

With the Permits module, you can create, organize, and overview all of your safe work permits.


The main page of the Permits module is the list overview page which you can see in screenshot 01 below.

As a maintenance worker using the Permits module, you can:

  • Create and view permits
    • Create permits
    • View permit details
    • Update permit lifecycle state
    • Update permit owner
    • Update validity period
    • View and fill in Form fields
  • Create and view permits from the Work Execution app
  • Create permit lists
  • Search for existing permits

Note: some of the functions mentioned above require certain module configurations. Keep on reading the sections below to get more information on how to work with the different functions.

01: The Permits main page with an overview of existing permit lists.
01: The Permits main page with an overview of existing permit lists.
02: Menu items shown after selecting the 'More' menu.
02: Menu items shown after selecting the 'More' menu.


To use the Permits module, you first need to enable the Safe work app.

  1. Enable the Safe work app by going to Module configuration > Safe work > Permits > Enabled.
  2. Then specify who should have access to the app.

Create and View Permits

Create Permits

You can easily create new permits on the permits list page or a permit details page. View screenshot 01 below. See the section further down if you want to create a permit from a work order.

Setup for creating permits

  1. To enable users to create permits, go to Module configuration > Safe work > Permits > Permit create.

Create permits

  1. To create a permit, click the Create Permit button.
  2. The 'Create permit' dialog is now open (seen in screenshot 02).
  3. In the Form template field (mandatory field), select a template from the list and click Apply (See screenshot 03).
  4. In the Related templates field, choose one or more related templates if needed.
  5. Select one or more work orders (mandatory field) in the work order field and select Apply (See screenshot 04).
  6. Set a validity period that shows the time range for when the permit is valid from in the 'Validity period' section.
    1. Select a 'Valid from' and 'Valid to' date and click Apply.
  7. Select Save to save your permit.

01: Create a permit from the 'Create permit' button on the Permits list page.
01: Create a permit from the 'Create permit' button on the Permits list page.
02: The 'Create permit' dialog.
02: The 'Create permit' dialog.
03: Selecting a form template from the 'Form template' field.
03: Selecting a form template from the 'Form template' field.
04: Selecting work orders from the 'Work orders' field.
04: Selecting work orders from the 'Work orders' field.

View Permits

You can access permits by any of the lists you have created or by searching for a permit in the search field.

Setup for viewing permit details

To view permit details, ensure the Permit module is enabled in the Safe Work application settings:

  1. Go to Module configuration > Safe work > Permits > Enabled.

View permit details

You can open permit details in several ways:

On the permit details page (seen in screenshot 01 below) you can:

  • View the name of the permit.
  • View and update the state of the permit.
  • See who is the permit owner.
  • See the template the permit is created from.
  • View and edit the validity period of the permit.
  • View any work orders that the permit is attached to by selecting the 'Work orders' field.

Update lifecycle state, owner, and validity period on permits

To be able to update the lifecycle state, owner and validity period of a permit, you need to enable the following module configurations:

  • Safe work > Permits > Update lifecycle state: Allows updating the permit lifecycle state.
  • Safe work > Permits > Update owner: Allows changing the permit owner.
  • Safe work > Permits > Update validity period: Allows modifying the permit validity period.
  1. To update the lifecycle state, click the lifecycle state button in the top right corner. In screenshot 01, you can see from the button that the lifecycle state is 'Created'.
  2. To change the owner, click the 'Owner' field.
  3. To change the validity period, click the 'Validity' field to enter a new date and time.

Form fields

Form fields are shown as a list of questions or input fields for maintenance workers to fill in (see screenshot 02 and 03 for examples).

You can filter the form fields using the tabs above them as you go along:

  • All Fields
  • Unfilled Fields
  • Filled Fields

After you have saved your inputs, you can filter those out you have already taken care of.

When the permit has been approved it's no longer possible to input values. The form fields are then shown in a compact manner to give a better overview (see screenshot 04).

01: The permit details page.
01: The permit details page.
02: Form fields: Input fields.
02: Form fields: Input fields.
03: Form fields: Questions.
03: Form fields: Questions.
04: Form fields: The permit is approved and you can no longer input values in the form fields.
04: Form fields: The permit is approved and you can no longer input values in the form fields.

Create a Permit from a Work Order

On a work order, you can create permits and view related permits.


  1. Go to Module configurations > Application locations > Safe work mobile application to get access to the safe work app and be able to navigate from a permit on a work order to the permit details in the safe work app.
  2. Go to Module configurations > Safe work > Permits > Enabled to make the app available and accessible.
  3. Go to Module configurations > Safe work > Permits > Permit create to be able to create permits.
  4. Go to Module configurations > Work execution > Work orders > Safe work > Permits to allow permits to be seen on work orders.

View and create permits

After enabling the module configurations, you can now view and create permits on a work order.

  1. By selecting the 'Permits' tab on the work order details page, you can see a list of all currently related permits to the work order (see screenshot 01). If there are no currently related permits, the list will be empty.
  2. Select the button Add Permit at the top to create a new permit. This takes you to the 'Create Permit' page in the Safe Work app where you can create a permit with the current work order pre-selected as a related work order.
  3. Once you have finished creating your permit and you have selected Save, the permit is now added to the work order.

01. Related permits to a work order.
01. Related permits to a work order.

Create a Permit List

Create your own permit lists to see only those permits that are relevant for you or certain user groups.


To create lists make sure you have access to the Safe Work app in Module configuration > Safe work > Permits > Enabled.

  1. Access the Permits module and select the 'context menu' in the top right corner and select Create list.
  2. In the dialog (see screenshot 01), enter a name for your permit list and select any properties which you want to be applied to your list. Then select Apply.
    1. For instance, if you want to only view certain templates, you can choose the property Template and then select a specific template.
  3. Select Save to create your template.
    1. Note, the list you are creating is only visible to you. If you want your coworkers to have access to it, see the documentation Distribute Lists to Users.
  4. You can now see your created list on the Permits main page.

Editing and Deleting Lists

If you want to edit a list that you created: Select the list. Then select the 'context menu' button and Edit list. Make your changes, and save the list. You can't edit predefined lists.

From the Permits main page, you can delete a list that you have created: Select the 'context menu' button and then select Delete. You can't delete predefined lists.

01: Dialog for creating a permit list.
01: Dialog for creating a permit list.

Search for Permits

To search for permits make sure you have access to the Safe Work app in Module configuration > Safe work > Permits > Enabled.

  1. Access the Permits module and then select the search icon in the top right corner. You can search for the FormId and TemplateId.
    1. Example: If you're searching for a permit with the template name 'WorkPermitBuildA', it's sufficient to search for 'workpermit' for instance and the results will show like you can see in screenshot 01 below.

01: Searching for a template from the search bar.
01: Searching for a template from the search bar.

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