Work Order Setup

Job groups, job types, variants and trades

An object has an object type attached to it. The object type defines which job types, meaning which maintenance jobs, can be carried out on an object. When you create a work order, selecting a job type is mandatory. It is only possible to select the job types that are related to the object type setup used on the object.

Refer to the Overview chapter for a graphic outline of objects and job types, and their connection to a work order.

Job variants can be set up on a job type. Job variants define variations of a job type, for example, size (small, medium, large), periods (weekly, bi-weekly, 1 month, 3 months), and configurations (low standard, flexible, high performance).

Job trades are information regarding professional trade, for example, mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic. Competency requirements can be set up on a job trade. All job trades can be used in relation to all job types. Selecting job variant and/or job trade on work a order is optional.

For each job type, variations of job type setup can be created. Example: If you have a job type called "Service", you can create variations for that job type relating to "Trucks 30,000 km", "Cars 30,000 km", and "Vans 30,000 km".

Job groups are used to collect a group of job types for overview purposes. Examples could be "Calibration", "Inspection", "Overhaul", and "Instrumentation".

First, you set up the required job groups, job variants, and job trades. Next you create job types. Then, you create all the variations of job types that are required for your equipment in Job type setup. Forecasts, checklists, and tools can be set up for a combination of job type in Job type setup.


A job type can only be related to one job group

Create a job variant

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Jobs > Job variants.
  2. Click New.
  3. Insert the job variant ID in the Variant field and a description of the job variant in the Description field.
  4. On the Job types FastTab, click Add to add a job type.
  5. Select the job type in the Job type field.
  6. Repeat steps 4-5 to add more job types to the variant. In the Job types field you can see the number of job types added to the selected job variant.

Job variant details
Job variant details

Create a job trade

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Jobs > Job trades.
  2. Click New.
  3. Insert the job trade ID in the Trade field and a description of the job trade in the Description field.
  4. On the Competencies FastTab > Skills tab, click Add to add a new skill to be related to the job trade.
  5. Select the skill in the Skill field.
  6. Select the skill level in the Level field.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 to add more skills to the job trade. In the Skills field you can see the number of skills added to the selected job trade.
  8. Click the Certificates tab if you want to add certificates to the job trade.
  9. Click Add to add a new certificate.
  10. Select the certificate in the Certificate type field.
  11. Repeat steps 9-10 to add more certificates to the job trade. In the Certificates field you can see the number of certificates added to the selected job trade.

Job trade details
Job trade details

Create a job type

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Jobs > Job types.
  2. Click New.
  3. Insert a job type ID in the Job type field.
  4. Insert a name for the job type in the Name field. In the Details group, you can see an overview of the number of job variants, skills, certificates, succeeding jobs, and object types created on the job type. In the Setup lines field, you see the number of job type setup lines set up on the job type. In the Objects field, you see the number of active objects that are currently using the job type.
  5. On the General FastTab, select a job group in the Job group field.
  6. Select "Yes" on the Maintenance stop toggle button if this job type requires a maintenance stop of the equipment before the job can be carried out.
  7. On the Description FastTab, insert a description of the job type.
  8. On the Variants FastTab, you can add job variants to the job type.
  9. On the Competencies FastTab, you can add skills and certificate requirements to the job type.
  10. If a specific job type is required as the next job type to be carried out, add it on the Succeeding jobs FastTab. You can also set up Variant and Trade related to the job type. In the Displacement field, you can add number of days that the succeeding job should start before or after the job using this job type has started. If you insert a positive number, for example "5", it means that the succeeding job starts five days after the start of the job that is related to the job type. If you insert a negative number, for example "-3", it means that the succeeding job will start three days before the scheduled start of the job that is related to the job type.
    • Note
      • If you add more than one job type line, the sequence of the lines indicate the order in which they should be carried out, starting from the top of the list.
  11. On the Object types FastTab, you can add object types to the job type.

Job types
Job types

Create a job group

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Jobs > Job groups.
  2. Click New.
  3. Insert a job group ID in the Job group field.
  4. Insert a name for the group in the Name field.

When you have related job groups to job types, you will see how many job types are related to the job group in the Job types field.

