You can create Round Plans for several Assets, based on a predefined time frame, or as one-off jobs. Round Orders are created based on the Round Plans.
For example, this can be used for regular inspections of Assets located in the same production facility, or for the same type of repair job to be carried out on several Assets.
Round Plans and Round Orders work to a large extent as Work Order Plans and Work Orders in EAM-BC, but a Work Order Plan and a Work Order can only have one Asset.
Setup of Rounds has been completed.
Use the Data Migration Wizard to easily migrate Round Plan data from your previous ERP system to EAM-BC. The Round Plan data wizard allows you to migrate:
The Round Plans list shows a list view of all Round Plans, inluding various details on each Round Plan.
The Round Plans list looks slightly different compared to the Work Orders list:
The screenshot below shows an example of the Round Plans list.
Use a Round Plan to create a Round Order which includes several Assets. On a Round Plan you set up frequencies, which define how often Round Orders are created from the Round Plan. The following frequency types are available:
Currently, Counters are not available on a Round Plan.
If you want to work with Checklists on a Round Plan, that functionlity is included in the Dynaway Safe Work module > Inspection Round. The Dynaway Safe Work module requires a separate add-on.
Refer to the test cases and article references below for step-by-step instructions on how to work with a Round Plan:
The screenshot below shows a Round Plan with the list of Assets included in the plan. The Assets are added according to the Asset Filter setup on the Round plan.
Instructions work the same as they work on Work Orders. To add instructions, use the Edit action in the instructions area. It opens a window where you can add/edit instructions for this document.
You can create workflows for when a round order is created and when a resource is assigned to a round order. Read more about how to set up workflows using Power Automate in Business Central.
On your role center > Actions section, select + Round Plan, or
search for and select Round Plans to open the Round Plans list, then select New.
In the No. field, select the ellipsis button (...) and OK to add the next available number.
In the Description field, select a standard description from the list (which can be edited), or enter your own description.
Select a Category in the Category Code field.
Select a Priority in the Priority Code field.
Optional: The Location Code field is used to select a preferred location for spare parts, regarding the item registrations created on a related Round Order. If a specific location is required, select a location in this field.
In the Asset Selection Method field,
- select "Specified Assets" if you want to select the Assets for the plan one by one in the Assets section.
- select "Dynamic Asset Filter" if you want to set up a filter, and all Assets applying to that filter will be included in the plan.
If you selected "Specified Assets" as Asset Selection Method, go to the Asset No. field and select and Asset. The Description and Location Code fields are automatically inserted when you select an Asset from the list.
Repeat this step to select more Assets. You can only select one Asset at a time in the Asset List.
If you selected "Dynamic Asset filter" as Asset Selection Method, go to the Asset Filters section, and select Manage > Set Filters.
On the Filter Page screen, add the required filters to determine which Assets should be included in the plan.
Select OK to save the filter setup and return to the Round Plan.
If you set up Asset Filters as the Asset Selection Method, select Manage > Show Assets to see a list of the Assets included in the Round Plan.
In the Instructions field, enter the instructions and notes required for completing a Round Order created from the Round Order Plan.
If documents are related to the Round Plan, select Documents in the menu, and
- select Upload Document to upload files from your computer.
- select Select Documents to select documents from the Documents storage are in D365BC.
The user can create a Round Plan and add Assets to the plan.
Open a Round Plan from the Round Plans list.
In the Frequencies section, select "Calendar" in the Frequency Type field.
In the Scheduled field, select the No link to open the Recurrence Schedule screen where you set up calendar schedule details.
On the Recurrence Schedule screen, select the ellipsis button (...) and select: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly to the define the recurrence interval.
Depending on your recurrence selection, fill out the fields on the screen.
Select OK to save the recurrence schedule setup and return to the Round Plan.
If you want to add a specific description on the frequency line, and not use the description automatically added during recurrence schedule setup, edit the description of the frequency in the Description field.
The user can create a calendar-based frequency on a Round Plan.
Open a Round Plan from the Round Plans list.
In the Frequencies section, select "One-off" in the Frequency Type field.
Enter a description of the frequency in the Description field.
