Go to Asset Management Setup and enable the parameter Close Automatically Work Order Plans from the 'Work Orders and Round' tab. All Work Order Plans will now be closed automatically when all Work Orders for the plan are closed.

Note: This is only valid for one-off and calendar work order frequencies.

Work Order API

You can perform many activities on Work Orders with prepared APIs. View the dedicated page on the topic here.

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