Job groups overview
Job groups overview

Create job type setup lines

In the situation where you have multiple job type setup lines in the Job type setup' form and you want to handle a lot of data, you can change the layout to optimize the performance of the form. See the section Job type setup improvements below. Otherwise, you can follow the steps here from 1-32.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Jobs > Job type setup or Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Jobs > Job types > select a job type > Job type setup button.
    • Note
      • A bug in version 10.0.28 of Microsoft Dynamics 365 prevented users from creating forecasts in the "Job type setup" form in Enterprise Asset Management which was caused by a by default flight feature. If you are in this version then a workaround is available where you can disable the specific flight feature by running a runnable job in the module.The issue was officially resolved in version 10.0.31. To use this temporary fix, view the section on Runnable job to disable the flight feature.
  2. Click New.
  3. Depending on how specific the job type setup should be, make selections in the Functional location, Object type, Product, Model, and/or Object fields.
  4. If a job type has not automatically been inserted, select a job type in the Job type field.
  5. If required, select a job variant and a job trade in the Variant and Trade fields.
  6. Click the Forecast button. In Job type setup forecast, you can make forecasts on hours, items, and expenses.
  7. Click Add on the relevant tabs and make your selections to create the required forecasts for the job type.
  8. On the Items tab, you can select inventory dimensions to be shown on the item line. Select Inventory > Dimensions, select the dimensions you want to display, select "Yes" on the Save setup toggle button, and click OK.
  9. On the Items tab, click Item where used if you want to get an overview of where the item on the selected line is used in Enterprise Asset Management in relation to objects, job type setup, spare parts, and work orders. Read more about this overview in the Items Where Used section.
  10. On the Forecast totals FastTab, you see an overview of forecast totals showing total number of hours and forecast lines created.
    • Note
      • If you want to copy a forecast setup from another job type, select the Copy forecast button and select the job type from which to copy the setup.
  11. Click Save to save your updates.
  12. Close Job type setup forecast.
  13. In Job type setup, click the Checklist button.
  14. In Job type setup checklist, you can add checklist lines to the selected job type setup. Click New to add a checklist line. Line numbers are inserted automatically in the Line number field to indicate the sequence of the checklist lines. You can edit line numbers, if required. When you have created the first checklist line, select the line and press the arrow-down button on your keyboard to add a line below. You can also select a checklist line and click the New button, then the new line is inserted above the selected checklist line.
  15. In the Type field, select the line type, then add information related to the checklist type. See a description of available types and related fields in the "Create a Checklist Template" sub section above.
    • Note
      • If you want to copy checklist setup from another job type, click the Copy checklist button and select the job type from which to copy the setup.
      • You can easily create a template from an existing checklist, which can be reused across multiple checklists. The new template will be an exact copy of the active checklists. Click the Create template button and insert a Name for the template. You can set the Replace toggle button to "Yes" to replace the existing checklist with a single line referencing the new template. You can see the contents of the template in the Checklist templates detail view.
  16. Click Save to save your updates.
  17. Close Job type setup checklist.
  18. In Job type setup, click the Tools button.
  19. In Job type setup tools, you can add the tools (resources) to be used for the job type. Select the tool in the Resource field.
    • Note
      • If you want to copy a tool setup from another job type, select the Copy tools button and select the job type from which to copy the setup.
  20. Click Save to save your updates.
  21. Close Job type setup tools.
  22. In Job type setup, click the Description button > Edit, and add a description related to the selected job type setup, if required.
  23. Click Save to save the description.
    • Note
      • If a description is added, that description overrules a description set up on the job type. If no description is added in this form, the description, if any, in Job types is used. Descriptions are automatically transferred to work orders using the job type or job type setup.
  24. Close Description.
  25. If you want to set up attachments on a selected job type setup line, click Attach documents. Attachments set up on a job type setup line will automatically be included on a work order line that uses that particular job type setup line.
  26. Click the New button and select a document type.
  27. Upload the document or file.
  28. Fill out the Attachments form. This attachment setup uses standard Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations document setup functionality.
  29. Click Save to save the attachment.
    • Note
      • Attachments on a job type setup line are only printed with a work order report if the document types of the attachments are selected in Enterprise asset management > Setup > Enterprise asset management parameters > Document types.
      • Examples of attachments could be a guideline explaining how to complete a specific job, or a predefined checklist (if you do not use the checklist functionality for job type setup lines).
  30. In Job type setup, you can see the number of forecasted hours as well as the number of setup lines created for items, expenses, checklists, measuring points, and tools on each line. In the Objects field, you see the number of active objects related to the job type setup.
  31. If you want to copy a job type setup to another job type setup, select the setup line to which you want to copy another setup, click Copy setup, and select a job type setup to copy.
  32. If you want to see a list of the objects, maintenance sequences, or rounds that currently use a job type setup line, select the line and click Used by.

When the system selects the available job type setup to be used on a work order line, the selection is based on the object and the related object type setup. Enterprise Asset Management goes through all job type setup records related to the job type, which is related to the object type, to check for a possible match, always checking the most specific combination first. This means that, first, a possible match regarding Trade is checked. If no match is found, Variant is checked. If no match is found, Job type is checked, and so on. As you can see in the layout of Job type setup, this means that Enterprise Asset Management checks each record from right to left for a match (Trade, then Variant, then Job type, Object, Model, Product, and Object type to find the most specific combination. If no match is found, the "default" record is used in which only the job type is selected.


  • For each job type setup line you create, a project activity ID is automatically related to the line. The project activity is created on the forecast project selected in Enterprise asset management parameters > Objects link > Forecast project field. The purpose of the project activity is to manage forecasts on hours, items, and expenses in relation to work orders. Job type forecasts are automatically transferred to the work order line, and they are copied from the forecast project to the work order project created for the work order line. The purpose of the project activity is to manage forecasts in relation to work orders.

A batch job can be set up to update job type setup references to run manually or at regular intervals. Click Enterprise asset management > Periodic > Preventive maintenance > Update job type setup references to create a batch job or run a manual update.

Job type setup form improvements

In the situation where you have multiple job type setup lines in the 'Job type setup' form and you want to handle a lot of data, you can change the layout to optimize the performance of the form.

To enable the new feature improving performance for the 'Job type setup' form, go to the 'Feature management' workspace and then find and enable the feature called Dynaway - Performance improvements for job type setup form.