Select the Planned Date field to open the calendar, and select a date for the job.
The user can create a one-off frequency on a Round Plan.
You can use the 'Person/Group Responsible' field to define who is responsible for a specific round order/plan. By default, this field is automatically populated from the asset card (from the same field) to the round plan. However, you have the flexibility to modify this value as needed. You can also directly alter this value on the round order itself.
The field can be shown by going to Settings > Personalize and adding it to the round plan card.
When an order is closed, the value from the order is transferred to the posted document.
Use Comments to provide detailed information, instructions, or notes related to Work Orders and Round Orders, maintaining a comprehensive record of communication and decisions throughout the document lifecycle.
Comments given on the Round Order or Work Order are transferred to the posted document when it is closed. Comments from plans are not transferred to the Order.
On the Rounds and Orders (Plans, Orders and Posted documents) you can add standard comments to:
By using the Comments action for the selected record.
Comments are also added to the dataset of Work and Round Orders, and Posted Round and Work Order Printouts.
When you create a new Round Plan, it has status "Open".
The following states are available on a Round Plan:
When a Round Plan has status "Released", you can calculate the Round Plan to create a Round Order.
If you need to update a Round Plan that has been released, select Release > Reopen on the plan. Status changes to "Open", and you can edit the plan. When you're done editing, remember to release the plan again by selecting Release > Release.
If a Round Plan is no longer required, select Release > Close on the plan.
You can delete a Round Plan if the plan is in state "Open" and no ledger entries are related to it, meaning no item or resource registrations are posted on related Round Orders. If you want to delete a Round Plan, select the delete button at the top of the screen and confirm deletion.
When a Round Plan is in status "Released", next step is to calculate the plan. When you calculate a Round Plan, you create a Round Order based on the plan.
You can only have one active Round Order for each Round Plan. An Asset Technician or Asset Manager must post and close a Round Order before you can create a new Round Order from the same Round Plan.
Refer to the test case below for step-by-step instructions on how to calculate a Round Plan to create a Round Order.
If you want to calculate multiple Round Plans to create Round Orders for several plans in one go, you can use the Planning Worksheet. The Planning Worksheet is also used for creating Work Orders from multiple Work Order Plans, and the procedure for working with Round Plans in the Planning Worksheet is the same as working with Work Order Plans. Refer to the article Calculate Work Orders from the Planning Worksheet for more information. In the Planning Worksheet, you may be able to distinguish Work Order Plans from Round Plans in the Plan No. field if separate number series were set up. Also, no data are shown on a Round Plan in the Asset No. and Asset Description fields because a Round Plan includes several Assets.
If a Location Code is selected on a Round Plan, that location is transferred to the Round Order created from the plan. The Location Code on the Round Order is automatically used as location code on the item registration lines created on the Round Order. You can edit the Location Code on a Round Order, and you can also edit the Location Code on an item registration line, if required.
On your role center, select Work Orders > Round Plans, or search for and select Round Plans.
Select the link in the No. field on the Round Plan you want to create a Round Order for.
Select Process > Calculate Plan.
On the Calculate Work Orders screen, select OK.
A message about the new Round Order is shown.
Optional: If you want to edit the Round Order, select the link in the Frequencies section > Current Round Order No. field.
You can calculate a Round Plan to create a Round Order for the plan.
The Round Order No. is added to the Round Plan in the Frequencies section > Current Round Order No. field.
An Asset Technician works on the maintenance job described on a Round Order. Typically, the same tasks are to be carried out on all the Assets included in a Round Order.
Refer to the test case below for step-by-step instructions on how to work on a Round Order.
When you have completed work on the Round Order, next step is to register consumption regarding resources and items. Consumption registration is done in the same way as on Work Orders, the only difference is that consumption lines on a Round Order does not include the Qty. Consumed field.
On a Round Order, you can create registration lines for resources and items, but not for expenses. Refer to the article Consumption Registrations to learn how to register the consumption of resources and items.
On a Round Order Card, you can use standard Status to define the current state of the order, or you can use Advanced Maintenance Statuses.
You can create power automate workflows for when a round order is completed. Read more about how to set up workflows using Power Automate in Business Central.
