Getting Started

Download Objects for offline use


Get access to your assets/objects when you work in an offline area.

Before you can work with offline assets/objects, you must first download the assets/objects that you are going to use. Downloading offline assets/objects requires that the Mobile Client is online.


The Offline assets/objects module is available on the Mobile Client.

Maintenance Manager, Technician

Download Assets/Objects for Offline Use

Before you can work with offline assets/objects, you must first download the assets/objects that you are going to use. Downloading offline assets/objects requires that the Mobile Client is online.

  1. When the Mobile Client is online, select Offline assets/objects in the main menu.
  2. On the Offline assets/objects screen, you see a list of functional locations. If you've downloaded assets/objects for offline use before, you see a "Last synchronization date" at the top of the screen.
  3. Select the check box next to a location to download the assets/objects installed on that location. If you select a parent location, assets/objects installed on all related sub locations will also be downloaded.
    1. Select the right-arrow placed to the right on a functional location line to see sub locations. Continue to select a functional location until you find the sub location with the assets/objects you want to download.
      • Note, it's recommended to only download assets/objects from the location you're going to visit. If you download too many assets/objects, a message is shown, asking you to reduce the size of the download by selecting fewer locations.
  4. When you've selected the relevant functional location, select the 'Download' button in the upper-right corner of the screen to start downloading the assets/objects.
  5. When asset/object download is completed, an info message is shown, informing you of the number of downloaded assets/objects. In the Last synchronization date field at the top of the screen, you see the date and time of the download and also the number of downloaded assets/objects.
  6. The assets/objects downloaded for offline use are saved on the Asset/Object lists screen in a list called Downloaded offline assets/objects.
  7. When you are at a remote location, or in an area with no internet coverage, select Assets/Objects on the main menu.
  8. On the Asset/Object lists screen, select the Downloaded offline assets/objects list, and select the asset/object you want to work with.

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