With this feature enabled, the layout of the 'Job type setup' form is changed so that fields using display methods are moved from the grid to the 'Statistics' form part on the right (This can be seen in the screenshot Improvements to the 'Job type setup form' below). This change significantly improves the performance of the 'Job type setup' form.

Job type setup overview.
Job type setup overview.
Improvements to the 'Job type setup' form.
Improvements to the 'Job type setup' form.

When you have created the required job type setup combinations, it is possible to get an overview of the current job type setup related to a specific object in All Objects. The overview shows a combination of all job type setup combinations that can be used on the object type selected on the object, including combinations with variations of job variants and job trades.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Common > Objects > All Objects or Active objects.
  2. In the list, select the object for which you want to see an overview of job type combinations.
  3. On the General tab, click the Job types button.
  4. In the left side of Object job types, you will see a list of all the job type combinations related to the selected object.
  5. Select a job type combination to see the related setup for checklists, forecasts, and tools. At the top of the form, in the Details group, you will see number of related checklists, measurements, hours, and so on, that are related to the selected job type combination.
  6. If you want to see details for the selected job type, click the Job types button.

Job types related to objects
Job types related to objects

Automatic update of job type forecasts

In Enterprise Asset Management, you can automatically update any changes in job type forecasts regarding hour costs, item costs, and expenses, which have been updated in other modules in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. This is done to ensure that the latest cost prices are always used in your job type forecasts. It is also possible to make similar updates for work order forecasts.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Periodic > Forecast > Update job type forecast.
  2. In the Update job type forecast dialog, you can add selections regarding specific job types, if required.
  3. Click Filter, then click Select to make those selections.
  4. If required, you can set up automatic update as a batch job by filling out the fields on the Run in the background FastTab.
  5. Click OK to start the forecast update.

Update job type forecast
Update job type forecast


Checklist templates and checklist variables are used for setup of checklists. Checklists are set up on job types and used on work orders.

Create a checklist variable

When you create checklist lines in the job type setup, you must select a checklist type. "Variable" is a checklist type. It is used to define a possible result in a range on a checklist line, which is related to a work order line. A variable is a way to create a set of predefined outcomes without having to make an exact measurement.

Example 1: You can measure oil level by defining 'Level too high', 'Level too low', and 'Level within range'. For each of the three values, you define if the value result is "Pass", "Fail", or "None".

Example 2: Make a visual inspection or assessment of a piece of equipment regarding wear and tear.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Checklists > Checklist variables.
  2. Press CTRL+N, or click the New button.
  3. Insert an ID in the Variable field and a name in the Name field.
  4. Click Add to add a line for a variable.
  5. A sequential line number is automatically inserted in the Line number field. You can change the line numbers when you have added all the lines, if required. When a line is selected, and you press the arrow-down button on your keyboard, the next number in the sequence is automatically inserted below.
  6. Insert a value description in the Value field.
  7. Select a status for the line in the Status field.

Checklist variables
Checklist variables

Create a Checklist Template

Checklist templates can be used as a common set of tasks that a worker must perform in order to complete a work order correctly. The templates are referenced from checklist lines on the job type setup. Templates can be referenced across multiple job type setup lines, making it easy to reuse a set of common checklist tasks. Examples include general safety instructions, or a list of items and conditions to be checked on a specific pump or similar models of a conveyor belt.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Checklists > Checklist templates.
  2. Press CTRL+N, or click the New button. A template ID is automatically inserted in the Checklist template field.
  3. Insert a template name in the Name field.
  4. Click Add to add a template line.
  5. A sequential line number is automatically inserted in the Line number field. You can change the line numbers when you have added all the lines, if required. When a line is selected, and you press the arrow-down button on your keyboard, the next number in the sequence is automatically inserted below.
  6. In the Type field, select a type for the checklist line. For each checklist type, the related fields are shown on the Properties FastTab.
    1. "Text" is used to add a checklist line with a text description of what to do. This checklist type can be used if you want a worker to check or inspect something, without expecting a specific (measurable) result. Insert a name/heading in the Name field, and insert a description of what to do in the Instructions field. If this step is mandatory for the checklist, select "Yes" on the Mandatory toggle button.
    2. "Header" is used as a heading to group the checklist lines shown below the header. This is useful if you have several checklist lines that can be divided into specific areas. In that case, the use of headers provides an overview for the worker who is going to complete a checklist with many checklist lines. Insert a descriptive name in the Name field.
    3. "Template" is used if you want to make a reference to an existing template. Insert a name for the template in the Name field, and select the template in the Template field.
    4. "Variable" is used to define a possible result in a range on a checklist line. The setup of checklist variables is described in the sub section above. Insert a name to describe the variable in the Name field. Select the variable in the Variable field. Insert a description of what to do in the Instructions field. If this step is mandatory for the checklist, select "Yes" on the Mandatory toggle button.
    5. "Measurement" is used to record a specific measurement. You can set up the measurement to be related to a predefined counter. Insert a name for the template in the Name field. If this step is mandatory for the checklist, select "Yes" on the Mandatory toggle button. If you want to use the measurement line as a counter registration, select the counter in the Counter field; the related Unit field is automatically updated. If you have selected a counter, select the update method in the Value field. Insert the allowed value range in the Min. value and Max. value fields. Insert a description of what to do in the Instructions field.


