Manage Planners

Assign planners to requests and work orders


In standard Enterprise Asset management, you can set up responsible workers to be selected on work orders and requests to be responsible for the jobs being done correctly on work orders.

We've added functionality that allows you create a similar setup for automatic selection of planners on requests and work orders. This means that a planner or planner group is automatically added to a work order, based on the planner setup. The purpose of this functionality is to decide who should be in charge of planning a work order.


Setup for planners on requests and work orders is completed.


When you create a request in Enterprise asset management, a Planner group or Planner may automatically be added to the request, based on your planner setup.

Refer to standard EAM documentation to learn how to create requests.

The screenshot below shows an example of a request created with automatic selection of a Planner, based on a setup combination of object type and planner worker.

When you work with planners on a request, take the following into account:

  • When you create a request, the Planner group and Planner fields are automatically filled out, based on request data and the planner setup.
  • You can edit the Planner group and Planner fields on a request as you require.
  • If the Planner group and Planner fields are filled out on a request, and you change the Planner group on the request, the Planner field is automaticaly cleared. In that case, you must manually select a planner, if required. The options available in the Planner field are based on the newly selected Planner group.
  • If you edit a Planner group or Planner in the planner setup after you created a request, which uses that setup, the values shown in the Planned group and Planner fields on the request are not updated.
  • If you edit the name of a Planner group in the planner setup after you created a request, which uses that group, the Planner group name is updated on the request.
  • If you select another object on a request, and the Planner group and Planner fields were blank from the previous object selection, those fields may be filled out, if a planner setup matches the new object selection.
  • If you select another object on a request, and the Planner group or Planner field was filled out from the previous object selection, those fields are not updated, according to the new object selection.
  • If you clear the object selection (leaving the Object field blank) on a request , and the Planner group or Planner field was filled out from the previous object selection, those fields are not cleared.

In Enterprise asset management, select Common > Requests > My planner requests to open a list showing requests on which you are selected as a planner or currently included in the planner group selected on the request.

Request with automatic selection of a planner, based on a planner setup where the object type is related to the planner.
Request with automatic selection of a planner, based on a planner setup where the object type is related to the planner.

Create a Work Order from a Request

When you create a work order from a request in Enterprise asset management, the Planner group or Planner selected on the request is automatically transferred to the work order. That selection takes precedence over the default planner setup.

Refer to EAM documentation to learn how to create work orders from requests.

When you work with planners and work order creation based on requests, take the following into account:

  • When you create a work order from one request, the Planner group and Planner fields are automatically filled out, based on the selections in those fields on the request. If the Planner group and Planner fields are blank on the request, those fields on the work order are filled out based on your planner setup.
  • When you create a work order from several requests, the Planner group and Planner fields are shown in the Create work order dialog box to let you make a selection for the work order. If the requests have different selections for Planner Group or Planner, a message informs you about this in the Create work order dialog box. Refer to the screenshot below to see an example.

Read more about planners on work orders in the article below.

Example of 'Create work order' dialog box if you are creating a work order from several requests, and those requests have different planner setup.
Example of 'Create work order' dialog box if you are creating a work order from several requests, and those requests have different planner setup.

Work Orders

When you create a work order in Enterprise asset management, a Planner group or Planner may automatically be added to the work order, based on your planner setup.

Refer to EAM documentation to learn how to work with preventive maintenance work orders and create work orders manually.

On a work order, switch to Header view and select the Schedule Fast Tab to find the Planners section. The screenshot below shows an example of a work order created with a planner worker selected in the Planner field.

When you work with planners on a work order, take the following into account:

  • When you create a work order, or a related work order, the Planner group and Planner fields are automatically filled out, based on work order data and the planner setup.
  • If you create a work order as a copy of an existing work order, values selected in the Planner group and Planner fields on the work order you copy are also copied to the new work order. Copied values take precedence over default planner setup.
  • You can edit the Planner group and Planner fields on a work order as you require.
  • If the Planner group and Planner fields are filled out on a work order, and you change the Planner group on the work order, the Planner field is automaticaly cleared. In that case, you must manually select a planner, if required. The options available in the Planner field are based on the newly selected Planner group.
  • If you edit a Planner group or Planner in the planner setup after you created a work order, which uses that setup, the values shown in the Planner group and Planner fields on the work order are not updated.
  • If you edit the name of a Planner group in the planner setup after you created a work order, which uses that group, the Planner group name is updated on the work order.

In Enterprise asset management, select Work orders > My planner work orders to open a list showing work orders on which you are selected as a planner or currently included in the planner group selected on the work order.

Work order with a planner selected.
Work order with a planner selected.

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