Fault Registration

Create and edit fault registrations on requests


You can add one or more fault registrations to a request. You add descriptions regarding fault symptom, area, and type to describe the problem. To complete a fault registration you select a cause and a remedy to describe how it was resolved.


At least one request exists.

Maintenance Manager, Technician

View and Edit a Fault Registration

  1. On the Request lists screen, select Downloaded requests or a user-defined list.
  2. Select a request in the list.
  3. Select Faults.


If fault registrations are related to the request, you see a number on the Faults line, showing the number of fault registrations.

  1. Select a fault registration in the list to open and view it.
    1. If you want to edit a fault registration, refer to steps 5-11 in the procedure below.
  2. Select the 'Cancel' button to return to the faults list.
  3. Select the 'Open Requests module' button to return to the Request lists screen.

Add a Fault Registration

You can add a fault registration to an existing request or a new request.

Add fault registration to an existing request

  1. On the Request lists screen, select Downloaded requests or a user-defined list.
  2. Select the request you want to create a fault registration for.
  3. Select Faults.
    1. If fault registrations have been added, select one in the list if you want to view it.
  4. Select the Create fault button to add a new fault registration.
  5. Select the Date for the fault registration.
  6. Select Fault symptom, Fault area, and Fault type to describe the problem you detected.
  7. Select Save Fault to save the fault registration without adding cause or remedy at this time.
  8. If you're troubleshooting and completing the fault registration, select Add cause and select a reason for the fault in the list.
  9. Select Add remedy and select a solution for the fault registration in the list.


If you want to change your selection for cause and remedy, select the trash can icon on a line to delete a registration. If required, you can add several causes and remedies to a fault registration.

  1. Select Save Fault to complete the fault registration.
  2. Your registration is saved and you can return to the request.

Add fault registration when creating a new request

When creating a new request, you can add a fault on the 'Create request' dialog.

  1. In the 'Faults' area, click the Add Fault button to add a new fault registration.
  2. Follow steps 5-11 described in the section above.

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