The "Measurement" type without a counter setup is treated as an independent measurement registration for which there is no automatic follow-up in Enterprise Asset Management. Likewise, if the selected counter type is not present on the object related to the work order, the checklist task is handled as an independent measurement. The counter value can be changed multiple times; it will not be posted until the work order stage is changed to a stage in which the Process checklist toggle button is set to "Yes".

  1. The Checks field at the top of the form shows the total number of checklist lines in your template, including the nested lines in an existing template, which you may have referenced in your template.

Checklist templates
Checklist templates

Work order stages

Work order stages define the stages that a work order can go through, for example, Created, Scheduled, In progress, and Ended. Work order stages may be updated manually on a work order, or they may be updated automatically, for example during work order scheduling.

The work order stages required for your work orders must be attached to matching project stages in the Project management and accounting module > Project management and accounting parameters. First, you set up project stages in Project management and accounting, then you set up work order stages and stage groups in Enterprise Asset Management.

Here is a short description of the toggle buttons in Work order stages > General FastTab > Work order and Schedule sections:

Field name Description


Select "Yes" if the work order should be active at this stage.

Add line

Select "Yes" if it should be possible to add work order lines to a work order at this stage.


Select "Yes" if it should be possible to delete a work order at this stage.

Delete line

Select "Yes" if it should be possible to delete work order lines on a work order at this stage.

Allow scheduling

Select "Yes" if it should be possible to schedule a work order at this stage.

Set actual start

Select "Yes" to ensure that when a work order is updated to this stage, the user is asked to select an actual start date and time for the work order.

Set actual end

Select "Yes" to ensure that when a work order is updated to this stage, the user is asked to select an actual end date and time for the work order.

Post journals

Select "Yes" if work order journals should be automatically posted at this stage.

If journal posting results in an error, an Infolog message is shown, and the work order stage update is canceled. If you want to check the journal lines of a work order, click Enterprise asset management > Common > Work orders > All work orders or Active work orders or My active work orders > select work order in list > Journals.

This automatic setup of work order journal posting at a certain stage is the same as when you click the Post journals button in Work order journals.

Note: If you select "Yes" on this toggle button, journals are automatically posted if no approval workflow has been set up.

If your company uses the journal approval setup in Project management and accounting > Setup > Journals > Journal approval, consumption registrations must be validated and posted by a manager or clerk.

Process checklist

If you select "Yes", it means that when a work order is updated to this stage, all attached checklists will be processed. Processing includes posting any counter registrations made on a checklist and evaluating the result of the checklist as a whole. Checklist lines with 'Pass/Fail' results are evaluated, and if at least one checklist line has failed, the entire checklist is marked as "failed" in Enterprise Asset Management.


If you select "Yes", it means that when a work order is updated to this stage, the work order line schedule status for all work order lines created on the work order is automatically updated to "Ready".


If you select "Yes", it means that when a work order is updated to this stage, the work order line schedule status for all work order lines created on the work order is automatically updated to "Started".


If you select "Yes", it means that when a work order is updated to this stage, the work order line schedule status for all work order lines created on the work order is automatically updated to "Ended".

Delete schedule lines

If you select "Yes", when a work order is set to this stage, and it has already been scheduled, scheduling will be deleted on all work order lines created on that work order. This means capacity reservations on the object, the related worker, and related tools will be deleted.

Example: Select this parameter on a work order stage called "Estimated", to allow scheduling to be deleted on a work order which is 'rolled back' to this stage, because rescheduling is required.

Set up project stages and work order stages

  1. Click Project management and accounting > Setup > Project management and accounting parameters.
  2. Click Project stage.
  3. For each stage you want to use, select the project type check boxes required for your work orders. The project types define rules regarding which financial tasks are allowed, for example, create forecast, create estimates, create beginning balances, and so on.


If the project stage for the project type is not selected, and that project stage is used on a work order stage, the work order projects will not be updated accordingly.

  1. Close Project management and accounting parameters.
  2. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work order > Stage > Stages.
  3. Click New, to create a new work order stage.
  4. Insert a stage ID in the Stage field and a name for the stage in the Name field. In the Stage groups field, you can see the number of work order stage groups that uses the work order stage.
  5. On the General FastTab, in the Work order and Schedule sections, select the functions that should be available for the stage by selecting "Yes" on the relevant toggle buttons. Refer to the table above for some of the stage descriptions.
  6. In the Project section > Stage field, select the the project stage to be related to the work order stage.
  7. In the Project section, select "Yes" on the Close activities toggle button if project activities related to each work order line should be automatically closed at this stage.


The project activity number related to a work order line is shown in Enterprise asset management > Common > Work orders > All work orders or Active work orders or My active work orders > select work order > Edit button > select work order line > Line details FastTab > General tab > Project section > Activity number field.

  1. Select "Yes" on one or more of the Copy hour forecast, Copy item forecast, Copy expense forecast toggle buttons if you want to automatically copy work order project forecasts to work order journals at this stage.
  2. In the Schedule group, select "Yes" on one of the toggle buttons if you want schedule status for work order lines to be updated at this stage. Refer to the descriptions of Ready, Start, and End in the table above.


