Functional Location Setup

Functional location stages

Functional location stages define the stages that a functional location can go through, for example, created, active, and ended. You are able to view all functional locations, regardless of their stage, in the All functional locations list page. You can change the stage of a functional location by selecting it in the All functional locations list page and clicking the Functional location stage button.

Set up functional location stages

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Functional locations > Stage > Stages.
  2. Click New to create a new functional location stage.
  3. Insert the stage ID in the Stage field and a name for the functional location stage in the Name field. In the Stage groups field, you can see the number of functional location stage groups that uses the functional location stage.
  4. On the General FastTab, select "Yes" on the Active toggle button if the functional location should be active at this stage.
  5. Select "Yes" on the Create object toggle button if it should be possible to automatically create an object with the same name as the functional location and install it on the functional location at this stage.


This toggle button relates to the Object type field on the General FastTab in the Functional location types form (Enterprise asset management > Setup > Functional locations > Functional location types).

  1. Select "Yes" on the Rename location toggle button if it should be possible to change the name of the functional location at this stage.
  2. Select "Yes" on the New sub locations toggle button if it should be possible to add new sub locations to the functional location at this stage.
  3. Select "Yes" on the Install objects toggle button if it should be possible to install objects on the functional location at this stage.
  4. Select "Yes" on the Delete functional locations toggle button if it should be possible to delete the functional location at this stage.
  5. Select an object stage in the Reference field if you want the object stage for all objects installed on the functional location to be automatically updated at this stage. Example: If you close down a functional location, and set the functional location stage to "Ended", you may want to automatically change the object stage of the objects installed on that functional location to "Not in use".


Functional location stages, stage groups, and types are related and used in the same way as work order stages, work order stage groups, and work order types. Refer to the Work Order Stages section for a general explanation regarding stage group, type, and stage relations.

Functional location stages details
Functional location stages details

Set up functional location stage groups

When you have created the stages required for your functional locations, they can be divided into groups. This is done to create the stage group flow that may be used for different types of functional locations. As a minimum, one standard functional location stage group should be created.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Functional locations > Stage > Stage groups.
  2. Click New to create a new stage group.
  3. Insert the stage group ID in the Stage group field and a name for the stage group in the Name field. In the Stages and Functional location types fields, you can see the number of stages selected in the stage group, and the number of functional location types that uses the stage group.
  4. On the Stages FastTab, select the stages that should be included in the group. This is done by clicking on a stage in the Stages remaining section and clicking the button.
  5. If you want to select all the available stages for a group, click the button. All stages are transferred to the Stages selected section.
  6. If you want to remove a selected stage from the group, select the stage in the Stages selected section and click the button.
  7. Click Stage updates to define which stages can follow a selected stage.

Functional location stages groups
Functional location stages groups

Specification types

Specifications are used to describe properties related to an object type, object, functional location type, or functional location. You can set up various specifications. Examples: For a functional location, you can set specifications regarding the configuration and physical size of the location. For an object type or an object, you can set specifications regarding engine volume, power consumption, and maximum load capacity under different conditions.

You can set up specifications on:

Create specification types

You can create your own specification types, but you can also transfer product dimensions from Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations to Specification types.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Specification types.
  2. First time you set up specification types, click Create product dimensions to automatically transfer standard Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations product dimensions.
  3. Click New to create a new specification type.
  4. Insert a name for the specification type in the Specification type field.
  5. Insert a description in the Description field.
  6. If required, select the relevant specification unit in the Unit field.
  7. In the Data type field, select a data type for the unit.
  8. If the specification type has the data type "String", you can create values for the specification type by selecting it and clicking the Values button.
          1. In Specification values, click New.
          2. Select a specification type (dimension) in the Specification type field.
          3. Insert a related value in the Value field.
          4. Insert a description in the Description field.
          5. Save the record.
          6. Go back to the Specifications types view.
  9. Save the record.
  10. In the Functional location types field, the number of functional location using the specification type is shown.
  11. In the Object types field, the number of object types using the specification type is shown.

