Risk Assessments are used to identify and mitigate the risks involved in maintenance work. Risk Assessments are used on Work Orders.
You have completed setup for Risk Assessments.
In the Dynaway Safe Work module, Risk Assessments are used to identify and examine risks related to maintenance work in your company.
In a Risk Assessment you identify the hazards that could impact maintenance work in a negative way, and you calculate a risk value for each hazard. Also, you add the precautions required to mitigate or eliminate the hazards on your Risk Assessment.
Risk Assessment work includes
The screenshot below shows a graphic overview of Risk Assessment workflow, including integration to EAM-BC and automatic data transfer to related Work Orders.
It is recommended to have notifications turned "On" in D365BC to allow you to see these notifications each time you open a Work Order.
Select Show on the notification line to open the Active Risks overview.
A Risk Assessment is a record that describes the hazards and required precautions related to maintenance work. Examples of hazards are
When you create a Risk Assessment, you add Hazards and Precautions to it.
Each Hazard line includes a description and a calculation of the initial risk. You should also add a short description of the hazard outcome = what will happen if this hazard occurs. Refer to the Set Up Risk Calculation article for more information on how to calculate initial risk.
Each Precaution line includes a description of what to do to eliminate or mitigate a hazard, as well as when action was taken and by whom.
A Risk Assessment can go through various states. You can change state at any time during the Risk Assessment lifecycle, and you can revert to a previous state. Here is a status overview:
Status | Description / related action |
Open | The Risk Assessment is created and in edit mode. You fill out all required details in this status. All fields are editable. You can always revert to this status, if updates are required on the Risk Assessment. |
Pending |
The Risk Assessment requires approval, either because an approval workflow was created on the Risk Assessment, or because a Default Approval Setup is used. |
Released | The Risk Assessment is ready to be used, and you cannot edit it. You can revert to 'Open' if required, to edit the record. |
Inactive |
The Risk Assessment is closed. NOTE that all relations to assigned instances (Asset Category, Asset Location, Work Type, and so on) are automatically deleted. When in this status, you can revert the status to 'Open', which is only relevant if you want to reuse the Risk Assessment and assign other / new instances to it. |
To change the Status on a Risk Assessment:
You can add pictures and documents on the Risk Assessment as well, and view any pictures added.
Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step instruction on how to create a Risk Assessment.
The screenshot below shows an example of a Risk Assessment in status "Released", in which precautions have been taken and related actions carried out.
When you have created a Risk Assessment, next step is to assign it to one or more instances. A Risk Assessment is automatically transferred to a Work Order if instances related to the Work Order, for example, Asset Category, Asset Location, and Work Type, have been assigned to the Risk Assessment. A Work Order may include one or more Risk Assessments.
On the Safe Work role center, select Risk Assessments, or search for and select Risk Assessments.
In the Risk Assessments list, select New in the Ribbon.
Enter data in the Description field.
When you leave this field, the next available number in the number series is automatically added to the Risk Assessment, and the Status field is automatically updated to "Open".
Select Next Revision Date.
This is the date where you want to examine the content and validity of the Risk Assessment.
Select the Take Picture button to take a picture and add to the Risk Assessment, or show pictures attached to the Risk Attachment.
You can also select Documents to upload a document or view documents attached to the Risk Assessment.
In the Hazards section, select a Hazard Code.
Hazard Description and Hazard Category Code are automatically filled out.
In the Hazard Outcome field, enter a description of what is the expected outcome if the hazard takes place.
Select Impact, which is used for calculating initial risk.
Select Probability, which is used for calculating initial risk.
Select Frequency, which is used for calculating initial risk.
The Initial Risk is automatically calculated, based on your selections.
If required, add more Hazard lines and repeat steps 7-11.
In the Precautions section, select a Precaution Code.
Precaution Description is automatically filled out.
If a Precaution already exists for a Hazard line, select the Precaution Exists check box.
Example: You company already has a work process in place to mitigate or eliminate a hazard described in this Risk Assessment. In that case, you may want to select this check box.
In the Action By field, select the user or group responsible for taking action on this precaution, to prevent the related hazard.
In the Action Date field, select the date on which the precaution should be in place.
In the Action Done By field, select the user or group that ensured that required action was taken, to prevent the related hazard.
In the Action Done Date field, select the date on which required action was taken, to prevent the related hazard.
The user can create a Risk Assessment.
When you have created a Risk Assessment, you can assign it to the following instances:
When a Work Order is created, and that Work Order contains any of the related instances listed above, which have a Risk Assessment assigned, those Risk Assessments are automatically transferred to the Work Order.
Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step procedure on how to assign a Risk Assessment to an instance, or select a link in the list above to find that information for the selected instance.
In the screenshot below, you see an example of a Work Order created for a Planetary Mixer. The Asset uses the Asset Category "Mixer Parts", and a Risk Assessment is assigned to that Asset Category. This means that the list of Hazards and Precautions described in that Risk Assessment are automatically transferred to Work Order no. 55.
When Hazards and Precautions are related to a Work Order, you can see it on the Work Order Card on the green notification line that appears at the top of the Work Order card.
Open the relevant card or list (Asset / Asset Location / Asset Category / Maintenance Item / Work Type / Work Order Plan).
Select a Risk Assessment number in the Risk Assessment No. field.
The user can add a Risk Assessment to the following instances: Asset / Asset Location / Asset Category / Maintenance Item / Work Type / Work Order Plan.
You can copy a Risk Assessment to easily reuse an existing record. When you copy a Risk Assessment, the new record always has status "Open".
If all fields were filled out in the Risk Assessment you copied from, the following fields are empty in the new record:
Assignments that were related to the Risk Assessment you copied from are not included in the new record.
Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step procedure on how to copy a Risk Assessment.
On the Safe Work role center, select Risk Assessments.
Optional: If you are on another role center, search for and select "Risk Assessments".
In the Risk Assessments list, select a link in the Nos. field to open the card.
Select Process > Copy in the ribbon.
Select Yes to the message that is shown on the screen.
A new Risk Assessment card with a new number opens.
The user can copy an existing Risk Assessment.
Work Orders, Assets, and other maintenance objects use Hazards and Precautions from Risk Assessments. For instance, Work Orders shows relevant Hazards and Precautions. Pressing the Active Risks-button opens a popup showing all active Hazards and Precautions linked to the Work Order. See also Risk Assessment setup.
Posted Work Orders. When the Work Order is posted, the active risks are copied to Posted Work Order. The Posted Work Order card makes it possible to see historical risk hazards and precautions that were active during execution of the Work Order. This allows seeing what Hazards and Precautions were active at the time each Work Order was carried out.
You can get an overview of which instances (Asset / Asset Location / Asset Category / Maintenance Item / Work Type / Work Order Plan) use a Risk Assessment. This is useful if, for example, you want to update the Risk Assessment and see which instances are affected, and perhaps examine the details of those instances.
Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step procedure on how to check usage on a Risk Assessment.
On the Safe Work role center, select Risk Assessments.
Optional: If you are on another role center, search for and select "Risk Assessments".
In the Risk Assessments list, select a link in the Nos. field to open the Risk Assessment.
On the Risk Assessment card, select Process > Assignments in the ribbon.
In the View - Risk Assignments list, you see all the instances that the Risk Assessment is related to. Select an instance (Asset / Asset Location / Asset Category / Maintenance Item / Work Type / Work Order Plan) if you want to see details.
Select Open Card in the ribbon.
The user can check which instances use the selected Risk Assessment and open details for an instance.
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