Schedule lines related to work order lines are shown in Enterprise asset management > Common > Work orders > All work orders or Active work orders or My active work orders > select work order > Edit button. In All Work orders Details view, select a work order line on the Work order lines FastTab > see related schedule lines on the Line details FastTabs. The status of a schedule line is shown on the Schedule tab in the Status field. The Status field may show one of the following statuses: Scheduled - Ready - Started - Stopped - Ended.

  1. In the Requests section > Stage field, select the the request stage to which related requests are updated. This is an automatic update of related requests. The update can only be done if the request stage is selected in the request stage group used for the request.
  2. Select "Yes" on the Update object BOM toggle button if all items used on a work order should automatically be updated in Object BOM when the work order is updated to this stage. For example, this could be relevant for a work order stage defining that the work order is completed / ended.
  3. Select the Delete pool reference field if you want work orders to be automatically deleted from work order pools at this stage.
  4. The Kanban stage field is used if your company uses kanban functionality on a Mobile EAM Client to let workers manage and complete work orders using the Kanban module. Select the kanban stage to which a work order should be updated at this work order stage.


You can read more about kanban functionality in the document "Mobile EAM Client Training Material", which describes the features and functions of the mobile client.

  1. On the Validate FastTab, select "Yes" on the toggle buttons for the validation types you want to activate at this stage. In the Type field regarding each validation type, select the type of message that should be shown if mandatory fields related to the validation type have not been validated. If you select the message type "Error", the work order stage update is canceled until the related mandatory fields have been updated on the work order.


The Production stop, Fault symptom, Fault cause, and Fault remedy toggle buttons on the Validate FastTab relate to the toggle buttons in the Mandatory section in Work order types (Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Work order types). In order to activate those validations, the related toggle buttons must also be set to "Yes" on the work order type used on the work order.

When a work order is updated to a work order stage for which the Checklist toggle button is set to "Yes" on the Validate FastTab, it means that the checklist lines marked "Mandatory" are validated as being either 'Checked' or 'Not applicable'. If none of those registrations have been made on the mandatory lines, an info message or error or warning will be shown when the work order stage is updated to this stage.

When a work order is updated to a work order stage for which the Committed cost toggle button is set to "Yes" on the Validate FastTab, it means that total committed costs (meaning total amount of expenses that the legal entity has committed to pay) are calculated for each work order line. An Infolog is shown if the committed cost amount is larger than zero. The types of cost commitment to be included are selected in Project management and accounting > Setup > Project management and accounting parameters > Cost control > Cost commitments section.

When a work order is updated to a work order stage for which the Production stop toggle button is set to "Yes", a production stop validation is made on the object related to a work order. If a production stop has been registered, and it does not have an 'ended' registration, a message is displayed when the work order is updated to this stage.


In Project management and accounting parameters, you can set up user-defined project stages if you require special stages for your Enterprise Asset Management setup that are not included in the standard project setup.

See the Forecasts, Work Orders, and Projects section for more information on the relation between work order stages, project stages, and work order projects.


When you change stage on a work order to a work order stage that is not active (meaning "No" is selected on the Active toggle button on the General FastTab for that stage in the Work order stages view), not yet posted journals related to the work order will automatically be deleted. This is done to ensure automatic cleanup of unused data.

However, if you manually set a work order to be inactive (Enterprise asset management > Common > Work orders > All work orders or Active work orders > select work order in list > Edit button > Header link > General FastTab > set the Active toggle button to "No"), related but not yet posted journals will not automatically be deleted.


When you change stage on a work order to a work order stage that is not active (meaning "No" is selected on the Active toggle button on the General FastTab for that stage in the Work order stages view), not yet posted journals related to the work order will automatically be deleted. This is done to ensure automatic cleanup of unused data.

However, if you manually set a work order to be inactive (Enterprise asset management > Common > Work orders > All work orders or Active work orders > select work order in list > Edit button > Header link > General FastTab > set the Active toggle button to "No"), related but not yet posted journals will not automatically be deleted.

Project stages
Project stages
Work order stages
Work order stages

Stage group, type, and stage relations

Stage groups refer to work flows, and stages are selected in a stage group in a sequential order. Stage groups are set up on types. Types determine the size or extent of work flows and work processes. For example, a standard work order type, "Maintenance", may be related to a work order stage group containing many stages. A "Corrective" work order type, which is used for work orders that have not been scheduled, or work orders for which the job was completed before the work order was made because of a need of urgency, may have a related work order stage group that only contains a few work order stages.

The idea behind using types is that when a type is defined on, for example, a work order or an object, the related work processes (stages) are automatically defined. Refer to the Work Order Types section for more information about how to set up work order types.


Stages, stage groups, and types apply to: Functional locations - Objects - Requests - Work orders.

The figure below shows the relation between work order types, work order stage groups, and related work order stages.