Specification types
Specification types
Specification values
Specification values

Functional location types

Functional location types are used to manage requirements for functional locations, including how objects are installed on a functional location. You can set up object types, maintenance sequences, functional location specifications, and object specification requirements to be used on a functional location that uses the specific functional location type. When you create a functional location, the functional location type is mandatory.


In order to work with functional locations, you must create a default functional location to be used only for the purpose of creating new objects. For that default functional location, you should create a default functional location type that is really simple and allows multiple objects to be installed on the default functional location. See the Create Functional Locations section for more information on how to set up functional locations.

Create a default functional location type

This procedure shows how to create a default functional location type to be used for a default functional location.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Functional locations > Functional location types.
  2. Click New to create a functional location type.
  3. Insert a functional location type ID in the Functional location type field, for example, "Default", and a name in the Name field.
  4. Select a stage group in the Functional location stage group field.
  5. Select "Yes" on the Multiple objects toggle button to allow more objects to be installed on a functional location (the default functional location) using this type.

Now, the default functional location type to be used only on a default functional location is created. You should not add any more requirements or restrictions to this default functional location type.

Default functional location type
Default functional location type

Create functional location types

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Functional locations > Functional location types.
  2. Click New to create a functional location type.
  3. Insert a functional location type ID in the Functional location type field and a name in the Name field.
  4. Select a stage group in the Functional location stage group field. Refer to the Functional Location Stages section for more information on functional location stages and stage groups.
  5. Select "Yes" on the Multiple objects toggle button if it should be possible to install several objects on a functional location using this functional location type. If you select "No", you can only install one object on a functional location using this functional location type.
  6. Select "Yes" on the Update object dimension toggle button if you want objects installed on a functional location of this type to automatically use the financial dimensions related to the functional location. This means that if you change financial dimensions in the Functional location form, and the functional location uses a functional location type with this toggle button set to "Yes", financial dimensions are automatically updated on all objects installed on that functional location.
  7. The Object type field is used if you want to automatically create one object for the functional location with the same ID and name as the functional location you are creating. For example, this may be relevant if you create a static functional location, such as a building or a pipeline. In that case, select the object type you want to use for the automatically created object. Remember that if you make a selection in this field, the Multiple objects toggle button must be set to "No".
  8. On the Object types FastTab, select the object types to be related to the functional location type. Click Add line and select the object types. If you add object types here, only objects using those object types can be installed on a functional location using this functional location type. If no object types are selected on the Object types FastTab, all object types may be installed.
  9. On the Maintenance sequences FastTab, select the maintenance sequences that should automatically be set up on new functional locations using this functional location type. Click Add line and select the sequences. If you add maintenance sequences here, only those sequences can be used on a functional location using this functional location type.
  10. On the Object specification requirements FastTab, set up the object specifications that should automatically be set up on new functional locations using this functional location type. Click Add line and select the specification. These specification requirements function as guidelines. They are not validated against specifications set up on an object (Enterprise asset management > Common > Objects > All objects > select object in the list page > General tab > Specifications button). The specification requirements are shown when you install objects on functional locations.
  11. On the Permitted types FastTab, select the functional location types that should be valid for the sub functional location types related to a parent functional location type, which uses the selected functional location type. In the screenshot at the end of this article, you see that a parent functional location using the type "City" allows the functional location types "Site", "Plant", and "Warehouse" as related sub functional locations.
  12. On the Specifications FastTab, select the functional location specifications that should automatically be set up on functional locations using this functional location type. Click Add line and select the specification for the line.


In the section at the top of the form, you can get an overview of the number of object types, maintenance sequences, object specification requirements, functional location types, and functional location specifications set up on the functional location type. The Functional locations field shows the number of functional locations that use the functional location type.

You can use the Copy button to copy settings from a functional location type to the selected functional location type.

Functional location type
Functional location type

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