User Setup

Set up users, roles, and permission sets for Safe Work users


Users need to be set up as Maintenance Employees to start working with the modules includes in the Safe Work app.


You have purchased the required licenses for Dynaway Safe Work.

Sysadmin, Partner Consultant

Set Up Access

This article describes the user setup for the Dynaway Safe Work app. The Safe Work app includes the following modules:

  • Lockout
  • Tagout
  • Work Permits
  • Risk Assessment
  • Checklists
  • Safety Incidents

A user license purchased for Dynaway Safe Work gives the user access to all six modules. You can choose to use one or more modules in the Safe Work app, depending on the requirements in your maintenance department.

Before users can start working in Safe Work, they need to be set up as Maintenance Employees. Set up users by going to Maintenance Employees from the search bar. After you have set up the relevant users, you can assign which permission sets each user should have on the user card.

Note: To set up a Lockout Manager or a Tagout Manager, you need to tick the checkboxes on the Maintenance Employees list called 'Lockout Manager' and 'Tagout Manager'. Permission sets can't give you access to these roles See the screenshot below.

Note: Technicians who are going to work with Checklists on Work Orders must also be set up as Maintenance Employees in EAM-BC.

Refer to the article Maintenance Employees / Users to learn how to set up a user as a Maintenance Employee in the standard EAM-BC app.

The two columns for setting up a maintenance employee as Lockout Manager or Tagout Manager.
The two columns for setting up a maintenance employee as Lockout Manager or Tagout Manager.

Users and Permission Sets

In D365BC, individual employees or a group of employees can be set up as a user. Permission sets are added to each user. Permission sets define which data the user has access to and whether the user is allow to read, edit, and delete data.

When you set up a user to work with the modules (Lockout - Tagout - Work Permits - Risk Assessment - Checklists) in Dynaway Safe Work, one of the following permission sets is required.

Permission Set for DAMSW Manager

Managers create, edit, approve, and delete data in all modules available in Dynaway Safe Work.

Permission Set for DAMSW Technician

Technicians work with Dynaway Safe Work data in different ways:

  • Read a Risk Assessment on a Work Order
  • Read a Work Permit on a Work Order
  • Fill out a Form for a Permit
  • Send a Permit for approval
  • Fill out a Checklist on a Work Order
  • Lock and unlock a Lockout
  • Mount and remove a Tagout

Refer to the User Management section for information about the roles, users, and permission sets required when you set up Maintenance Employees in the standard EAM-BC app.

Safe Work Role Center

If you are set up as a Safe Work Manager in the Dynaway Safe Work app, you get access to the Safe Work Role Center. The Safe Work app includes several modules:

  • Lockout
  • Tagout
  • Work Permits
  • Risk Assessment
  • Checklists
  • Safety Incidents

From the Safe Work Role Center you have quick access to a variety of lists and templates pertaining to Safe Work. Also, from the Actions section at the top of the screen, there are shortcuts, which are useful when you want to create new data, for example, a new Risk Assessment, or a new Lockout or Tagout.

The tiles in the Safe Work and Approval sections inform you of number of pending or active or completed records, which may require your attention and feedback. At the bottom of the work center, you find the Insights area, containing a more detailed overview of work assigned to you.

The screenshot below shows a Safe Work Role Center.

Example of a Safe Work Role Center.
Example of a Safe Work Role Center.

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