Risk Assessment

Identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks and enhance safety


When carrying out work-based or scheduled work orders, it's crucial to assess and manage potential risks to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals involved. Risk is the probability that a person will be harmed or experience an adverse health effect if exposed to a hazard. Even if such risks don't occur, they must be acknowledged and addressed.

Risk Assessment allows you to identify, evaluate, and mitigate hazards associated with work orders, and thereby enhance overall safety and reduce the probability of harm.


The Risk Assessment functionality addresses the following facets:

  • Hazards: Helps to gather information on what may cause harm, e.g., wet floor or exposed wires.
  • Hazard types: Stores information on hazard categorizations, e.g., safety or chemical.
  • Frequencies: Defines a list of frequency values used for calculating hazard risk values.
  • Impacts: Defines a list of impact values used for calculating hazard risk values.
  • Probabilities: Holds estimates on probability values used for calculating hazard risk values.
  • Precautions: Lists precautionary measures against hazards, e.g., power off device or safety training.


To get started with Risk Assessment, follow these steps:

  1. To enable the Risk Assessment functionality, enable the 'Dynaway Safe Work' configuration key.
  2. Set up a number sequence for 'Risk assessment' in the 'Asset management parameters' form.
  3. To have a more granular level of access control, the 'Risk assessment manager' and 'Risk assessment user' security roles can be assigned to F&O system users.

Configure Risk Assessment

To get started with using Risk Assessment, you first need to configure each part of Risk Assessment. We recommend that you go through each part in the order: Hazard types > Hazards > Frequencies > Impacts > Probabilities > Precautions. You only need to fill in the mandatory configurations.

  1. Go to Asset management > Setup > Risk assessment
    1. Select Hazard types.
      1. Specify a hazard type, for instance 'BIO'.
      2. Enter the name for the hazard type, for example 'Biological hazards'. See screenshot 01.
    2. Select Hazards.
      1. Specify a hazard, such as 'Safety'.
      2. Enter a name for the hazard, for instance 'Slips, trips, falls'. See screenshot 02.
    3. Select Frequencies.
      1. Enter a frequency, for example 'High'.
      2. Enter a value for the frequency, for instance '10.00'. See screenshot 03.
    4. Select Impacts.
      1. Specify an impact, for example 'Extensive'.
      2. Enter a name for the impact, for instance 'Extensive impact'.
      3. Enter a value. See screenshot 04.
    5. Select Probabilities.
      1. Enter a probability. This can for instance be a code name such as 'P1'.
      2. Enter a name for the probability, such as 'Highly unlikely'.
      3. Enter a value, for example '1'. See screenshot 05.
    6. Select Precautions.
      1. Define a precaution, such as 'Face mask'.
      2. Enter a name for the precaution, for example 'Use facial mask'.
      3. Specify the action type, either 'Manual action', 'Permit required', or 'LOTO required'. See screenshot 06.

01: Hazard types.
01: Hazard types.
02: Hazards.
02: Hazards.
03: Risk frequencies.
03: Risk frequencies.
04: Risk Impacts.
04: Risk Impacts.
05: Risk probabilities.
05: Risk probabilities.
06: Risk precautions.
06: Risk precautions.

Define Risk Assessment Records

  1. Go to Asset management > Safe work > Risk assessment > All risk assessments.
  2. To add a new record, select New and a form will open, which you can see in screenshot 01.
  3. In the form, you have the following options as shown in the table below:




Risk assessment

Risk assessment

Unique identifier of risk assessment

Risk assessment


Desciption of specific risk assessment

Risk assessment

Assessment date

Date of risk assessment

Risk assessment


Number of hazards related to risk assessment

Risk assessment


Number of precautions related to risk assessment

Risk assessment


Number of scopes related to risk assessment


Hazard Identifier of hazard


Description of what the hazard can cause


Identifier of risk impact


Identifier or risk probability


Identifier or risk frequency

Initial risk

Calculated hazard risk value (impact * probability * frequency) that is rounded to two decimal places


Precaution Identifier of risk precaution
Scope Functional location

Automatically evaluates functional location for work orders when updating risk assessment

