Set up Tool Crib

Setup required for working with tool crib


Use tool crib to keep track of the tools in your maintenance department: available tools, which are currently used by workers, or tools sent for repair.


You have completed standard setup for Asset management in D365FO.

Sysadmin, Maintenance Manager

License Configuration

The Tool crib functionality in Asset management requires specific setup regarding license configuration.

  1. Select System administration > Setup > License configuration.
  2. Select Dynaway Advanced Asset Management.
  3. Ensure that the Tool Crib check box is selected.

Security Configuration

In D365FO, the Tool clerk role must be available and include the following setup.

  1. Select System administration > Security > Security configuration.
  2. Select role: Tool clerk.
  3. Select duty: Handout and return tools.
  4. The privilege Handout and return tools must be added.

Refer to Microsoft documentation to learn more about security configuration in D365FO: Security architecture.

Functional Location for Tools

Create functional locations for the tools you manage in your maintenance department. Consider setting up a tool storage location as well as a location used for tool repair.

The functional locations used for tool management can be selected in Asset management parameters setup.

Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step procedure on how to set up functional locations for your tools.

Create a Functional Location for Tools

Steps 9

  1. Select Asset management > Functional locations > All functional locations

  2. Select New.

  3. Enter an ID in the Functional location field and name in the Name field.

  4. If the location is part of a functional location hierarchy, select the parent location in the Parent field.

  5. Select "Area" in the Functional location type field.

  6. Select OK.

  7. In the All functional locations list, select the location.

  8. In the Functional location group, select Update functional location state.

  9. In the Update functional location state dialog, select the "Active" lifecycle state, and select OK.


The user can create a functional location for tool management and select an 'active' state for it.

Tool Counter

Set up a "tool" counter to count how many times a tool has been handed out to be used on a work order (and the related asset). The counter can be selected in Asset management parameters setup.

Refer to Microsoft documentation to learn how to set up a counter for asset counter registrations.


When you set up the "tool" counter, remember to add all the asset types that should be able to use the counter.

Asset Type for Tools

Set up the asset types that you want to use for tool assets. Asset types vary, depending on your industry. Examples are 'drill', 'hoist', 'crane', and 'toolkit'.

Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step procedure on how to set up an asset type to be used for tool assets.

Set up Asset Type for Tools

Data Requirements

  1. Asset types have been created.

Steps 3

  1. Select Asset management > Setup > Asset types > Asset types.

  2. In the list on the left side of the screen, select an asset type that you want to use on 'tool' assets.

  3. On the General FastTab, activate the Tool toggle button to show "Yes".


The selected asset type can be used for 'tool' assets.

Setting up an asset as a tool.
Setting up an asset as a tool.

Asset Management Parameters for Tools

In Asset management parameters, various data regarding tools handling must be set up, for example, regarding functional locations, counters, and work order data.

Refer to Microsoft documentation regarding standard setup of asset management parameters.

Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step procedure on tools setup in asset management parameters.

Tools Setup in Asset Management Parameters

Data Requirements

  1. Standard setup in asset management parameters is completed.

Steps 9

  1. Select Asset management > Setup > Asset management parameters.

  2. Select the Tool crib tab.

  3. In the Tool usage counter drop-down, select the counter you created earlier to be used for tools.

  4. In the Work order type drop-down, select the default work order type to be used on a work order created for a tool, which requires repair.

  5. In the Maintenance job type drop-down, select the default job type to be used on a work order created for a tool, which requires repair.

  6. In the Work order description field, enter a default description to be used on a work order created for a tool, which requires repair.

  7. In the Service level drop-down, select the default service level to be used on a work order created for a tool, which requires repair.

  8. In the Tool functional location drop-down, select the storage location to be used for tool assets.

  9. In the Tool repair functional location drop-down, select the location to be used for tool assets when they are in repair.


The user can set up parameters for counters, default work order data, and functional locations to be used for tool management.

Work Order Lifecycle State of a Tool

Set up a work order lifecycle state to handle return of a tool to an "available" state, meaning the tool is ready to be handed out. This functionality is used if you create a work order for the tool because it requires repair. Then, when the repair work order is completed, and the tool is ready to be used again, you activate a "return to available state" option on a lifecycle state. That option automatically updates the tool state to "Available".

Typically, you set up this functionality on a "Completed" lifecycle state, meaning that the work on the work order is completed. This setup only affects assets that have a tool asset type, as described in the Asset type article.

Refer to Microsoft documentation regarding standard setup of work order lifecycle states.

Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step procedure regarding 'tools available' setup on a work order lifecycle state.

Toggle the button to return the tool to available state.
Toggle the button to return the tool to available state.

Tools Setup on a Work Order Lifecycle State

Data Requirements

  1. Work order lifecycle states have been created.

Steps 3

  1. Select Asset Management > Setup > Work orders > Lifecycle states.

  2. Select the lifecycle state you want to add tool crib functionality to, for example, "Completed".

  3. On the General FastTab > Tool Crib section, select the Return tool to available state toggle button to show Yes.


The user can set up a work order life cycle state, for example, "Completed", to update a tool to be available in the tool crib after a repair work order has been completed on the tool.

Set up Tool Return Period

You can set up limits for your tool assets to be returned within a predefined period of time. This means that if the tool is not returned within a specified number of hours after handout, the tool is automatically marked as "overdue".

Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step procedure on how to set up tools with an overdue limit.

Set up Tool Return Overdue Hours

Data Requirements

  1. At least one asset type is set up to be used for tools.

Steps 4

  1. Select Asset Management > Setup > Asset types > Tool return overdue hours.

  2. Select New.

  3. Select an Asset type used for tools.

    If required, you can add further specification to the asset type by selecting Manufacturer and Model on the line.

  4. In the Tool return overdue hours field, enter the number of hours to pass from the tool is handed over to be used on a work order until it is marked as overdue, if not returned within that time limit.


The user can create rules for "tool" asset types to determine when return of a tool is overdue. Tools with the selected asset type, which are not returned within the specified time limit, are automatically marked as "overdue".

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