Relation of work order types, work order stage groups and work order stages
Relation of work order types, work order stage groups and work order stages

Work order stage groups

When you have created the work order stages required for your work orders, stages can be divided into work order groups. As a minimum, one standard work order stage group should be created.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work order > Stage > Stage groups.
  2. Click New to create a new work order stage.
  3. Insert the stage group ID in the Stage group field and a name for the stage group in the Name field. In the Stages and Work order types fields, you can see the number of stages selected in the stage group, and the number of work order types that uses the stage group.
  4. On the Stages FastTab, select the stages that should be included in the group. This is done by clicking on a stage in the Stages remaining section and clicking the button.
  5. If you want to select all the available stages for a group, click the button. All stages are transferred to the Stages selected section.
  6. If you want to remove a selected stage from the group, select the stage in the Stages selected section and click the button.
  7. Click Stage updates to define which stages can follow a selected stage.
  8. On the General FastTab, in the Scheduled stage field, select the stage that should always be selected for a work order when you have completed Work Order Scheduling on that work order, regardless of the previous stage of the work order.
  9. In the Unscheduled stage field, select the stage that should always be selected for a work order in case work order scheduling is deleted.
  10. Save the work order stage group.

Work order stage groups
Work order stage groups

Work order types

A work order type is used to categorize a work order, for example relating to preventive maintenance or corrective maintenance. A work order type defines the work order stage group affiliation. Work order stage group defines which stages can be set on a work order, for example, "Created", "In Process", and "Finished".

Refer to the Work Order Stages section for more information about work order and project stages.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Work order types.
  2. Click New to create a new work order type.
  3. Insert the work order type ID in the Work order type field and a name for the work order type in the Name field.
  4. Select a stage group in the Work order stage group field.
  5. Select "Yes" on the One worker toggle button if all work order lines related to a work order of this type should be scheduled to the same worker.
  6. In the Cost type field, select cost type, "Corrective", "Preventive", or "Investment". All work order lines on a work order must contain the same cost type.
  7. In the Mandatory section, select "Yes" on the toggle buttons for which you want to ensure that information relating to faults or production stops is added to the work order.
  8. Click Save.


The toggle buttons in the Mandatory section relate to the toggle buttons on the Validate FastTab in Work order stages (Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Stage > Stages). 

Work order types
Work order types

Work order project setup

In the Enterprise asset management module, a project relation on a work order line is mandatory. The project associated with the work order line allows you to track costs on different projects related to Enterprise Asset Management, for example, internal maintenance projects, service management projects, and investment projects. Refer to the Integration to Project Management and Accounting chapter for more information about project relations to work orders and objects.

Project setup for a work order line

When you create a new work order line on a work order, the project setup in the Project management and accounting module, and the work order project setup in Enterprise asset management determine how projects can be used for cost control on the object selected on the work order line. This section describes different parts of the project setup used on a work order: Parent project (Project ID) - Project type - Project activities - Financial dimensions:

  • When you create a new work order line on a work order, a unique Project ID and a related project activity are automatically created for the work order line. However, if several work order lines on a work order include the same object, the same Project ID is used on those work order lines, meaning one Project ID is created for each object on a work order.
    • The parent project (Project ID) for a work order line is found in the parent project setup, explained in the section and procedure below. You can associate, for example, a customer and/or a functional location to a specific parent project. In that case, that parent project will be used each time you create work orders for that specific customer and/or that specific functional location. If you have not related a specific Project ID to, for example, a functional location, the next relevant parent project in the work order project setup will be used.
    • A project type is required for a Project ID. The project type is found in the project group setup, explained in the section and procedure below, or, if no match is found in the project group setup, the project group setup on the parent project is used.
    • The setup for requiring project activities on forecasts and journals is copied from the parent project to the work order project. If "Yes" is selected in the Hour, Expense, and Item toggle buttons in Project management and accounting > Projects > All Projects > select the project used as a parent project > Setup FastTab > Require activity on journals section, a project activity is mandatory on forecasts and journals.
  • Financial dimensions are copied from the object and merged with the parent project.

The section below explains how to set up parent projects and project groups, which are used for controlling and reporting regarding work orders.

Set up work order projects

Before you start creating work orders, you must set up work order projects. Work order project setup contains two links, Parent project and Project group. In the Parent project section, you can set up project relations to be used in case no project is set up on the object selected on the work order line. Parent project setup is not required if your company uses object projects. It is only relevant if you want to use work order projects instead of object projects - in that case you must set up at least one parent project.

In the Project group section, you can set up project groups to be associated with work order types, functional locations, object types, and objects.

Project groups can be used to create specific categories (groups) used for cost control. Example: Creating project groups for specific object types or work order types allow you to track maintenance costs by type on a detailed level.

Project groups are not mandatory. If you do not set up project groups, the parent project is used to determine the project group, and a child project is created from the parent project's project group.

The setup allows complete integration with the Project management and accounting module, allowing you to track costs related to work orders in the related projects. Read more about the relation between work order projects, project stages, and work order stages in the Forecasts, Work Orders, and Projects section. The following procedure describes the work order project setup.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Project setup. Make sure that the Parent project link is selected.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Select a Work order type, Functional location, Object type and/or Object in the related fields. It is possible to fill out only one field, two fields, or all fields for each line. The number of fields you fill out determine the combination used when selection of a project ID is done in Enterprise Asset Management. Read more about the combinations and the selection process in the Forecasts, Work Orders and Projects section.


If you select a functional location, the related sub locations are automatically included. If you select an object, it is possible to create more work order project setup lines for the same object, but select different projects for the same object.

