Data Management in the Mobile Client

Data Management in the Mobile Client

1. Does the Dynaway mobile client store data or it is more of a mechanism to feed data into Dynamics 365?

Dynaway does not store data.

Data in our apps is stored temporarily in the mobile device to feed data into Dynamics 365. Data related to the customer is not stored outside of the app.

The only data stored outside of D365 tenancy from the Dynaway mobile client is user data. This data is used to track the coherence between how users are using functionalities in the app and compare it with the intended usage. The user data also includes bug reporting and telemetry. The aforementioned user data is tracked for development purposes only and does not include or store business data.

2. Do we require to perform any backups for the solution?

Backups are handled inside the Finance & Operation application and it is up to the customer how and when to perform backups.

3. How is data transferred between the Dynaway mobile client and Dynamics 365?

Data is transmitted to the Dynaway mobile client and we require data to be transmitted by HTTPS for the Dynaway mobile client to function.

By the first use, a full synchronization of data is performed. Incremental synchronization of data is performed at specified intervals.

Data is stored locally in the IndexedDb and cache storage of the browser.

4. How does the Dynaway mobile client communicate with external APIs?

Our Dynaway mobile client and Analytics modules transmit data using a REST API. The Dynaway mobile client consumes data from an API/data entity that delivers data from Dynaway AAM for F&O. Data is transmitted to our Analytics module (if Analytics is part of your solution).

A third-party API is used to securely transfer telemetry data to an external service for later analysis by Dynaway for development purposes. See point 1.

5. Is data stored outside the Dynamics 365 tenancy?

Data is stored locally in the IndexedDb and cache storage of the browser.

The only data stored outside the D365 tenancy is user data related to bug reporting and telemetry used for development purposes only and does not include or store business data.

6. If external contractors are using their own BYOD, is there capability to ensure no data is transferred out of the application?

Using the Dynaway mobile client requires an authenticated Windows AD user. Transferring data out of the application is not an option in Dynaway mobile client.

By requiring an authenticated Windows AD user and sending all communication over HTTPS, we are reducing the risk of a third-party getting access to customer data. However, we are not able to detect if a third-party tool is siphoning stored data to some other location.

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