This feature provides a centralized platform for monitoring and managing procurement and inventory activities in the context of work orders.
In the standard EAM solution, users can create purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and item journal lines directly related to work orders. Status Calculation Service facilitates a more efficient and comprehensive approach to updating and overviewing work orders by utilizing these fields:
Procurement Status: This field shows the combined status of all purchase requisitions and purchase orders for a work order.
Inventory Status: This field provides a consolidated overview of all item journal lines for a work order.
By automatically updating the required work orders and observing the two procurement fields, you can easily identify which work orders are ready to proceed (for example, because related purchase requisitions and purchase orders have been closed, there are sufficient on-hand item quantities) and which work orders are not yet ready to proceed (for example, because the related purchase requisition has not been confirmed, there is an insufficient on-hand item quantity, etc.).
When you have set up the functionality, you can start using the functionality of updating procurement and inventory statuses fields on work orders.
You can do that by running a new service called Update procurement status which can be found in Enterprise asset management > Periodic > Work orders > Update procurement status. When you click the 'Update procurement status' menu item, you will see the dialog seen in screenshot 01.
Procurement ready stage - this is the work order stage to which the work order will be updated when the following conditions are met, after processing the work order by the update procurement status service:
- The new procurement status is different from the current procurement status on a work order, or the new inventory status is different from the current inventory status on a work order.
- The new procurement status and new inventory status have been updated successfully on a work order.
- The new procurement status updated on a work order is 'Received'.
- The new inventory status updated on a work order is 'Available' or 'Reserved'.
Procurement error stage - this is the work order stage to which the work order will be updated to when the update procurement status service is not able to be processed successfully for a work order. This can be caused by:
- it's not possible to update the work order with new procurement and inventory statuses, or
- it's not possible to update the work order to the procurement-ready stage.
Before the update procurement status service can be run, both 'Procurement ready stage' and 'Procurement error stage' parameters must be specified. Otherwise, after clicking the 'OK' button in the dialogue, you will see an error.
Note: If you have configured the 'Stage update permission' functionality for work order stages for specific users and thereby limited work order stages which these users can update work orders to, then only these allowed work order stages will be displayed in the lookup in both 'Procurement ready stage' and 'Procurement error stage' parameters.
- Apart from selecting the required procurement ready stage and procurement error stage you can specify which work orders should be processed by the service in the 'Records to include' section in the dialog, You can specify work order numbers, work order types or add any additional filter which you need. Note that the service only processes active work orders ('Active' filter is set by default to 'Yes' and can't be changed/removed) which you can see an example of in screenshot 02.
- In the 'Run in the background' section of the dialogue, you can set up the update procurement status service for batch processing, allowing it to be scheduled for automatic execution, for example, every day after working hours.
- Once you have configured the update procurement status service according to your needs, you can click the 'OK' button. Depending on your setup, this will either trigger immediate service processing (manual processing) or schedule the service for future processing (batch processing).
- When the service processing is run manually, a summary is displayed in the notification area. This summary shows how many work orders have been updated successfully, how many work orders have failed, and how many work orders have been updated to the procurement-ready stage.
- In screenshot 03, you can see an example of a message saying that procurement status and inventory status have been updated successfully for one work order and this work order's stage has been updated to the 'ProcurReady' stage.
- In screenshot 04, you can see the information that status was updated in the fields marked on the work order.
Procurement status field on a work order
The procurement status field on a work order can have one of the following values:
- N/A - this is 'not applicable' status. This is the default status when a work order has been created and not processed yet by the update procurement status service. Update procurement status service will set this status on a work order in the following cases:
- No purchase requisitions and purchase orders have been created for a work order.
- Some purchase requisitions and/or purchase orders have been created for a work order, but all of them have been canceled or rejected.
- Open - update procurement status service will set this status on a work order in the following cases:
- Some purchase requisitions have been created for a work order, and at least one of them has any of the following statuses: 'Draft', 'In review', 'Approved', 'Budget reserved'.
- All purchase requisitions related to a work order have 'Closed', 'Rejected', or 'Cancelled' status, and at least one purchase order related to a work order has 'None' or 'Open order' status.
- Received - update procurement status service will set this status on a work order in the following case:
- All purchase requisitions related to a work order have 'Closed' status, and all purchase orders related to a work order have 'Received' or 'Invoiced' status.
Inventory status field on a work order
Inventory status field on a work order can have one of the following values:
- N/A - this is 'not applicable' status. This is the default status when a work order has been created and not processed yet by the update procurement status service. Update procurement status service will set this status on a work order in the following cases:
- No inventory transactions have been created for a work order.
- Available - update procurement status service will set this status on a work order in the following case:
- Some inventory transactions with issue status 'On order' and receipt status 'None' have been created for a work order, and for all related inventory transactions, available physical on-hand quantities are greater than or equal to quantities from these inventory transactions.
- Not available - update procurement status service will set this status on a work order in the following cases:
- Some inventory transactions with issue status 'On order' and receipt status 'None' have been created for a work order, and for at least one of the related inventory transactions, available physical on-hand quantity is lower than the quantity from this inventory transaction.
- Some inventory transactions have been created for a work order, among them, there were not any inventory transactions with issue status 'On order' and receipt status 'None', but there was some inventory transaction with issue status 'Reserved ordered' and receipt status 'None'.
- Reserved - update procurement status service will set this status on a work order in the following case:
- Some inventory transactions have been created for a work order, among them, there were not any inventory transactions with issue status 'On order' and receipt status 'None', but there was some inventory transaction with issue status 'Picked' or 'Reserved physical' and receipt status 'None'.
- Consumed
- All inventory transactions have issue status 'Sold' or 'Deducted' and with the receipt status 'None'.
Procurement status and inventory status fields have been added to the 'EAM Work orders' (MROWorkOrderTableEntity) data entity so that it's possible to export values for these fields together with other work order fields as seen in screenshot 05 below.
View Stage log
After updating the work order stage, you will see an entry in the stage log with a 'Updated by procurement status calculation' remark.
View batch job log
When you have set up update procurement status service for batch processing and you have the 'Batch job manager' security role assigned to your user then you can overview the results of processing batch jobs in the batch job log.
01: 'Procurement ready stage' and 'Procurement error stage' fields.
02: Example of the 'Records to include' section where the Active filter is set to 'Yes' by default.
03: Message details - Updating procurement status.
04: 'Procurement status' and 'Inventory status' fields on a work order.
05: 'Procurement status' and 'Inventory status' fields on a 'EAM Work orders' data entity.