3. Dynamics 365 F&O Deployment

Retrieve and deploy the Dynaway Mobile for Asset Management solution in D365FO


This section describes how to retrieve and deploy the Dynaway Mobile for Asset Management (AM) solution in D365F&O using Microsoft Lifecycle Services (LCS).

The solution contains two Dynamics 365 modules:
- Asset Management (Microsoft Standard with additional Dynaway features)
- Dynaway mobile (Web application client management)

This installation procedure covers deployment into cloud-hosted environments for a demo, development, and user acceptance testing purposes. It does not cover installation into a production environment as these environments are managed and operated by Microsoft®.


In order to complete installation by following this procedure, you must be familiar with Microsoft Lifecycle Services (LCS) and administration of Microsoft Dynamics® 365 for Finance and Operations environments. For topics not covered in this installation procedure, refer to Microsoft® deployment guidelines on Microsoft Docs website.

Sysadmin, Partner Consultant

Acquire License File

If you want to install Dynaway Mobile for AM, first you must acquire a license file. In order to acquire a Dynaway Mobile license file for AM in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, send an email to help@dynaway.com and provide the following version information:

  • License holder name
  • Serial number of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
  • Product version number of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Find this information in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations by selecting Help & Support (the question mark icon in the upper-right corner of the application) > About.

If you update your Dynaway Mobile solution from an older version to a newer version, the license file may also need to be updated due to certificate updates.

Get Mobile Solution in LCS

When you have completed the procedure described in the article Invite Dynaway to your LCS project, the Dynaway Mobile solution is available in the Asset Library of your LCS project. To see the Dynaway Mobile solution package contents, go to the Asset Library.

  • You will not get notifications from LCS regarding solution package imports and version updates. In the Asset Library,
    • verify that the Dynaway Mobile for Asset Management solution is available.
    • verify that the version is compatible with the version number of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.
  • You must manually select the correct version of the solution package. Every time Dynaway publishes an updated version of Dynaway Mobile, it is automatically available in the versions list. Please refer to the Release Notes to identify if a version of Dynaway Mobile is compatible with a specific version of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Refer to the step-by-step instructions in the test case below to get an updated version of Dynaway Mobile for Asset Management in LCS.

Platform Updates vs. Application Updates

  • Microsoft releases Platform Updates and Application Updates for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.
  • Generally, Platform Updates do not contain changes that affect the functionality of Dynaway Mobile. Therefore, Platform Updates should not require a new version of Dynaway Mobile to be applied.
  • Application Updates may affect Dynaway Mobile, meaning you should always update to a version of Dynaway Mobile that is compatible as specified in the Release Notes.

Refer to the Release overview article for an overview of compatibility between major Dynaway Mobile versions and Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Application Updates.

Refer to our Dynaway Mobile Release Notes for further details on version content and compatibility with Microsoft updates to Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Getting an Updated Version of Dynaway Mobile in LCS

Data Requirements

  1. You have opened your LCS project.

Steps 5

  1. Go to your LCS Project Asset Library and select Solution package.

  2. Select the Dynaway Mobile for Asset Management solution.

  3. Select Versions to view the list of available versions.

  4. Select the most current version.

  5. Select Get version.


You can get an updated Dynaway Mobile for Asset Management version in LCS.
The latest version may contain builds for multiple Application Updates from Microsoft.

Add Software deployable package to your project
Add Software deployable package to your project

Deploy to Existing Cloud-hosted Environment

This article describes how to deploy Dynaway Mobile into an existing cloud-hosted environment using LCS.

The Dynaway Mobile module is deployed into existing environments using the environment management section of LCS. When the Dynaway Mobile solution has been imported into the LCS project as described in the article Get mobile solution in LCS, deployable packages will appear in the list of applicable updates.

Note: Before deployment, ensure that the active version of Dynaway Mobile in LCS is compatible with the Application Update version of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Refer to the test case below for step-by-step instructions on how to deploy Dynaway Mobile to an existing cloud-hosted environment.

When you have completed deployment of the Dynaway mobile solution, next step is to import the license file, which is described in the next article.

Deploying to Cloud-hosted Environment

Data Requirements

  1. You have opened your LCS project.

Steps 5

  1. Go to the existing environment in LCS.

  2. Select Maintain.

  3. Select Apply updates.

  4. Select Dynaway Asset Management Mobile [version number] in the list.

  5. Select Apply and wait until the process completes. This may take several hours.


You are able to deploy the Dynaway mobile solution into a cloud-hosted environment by using LCS.

Step 2: Select Maintain.
Step 2: Select Maintain.
Step 3: Select Apply Updates.
Step 3: Select Apply Updates.
Step 4: Select the Dynaway Mobile software package.
Step 4: Select the Dynaway Mobile software package.

Import License File

There are two ways to deploy the Dynaway license:
a) Add the license with Dynaway models to the pipeline in DevOps, create an all-in-one package and deploy on an environment
b) Add the license to the Dynaway Deployable package (in case there are no other customizations / ISVs in the system) or modify the existing All-in-one package.

This section uses a deployable package to import the Dynaway Mobile for Asset Management license file into Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Prerequisite: You already have a license file (.txt) from Dynaway, as described in the Acquire license file section.

Dynaway Mobile uses ISV licensing as described on Microsoft Docs: Create a package and generate a customer-specific license.
Follow the step-by-step instructions described in the three test cases below to create a deployable package, then upload and import it.

Deploy the Dynaway License file

Data Requirements

  1. You can access the Dynaway solution under LCS -> Asset Library -> Solution packages.

Steps 2

  1. Go to LCS -> Asset library -> Solution packages and import Dynaway package to Asset library -> Software deployable packages. Download the package to the local drive.

  2. Open the zip package file.
    In the zip package file, navigate to the subfolder "\AosService\Scripts\License". Copy the license file you received from Dynaway to this folder.


You have created a deployable license import package file.

1. Import the Dynaway deployable package to the Asset library.
1. Import the Dynaway deployable package to the Asset library.
2. Drag and drop the license file to the package.
2. Drag and drop the license file to the package.

Uploading License Import Package

Data Requirements

  1. You have opened your LCS project.
  2. You have created a deployable import package file.

Steps 6

  1. Open the Asset library of the target project in LCS.

  2. Navigate to Software deployable package.

  3. Select the "plus" button.

  4. Add the deployable license import package file.

  5. Enter a name for the deployable package.

  6. Select Confirm.

Steps 5-6: Enter a name for the deployable package and confirm.
Steps 5-6: Enter a name for the deployable package and confirm.

Importing License Package

Data Requirements

  1. You have opened your LCS project.
  2. You have uploaded the license import package file to LCS.

Steps 6

  1. In LCS, navigate to the target environment.

  2. Select Maintain and Apply updates.

  3. In the list, select the newly added license package.

  4. Select Apply and wait for the process to be completed.

  5. Select Sign-off to complete the process.

  6. Open Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations to verify the Dynaway mobile module is available in the main menu of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.


You have imported the license package file into LCS.

The Dynaway mobile module is available in the D365FO main menu.

Step 2: Apply updates.
Step 2: Apply updates.
Step 3: Select license package.
Step 3: Select license package.
Step 6: Dynaway mobile module available in D365FO menu.
Step 6: Dynaway mobile module available in D365FO menu.

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