Sometimes your technicians may need information about a Round Order, but they're working in an area without internet or system access. In such cases, you can consider preparing a printed version of the document. You can do this from the Round Order card by using the Print action. It runs a window where you can register a printout. On the Round Order card, there is a hidden field (by default) that shows how many times the round order has been printed. It might be useful to check if someone has already printed the document. Remember that the printout layout can always be redesigned in Word to customize it to your company.
Sometimes you just need to send the Round Order printout by email. You can do this directly from the Round Order card by selecting the Send action from the toolbar.
The email is created but not sent yet. You can do some changes to it or send the email. The body of the email contains some basic information about the Round Order and the attachment with the printout is added to the email.
Sometimes you need to send your printout directly to a vendor. On the Vendor Card you can specify the vendor`s maintenance email.
When a vendor is used on the Round Order (also taken from the plan), the hidden (by default) field is filled with proper data:
You can always change this value on the Round Order page, but the field must be added by personalization.
Printing and sending printouts work exactly the same for Posted Round Orders.
On the Work Order and Round Order Resource Lines, you can use the following fields (hidden by default):
These values are propagated to the posted document when the Order/Round order is closed. These fields are also hidden by default.
On your role center > Activities section > Work Orders, select Assigned to me to see your work list.
Or, search for and select "Work Orders" to open the Work Orders list.
Open the Round Order from the list by selecting the link in the No. field.
Note: To distinguish Round Orders from Work Orders in your list, you may se different numbering used, for example a Work Order number may start with "WO", and a Round Order number starts with "ROUND". Also, for Round Orders, there are not data in the Asset No. and Asset Description fields in the list because Round Orders include several Assets.
On the Round Order card, check the Documents and Pictures FactBoxes on the right side of the screen to see if there are any files or pictures attached that you need to read or look at before starting to work on the job.
If required, select Documents > Upload Documents to upload a file from your laptop to the Round Order, or Documents > Select Documents to select a file from the D365BC document database and attach it to the Round Order.
Go to the Items section > Manage > Show Documents to see if there are files related to items/spare parts that you should read before you start working on the job.
Optional: You can manually add more Assets to the Round Order, if required. Go to the Assets section, select Manage > New Line and select an Asset in the Asset No. field.
Note: You cannot remove Asset lines from a Round Order.
Follow the description in the Instructions section on the Round Order and complete the maintenance job.
When the job is completed, go to the Assets section and mark the Assets that you have completed the job for as 'Done' by selecting the Done check box.
If you have completed the job on all the Assets in the list, you can select Manage > Mark All as Done to add a check mark on all Asset lines in one go. You can also add or remove check marks, one at a time. Enter a note in the Remarks field on an Asset line, if required.
If there are Assets in the list that you have not completed the job for, select the Skipped check box for those Assets and add a note about it in the Remarks field on the Asset line.
The user can work on a Round Order.
The user can view documents and pictures, and add files if required, on a Round Order.
The user can mark the Assets included in the Round Order as "Done" or "Skipped" and add remarks on Asset lines.
When work is completed on a Round Order, and all consumption registration lines regarding resources and items have been added, next step is to post and close the Round Order.
When Round Orders are posted and closed, you can view posted Round Orders in the Posted Work Orders list. In that list you see closed Work Orders as well as closed Round Orders. Refer to the article Posted Work Orders to learn more.
Items and resources (work hours) registered on a Round Order are evenly distributed among all Assets included in the Round Order. In the screenshots below, you see an example of a posted Round Order with six work hours registered. The Ledger Entries related to the posted Round Order show work hours evenly distributed among all Assets. One item/spare part was replaced on each Asset, therefore you also see one item consumed on each Asset in the Ledger Entries.
Follow-up work orders allow you to schedule additional maintenance for specific assets after a round order has been completed. For instance, if you suspect or notice something is malfunctioning on an asset during an inspection and you want to make sure a work order is scheduled to follow up on the issue.