  1. In the Project ID field, select the project to be related to the setup you created in step 3.
  2. In the Expiration field, you can select a date if the project setup is to be valid for only a limited period. If no limitation is relevant, make sure that the "Never" option is selected.


    Select View > All to see the Effective field. The standard setup regarding start date is the date you add the work order project to the form. If required, you can set up a limited period for the work order project in the Effective and Expiration fields.

Work order project setup
Work order project setup

Priority and description

When you create a new work order, you may want to prioritize the work order and add a general description to it. You can create priorities and descriptions in the Priority and Work order description forms.

Create priority

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Priority.
  2. Click New.
  3. Insert a priority, for example a number, in the Priority field.
  4. Insert a name for the priority in the Name field.
  5. On the Work orders FastTab, you can define expected start and end expected end, which are used for manually created work orders and work orders created on the basis of requests. These fields are used to indicate a time frame in which work orders should be started and ended.
  6. In the Start day field, insert a number indicating number of days calculated from the creation of the work order in which period the work order should start. Example 1: Insert "0" if you want the work order to start at the time of work order creation. Example 2: Insert "7" if you want the work order to start within one week after creation of the work order.
  7. Select "Yes" on the Set start time toggle button if you want to insert a start time on the work order together with the start date. If you select "Yes" on this toggle button, insert start time in the Start time field. If you select "No" on the Set start time toggle button, current time of day is used.
  8. In the End day field, insert a number indicating number of days calculated from the start date of the work order in which period the work order should end. Example: Insert "7" if you want the work order to end within a week from the start date of the work order.
  9. Select "Yes" on the Set end time toggle button if you want to insert an end time on the work order together with the end date. If you select "Yes" on this toggle button, insert end time in the End time field. If you select "No" on the Set end time toggle button, current time of day is used.
  10. Click Save.

Work order priorities
Work order priorities

Create description

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Descriptions.
  2. Click New.
  3. Insert the description in the Description field.
  4. Click Save.

Scheduled execution

Work order priorities, which are described in the previous section, can be used to set up scheduled execution. You can use scheduled execution to provide flexibility in work planning for the maintenance worker by setting up more detailed or less detailed requirements as to the interval during which a work order should be completed. For example, if a maintenance worker has completed a job faster than expected in a production facility, the worker may be able to complete a job nearby, not necessarily planned for the current day, but for the current week. This approach provides the possibility of optimizing worker planning and job completion.

Scheduled execution can be set up for various levels related to a work order. You can set up generic lines - as shown in the figure "Scheduled execution" at the end of the present article- that are not limited to specific work order types, object types, and so on. Or you can create specific scheduled execution lines that apply to a work order type, object type, job type, and so on, or a combination.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Work orders > Scheduled execution.
  2. Click New to create a new scheduled execution line.
  3. If required, make selections in the Work order type, Object type, Product, Model, Job group, Job type, Variant, or Trade fields.
  4. Select a work order priority in the Priority field. If you leave this field blank, you can make the most generic scheduled execution line - as shown in the first record in the figure "Scheduled execution". That line is set up to allow all work orders that have no work order priority to be scheduled for a specific date and time.
  5. Select the time interval in the Scheduled execution field.
  6. Click Save.

Scheduled execution
Scheduled execution

Fault management

In Enterprise Asset Management, you can manage faults detected on objects by describing symptoms, areas, and fault types. The fault designer allows you to set up symptoms, areas, and fault types on object types. Also, fault causes and suggestions to remedy faults can be registered on a work order.

The sequence of registration and management of faults is: First, you create a list of fault symptoms, fault areas, and fault types that may occur on your object types. Next step is setting up symptoms, fault areas, and fault types in the Fault designer. To understand the distinction between fault symptoms, fault areas, and fault types, here are a few examples:

Fault symptoms:

Unbalanced voltages

Short circuit




Fault areas:





Fault types:

Faulty main stator winding

Faulty diode

Dirty windings

Defective generator

Defective sensor

The relations between fault symptoms, fault areas, and fault types depend on the license configuration setup of the Enterprise Asset Management module. In License configuration (System administration > Setup > License configuration), you can select a Fault hierarchy check box. If that check box is selected, it means that when you select a symptom in Fault designer, the fault areas related to that symptom are shown on the Fault area FastTab. Likewise, when you select a fault area in Fault designer, the fault types related to that area are shown on the Fault type FastTab. Refer to the License Configuration chapter for more information about configuration of Enterprise Asset Management.


If the Fault hierarchy check box is cleared in License configuration, it means that when you select a fault symptom in Fault designer, you will see all the fault areas and fault types that have been added in Fault designer. In that case, there is no hierarchical relationship between the selected fault symptom, fault areas, and fault types displayed.

Cause and remedy for a specific fault can be selected on a work order or a request.


You can only create fault records on work orders and requests if they contain objects with object types that have faults connected to them in the Fault designe


If required, you can change or update the names of your fault symptoms, areas, types, causes, and remedies. The name changes are automatically reflected in the related fault registrations.

Fault symptom

Create a list of symptoms to be used in the fault designer.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Object > Fault > Fault symptoms.
  2. Click New to create a new record.
  3. Insert a name for the symptom in the Fault symptom field.
  4. Insert a description in the Description field.
  5. Click Save.