Asset type Automatically evaluates asset type for work orders when updating risk assessment
Manufacturer Automatically evaluates manufacturer for work orders when updating risk assessment
Model Automatically evaluates model for work orders when updating risk assessment
Asset Automatically evaluates asset for work orders when updating risk assessment
Maintenance job type category Automatically evaluates maintenance job type category for work orders when updating risk assessment
Maintenance job type Automatically evaluates maintenance job type for work orders when updating risk assessment
Maintenance job type variant Automatically evaluates maintenance job type variant for work orders when updating risk assessment
Trade Automatically evaluates trade for work orders when updating risk assessment
Work order type Automatically evaluates work order type for work orders when updating risk assessment
Item number Automatically evaluates item number for work orders when updating risk assessment

01: 'All risk assessments' form.
01: 'All risk assessments' form.

Define Risk Assessment Scope

It's possible to define a risk assessment scope which can be used to specify which work orders should be evaluated automatically when updating risk assessments.

To define a risk assessment scope, go to Asset management > Safe work > Risk assessment > Risk assessment scopes.

In the 'Risk assessment scopes' form (screenshot 01), you can define a combination of fields that define a scope of work orders which should be evaluated when updating risk assessments.

The following fields can be used to define a risk assessment scope:

  • Functional location
  • Asset type
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Asset
  • Maintenance job type category
  • Maintenance job type
  • Maintenance job type variant
  • Trade
  • Work order type
  • Item number

When you have assigned any relevant fields, you can assign the scope to a risk assessment in the 'Risk assessment' column. After assigning the scope to a risk assessment, it will be visible within the 'Scope' tab in the grid (see screenshot 02).

Note: When configuring a scope, dependencies exist between fields in a given line:

  • The content of the 'Maintenance job type' field lookup depends on the choice in the 'Maintenance job type category' field.
  • The content of the 'Maintenance job type variant' field lookup depends on the choice in the 'Maintenance job type' field.
  • When a value of the 'Asset type', 'Manufacturer' or 'Model' field has been modified, the 'Asset' field is cleared. Moreover, the content of 'Asset' lookup depends on the values in these 3 fields.

01: The 'Risk assessment scopes' form.
01: The 'Risk assessment scopes' form.
02: Scope.
02: Scope.

Use Risk Assessment on Work Orders

Let's assume we have created a risk assessment record, which can be seen in screenshot 01 below.

  1. Next, the 'Update assessments' switch must be on. To toggle it, e.g., for the 'InProgress' lifecycle state, go to Asset management > Setup > Work orders > Lifecycle states.
  2. When you change to a lifecycle state that has the 'Update assessments' parameter switched on for a work order, based on the defined scopes, it will update the existing 'Work order risk assessment' record by adding additional hazards and precautions to it, if there are any. See screenshot 02.
  3. Then, you can create a work order record with the setup seen in screenshot 03.
  4. Update the work order lifecycle state to 'InProgress'. Once updated, you'll see a notification informing you that a 'Risk assessment' record has been added.

To view all risk assessments for work orders, go to Asset management > Safe work > Risk assessment > Work order risk assessments. You can see an example of it in screenshot 04.

Note: For a risk assessment to be assigned to work orders, a work order must have a start date set. To set it, you can for instance update the work order state with a lifecycle state that has the 'Set actual start' parameter on.

Precaution validation

When a work order is being updated to a state in which the start date is filled in and there are precaution actions required to be taken, a validation is performed based on the type of precaution required:

  • Manual: checks whether the 'Action performed' checkbox for precaution has been checked.
  • LOTO: work order requires at least one LOTO which is active, secured, not removed and no LOTOs outside that state.
  • Permits: work order only has approved permits, with no rejected permits and no permits which are still pending approval.
    • A rejected permit is one which lifecycle state has 'Active', 'Approved' and 'Allowed Edit' fields all set to no.
    • An approved permit is one which is both active and approved.

01: Risk assessment record.
01: Risk assessment record.
02: Update assessments.
02: Update assessments.
03: Creating a work order with the 'Safety' work order type.
03: Creating a work order with the 'Safety' work order type.
04: Work order risks assessments.
04: Work order risks assessments.

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