After the Follow-up Work Order is created, you can check how many and what Work Orders are created for the whole Round Order and for every specific Asset. The 'Follow Up Orders' field in the 'General' and 'Assets' tabs provide this information and allow you to open the Follow Up Work List by selecting the number of a line (See screenshot 03). See an example of the Follow Up Work List in screenshot 04 below.
Note: You can also create follow-up work orders directly from Work Orders and Posted Work Orders.
You can create Assets on Posted Work Order Reports to get an overview of which Assets are marked as 'Done' or 'Skipped' when Round Orders are completed.
Refer to the article Consumption Report on Work Orders for descriptions of how to work with standard report setup, such as
The created report is a mostly dataset of values from the system. You can always use it to create your own personalized reports that will be used in your company.
You can run a Work Order simulation, which also includes Round Orders, to see calculations of the resources and items expected to be consumed on Work Orders and Round Orders, based on the setup of Work Order Plans and Round Plans.
Refer to the article Simulate Work Orders to learn more.
For your Round Plans, it is important to ensure that you have the items required for completing the Round Orders you create from the plans.
Refer to the Item Availability articles to learn how you can find valuable information for item planning. Item planning for Round Orders work in the same way as item planning for Work Orders.
You can work with Checklists on Round Plans and Round Orders, as part of your inspections.
Just like Work Order Checklists, you can also use Round Checklists where you can add 'Before Work' and 'After Work' Checklists to a Round Plan and a related Round Order.
A Checklist contains a list of tasks (lines) to be completed in sequential order before, during, or after the job described in the Round Order. You can add three checklists to a Round Order:
Working with Round Checklists includes:
In order to add Checklists to a Round Plan, which are transferred to the related Round Order, a specific setup on the Work Order Category used on the Round Plan is required. Here, you can choose the Category Type Round Checklist. See screenshot 01.
Refer to the article Work Order Categories to learn how to set up a Category Type on a Work Order Category that you want to use for Round Checklists.
When you create a Checklist for an Inspection Round, you select a Category Code on the Checklist. A Checklist Category has a Type. The Type selected on a Checklist Category used for Inspection Round Checklists must be "Round Checklist". See screenshot 01.
Refer to the article Create Checklist Categories to learn how to set up Categories to be used for Round Checklists.
When planning Work Orders that use checklists, the same Work Checklist is often used on many Work Orders & Work Order Plans. To make that easier for Maintenance Planners, it is possible to specify default Checklists at the Work Order Category level. It is possible to assign Checklists for the Work Order Category for both non-inspection categories and inspection categories. These Checklists are reused on Work Orders as well as Work Order Plans.
Checklists are created in the Dynaway Forms module. The way you create and release a Checklist for a Round Order is similar to when you create and release it for a Work Order. The only difference is that for a Round Order Checklist, you select a Category Code created for Round Checklists.
Refer to the article Create and Release a Checklist, describing these steps for Work Order Checklists. Note that in step 5 in the related test case, you must select a Category Code of type "Round Checklist".
When you create a Round Plan and select a Category Code on the Round Plan, which is set up to be used for inspection (described in the article Set Up Work Order Categories above), an Inspection section is added on the General FastTab on the Round Plan. In that section, add one or more Checklists, as you require, to be done
When you have created a Round Plan, including added Checklists required for the Round Order, next steps include:
Generally, when you work with planning Round Orders (or Work Orders), you want to have an overview of the availability of resources and items required for your maintenance and inspection jobs. Refer to the following articles for information on how to
When you have created a Round Order with Checkslists from a Round Plan, next step is for the Technician to complete the work on the Round Order, which includes the following tasks:
Overview of Checklists used on Round Orders and Work Orders:
Round |
Work Order |
Description |
Before Round | Before Work | Checklist to be filled out before work starts on a Round Order or Work Order. |
After Round | After Work | Checklist to be filled out after work is completed on a Round Order or Work Order. |
Each Round Step | - |
This Checklist is only available on a Round Order. Each Checklist line must be done for all Assets included in the Round Order. |
As mentioned in the article Work on a Round Order above, Checklists for Round Orders and Work Orders work in a similar way, only the names of the Checklists differ.
Refer to the article Inspect a Checklist to learn how to inspect answers on your Before Round, After Round, Each Round Step Checklists.
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