5. Final Setup in Dynamics 365 F&O

Basic setup for Dynaway mobile


This section contains the basic configuration required in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations > Dynaway mobile to let users connect to and work with the Mobile Client.


You have completed mobile backend installation, as described in the section above.

Sysadmin, Partner Consultant


The initial setup of Dynaway mobile includes the following steps:

  1. Set up security roles (in D365FO)
  2. Set up change tracking
  3. Set up handlers
  4. Set up users
  5. Set up entities (for more information on entity setup, refer to the Data entities section)
    1. Set up entity documents (optional)
  6. Initialize entities for synchronization

Security Roles

You must set up security roles in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations for administrators or managers to work with setup in the Dynaway mobile module, and for workers to be able to access the Mobile Client.

Role Related tasks

CAL level in
Microsoft Dynamics
365 for Finance
and Operations

Dynaway Mobile

This role has access to the Dynaway mobile
module in Dynamics 365 for Finance and
Operations. Here, the user can set up and
change the configuration of the Mobile Clients.
This includes setting up the functionality
available on the Mobile Client as well as setting
up the users who should be able to log in on the
Mobile Client.

Team Members
Dynaway mobile data

Load setup data from data entities for data

Dynaway Mobile user

This role is required to log in and make
registrations on the Mobile Client.


Change Tracking

Change tracking is a feature on the database, which is used to track entity changes. Change tracking determines which changes to send to the Mobile Clients during synchronization. The feature must be enabled on the database if it is not already, and on the Asset management tables used in synchronization.

Select Dynaway mobile > Setup > Mobile parameters > Change tracking to set up change tracking and view synchronization status:

  • The Database section shows if change tracking is enabled on the database. If not, it must be done in the database itself. In the Change tracking retention field, the period (days) in which change information will be stored on the database is shown.
  • The Entity tables section shows if the tables used for synchronization have been enabled. If not, select the Enable/disable button. Entity tables must be enabled for synchronization to function properly.
  • Refer to the article "Entity initialization" in the Data entities section for information regarding Synchronization paging and Synchronization status.

Change tracking setup in Mobile parameters
Change tracking setup in Mobile parameters


Handlers are methods that are visible to the Mobile Client. You must set up handlers to allow the Mobile Client to make external calls to Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

  1. Select Dynaway mobile > Setup > Handler setup and open the form to initialize handlers for the Mobile Client.
  2. Check that handlers are listed.
  3. Handlers are now set up, and you can close the form.

User Configuration

Users must be created in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and be associated with a person.
The setup is made in System administration > Users > Users. The next step is to add persons to mobile users.

Mobile users (workers) must be set up in three forms in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations to be able to make registrations on the Mobile Client:

  1. General setup in the User form, in which you select the Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations security roles that define which registrations a user (worker) can make on a Mobile Client. Select System administration > Users > Users to open the form.
  2. Ensure your user account has selected Person and the default company is set.
  3. To create a Person, go to Module Human Resources > Workers > Workers and create a new Worker. Select Save.
  4. In order to schedule maintenance workers, a calendar must be set up for each maintenance worker. Maintenance workers are related to a resource, and working time calendars are set up for resources. Select Organization administration > Resources > Resources and create a HR resource and assign a working time calendar to it.
  5. Add worker to Asset Management > Setup > Workers > Workers. This form adds a worker from the Human resources module as an Asset management worker. Save.
  6. Select Dynaway mobile > Setup > Users to open the form. If required, you can also create user groups for convenient module configuration. Add user (person/worker)
    Select "Enable" and Save changes.
  7. Add Person (worker) to Dynamics FO User. Go to System administration > Users > Users, find your account and add the Person.
  8. In System administration > Users > Users, three Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations security roles are required for each mobile user to make registrations on a Mobile Client:
    The System user is a general Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations user, which is always required.
    The Dynaway Mobile user role is required to log in and make registrations on the Mobile Client.
    To make registrations in Asset Management, one of the following roles is required, depending on the worker's primary work area:

    • Maintenance manager
    • Maintenance clerk
    • Maintenance requester
    • Maintenance worker

Step 1
Step 1
Step 3
Step 3
Step 4
Step 4
Step 5
Step 5
Step 6
Step 6
Step 7
Step 7

Module configuration

Go to Dynaway mobile -> Setup -> Module configuration
1. Application locations
a) add direct URL to Planning Board App, for example, https://yourappname.azurewebsites.net/plan
b) add direct URL to Planning Board App, for example, https://yourappname.azurewebsites.net/work

2. Set access to Planning Board
Planning Board -> Enabled
a) You can give access to all users (Scope = All)
b) Access to a single user (Scope = User)
c) Access to User Group (Scope = User Group)
and change the parameter value to "true", then "Save" your changes.

Mobile app URLs setup
Mobile app URLs setup
Planning board access setup
Planning board access setup

Initialize Entities

All data (the entities) for the Mobile Clients are kept in a single table that must be initialized before use. In case of the Update to a new major version,
select Dynaway mobile > Periodic > Initialize synchronization data, and click OK, to carry out data initialization.
For more information about data initialization, refer to the section Data entities.

Entity initialization
Entity initialization

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