Getting Started

Setup required for working with permits on work orders


Setup describes the tasks to be completed before you can use work permits in your maintenance department. Permits are added to work orders to ensure that maintenance work can be carried out in a safe way.


The Dynaway Safe Work and Dynaway Forms modules are installed in Asset management.

Sysadmin, Maintenance Manager


To enable the Permits functionality, a few things must be done beforehand:

  1. License - Make sure that the following licenses are imported to your environment:
    1. Dynaway Forms (DynForm)
    2. Dynaway Safe Work (DynSWAM)
  2. Configuration keys - Enable the following:
    1. Dynaway Forms (DynForm)
    2. Dynaway Safe Work (DynSW)
  3. Features - Enable the following:
    1. N/A
  4. Security Roles - To provide users with a more granular level of access control, assign the following security roles to F&O system users:
    1. View permission:
      1. Permits user - this role allows processing permits (creating, updating, deleting them, changing their lifecycle state etc.). It does not allow changing permits setup (e.g. changing form templates used in permits), but it allows viewing this setup.
      2. Maintenance worker - this role allows only viewing permits and permits setup. It does not allow processing permits and changing permits setup.
    2. Managing permission:
      1. Permits manager - this role allows both processing permits (creating, updating, deleting them, changing their lifecycle state etc.) and changing permits setup (e.g. creating and changing form templates used in permits).
      2. Maintenance manager - this role allows both processing permits (creating, updating, deleting them, changing their lifecycle state etc.) and changing permits setup (e.g. creating and changing form templates used in permits).

Number Sequences

You must set up a number sequence for automatic numbering when you create work permits.

  1. In Asset managment, select Setup > Asset management parameters.
  2. In Number sequences, select the Form reference.
  3. Select a number sequence in the Number sequence code field.

Set up Forms to Work with Permits

In order to use permits, you must first set up the Forms module.

Permits are essentially forms with type 'Permit. Therefore, to start using them it's necessary to set up the following elements in the Forms module:

  • Number sequence for form identitifer (Forms > Setup > Forms parameters > Number sequences).
  • Form lifecycle states (Forms > Setup > Form lifecycle states).
  • Form lifecycle models (Forms > Setup > Form lifecycle models).
  • Form templates (Forms > Setup > Form templates).

Optionally it is possible to set up:

  • Form option sets (Forms > Setup > Form option sets).
  • Form lifecycle state update permissions (Forms > Setup > Form lifecyle state update permissions).

Read more here about how to set up Forms.

Examples of form lifecycle states

Below you can find a setup of form lifecycle state examples created by the Forms demo data wizard (Forms > Forms parameters > Create demo data) used for permits and transitions between them. You can also see what the example looks like in screenshot 01.

  1. Created - form being edited (active = yes; allow edit = yes; approved = no).
  2. Requested - form is in review (active = yes; allow edit = no; approved = no).
  3. Cancelled - form cancelled (active = no; allow edit = no; approved = no).
  4. Approved - form approved (active = yes; allow edit = no; approved = yes).
  5. Ended - work is done (active = no; allow edit = no; approved = yes).


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