Fault area

Create a list of areas or locations to be used in the fault designer.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Object > Fault > Fault areas.
  2. Click New to create a new record.
  3. Insert a name for the area in the Fault area field.
  4. Insert a description in the Description field.
  5. Click Save.

Fault type

Create a list of fault types to be used in the fault designer.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Object > Fault > Fault types.
  2. Click New to create a new record.
  3. Insert a name for the type in the Fault type field.
  4. Insert a description in the Description field.
  5. Click Save.

Fault designer

In Fault designer, you set up fault data on object types.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Objects > Fault > Fault designer.
  2. In the left-hand side of the form, select the object type for which you want to set up a fault record.
  3. On the Fault symptom FastTab, click Add line, and select a symptom in the Fault symptom field.
  4. On the Fault area FastTab, click Add line, and select an area in the Fault area field.
  5. On the Fault type FastTab, click Add line, and select a type in the Fault type field.
  6. Click the Create combinations button to quickly create combinations of all existing fault symptoms, areas, and types to the selected object type. This function is useful if you have created many combinations. If you do not want to use all combinations on the object type, it is easier to delete the lines that are not relevant than to create new lines manually.
  7. Click the Copy from object type button to copy the specific setup of fault symptoms, areas, and types from one object type to another object type.
  8. Click Save to save the changes.

Fault designer details
Fault designer details

Fault cause

Create a list of known fault causes, which can be added to a work order or a request.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Object > Fault > Fault causes.
  2. Click New to create a new record.
  3. Insert a name for the fault cause in the Fault cause field.
  4. Insert a description in the Description field.
  5. Click Save.

Fault remedy

Create a list of suggestions for remedy and repair, which can be added to a work order or a request.

  1. Click Enterprise asset management > Setup > Object > Fault > Fault remedies.
  2. Click New to create a new record.
  3. Insert a name for the remedy in the Fault remedy field.
  4. Insert a description in the Description field.
  5. Click Save.

Setup data and consistency check

In standard Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, it is possible to perform consistency check on your setup data for some modules, including Enterprise Asset Management. If you want to carry out a consistency check to validate your setup data, click System administration > Periodic > Database > Consistency check, and select the modules to be included in the validation.

When the validation is completed, a message box describing any inconsistencies is shown. Various inconsistencies in the setup data may be found in Enterprise Asset Management. For example, a request may be related to a work order that no longer exists, or a work order project ID requires a sub project ID format (Project management and accounting > Setup > Project management and accounting parameters > General link > Default subproject ID format field), which is not available.

Consistency check
Consistency check

Runnable Job to Disable the Flight Feature (Fix for Microsoft Bug Introduced in 10.0.28)

Usage: DEV ENVIRONMENT (cloud hosted, LCS onebox)

Two runnable jobs affecting the process of creating forecast on job type setup have is available in Enterprise asset management > Setup > Runnable jobs page and is aimed at

  • Disable Microsoft "ProjActivityNumberCompletionCheckEnabledFlight" flight feature preventing forecast creation on closed project activities.
  • Enable Microsoft "ProjActivityNumberCompletionCheckEnabledFlight" flight feature preventing forecast creation on closed project activities.

Follow the steps below to achieve this:

  1. Go to Enterprise asset management > Setup > Runnable jobs.
  2. Run the disable batch job to prevent the forecast creation on job type setup page.To run the job, identify the disable job from the list of jobs (Disable Microsoft "ProjActivityNumberCompletionCheckEnabledFlight" flight feature preventing forecast creation on closed project activities), select the job and click on Run (see screenshot 01).
  3. Verify the batch result in Table browser and make sure that the KillSwitch is ENABLED. To do this go to the environment where the job was run: https://<environmentURL>/?mi=SysTableBrowser&TableName=SysFlighting.
  4. Look for the Flight name - ProjActivityNumberCompletionCheckEnabledFlight_KillSwitch and ensure that Killswitch is enabled (see screenshot 02).
  5. After the Microsoft D365 10.0.31 quality update, revert the change and run the program to enable the Microsoft flight feature (Enable Microsoft "ProjActivityNumberCompletionCheckEnabledFlight" flight feature preventing forecast creation on closed project activities) (see screenshot 03).
  6. Verify the batch job as in step 2.
  7. Restart the entire environment or Synchronize database Deploy Dynaway ISV license thru LCS.

Additional notes:

  1. After running any of above two jobs, to have changes applied correctly, it is necessary to restart IIS services (from LCS environment's page) or restart whole environment or trigger database synchronization (e.g. by deploying some deployable package to the environment).
  2. Upgrade to the latest and greatest version of Dynaway EAM (2210.0*)
  3. Execute the runnable job 'Disable Microsoft "ProjActivityNumberCompletionCheckEnabledFlight" flight feature preventing forecast creation on closed project activities' under Enterprise Asset Management > Setup > Runnable jobs
  4. If restarting the IIS Service is not sufficient, than..
  5. Restart the entire environment or synchronize the database

01: 'Runnable jobs' page with batch job to disable flight feature.
01: 'Runnable jobs' page with batch job to disable flight feature.
02: Verifying the batch result in 'Table browser'.
02: Verifying the batch result in 'Table browser'.
03: 'Runnable jobs' page with batch job to enable flight feature.
03: 'Runnable jobs' page with batch job to enable flight feature.

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