
Setup required for working with planners on requests and work orders


In standard Enterprise Asset management, you can set up responsible workers to be selected on work orders and requests to be responsible for the jobs being done correctly on work orders.

We've created a similar setup for planners that allows you to set up workers as planners. Based on the setup, planners or planner groups are added to requests and work orders.


You have completed standard setup for Enterprise Asset management in D365FO.

License Configuration

The Planners on requests and work orders functionality in Enterprise asset management is included in the Advanced EAM license.

  1. Select System administration > Setup > License configuration.
  2. Ensure that the Advanced EAM check box is selected.

Security Configuration

Data entities for planners on requests and work orders have been extended in the D365FO Data management framework.

In D365FO, the EAM Maintenance manager role must include the following setup.

  1. Select System administration > Security > Security configuration.
  2. Select role: EAM Maintenance manager.
  3. Select duty: Maintain maintenance planners.
  4. The privilege Maintain maintenance planners must be added.

In D365FO, the EAM Maintenance clerk role must include the following setup.

  1. Select System administration > Security > Security configuration.
  2. Select role: EAM Maintenance clerk.
  3. Select duty: View maintenance planners.
  4. The privilege View maintenance planners must be added.

Refer to Microsoft documentation to learn more about security configuration in D365FO: Security architecture.

Set up Planners

The setup of planners determines which workers or worker groups are automatically selected as planners on a request or a work order.

You can create a general setup for planner workers, which will be used if no other setup combination matches the content of the request or work order. That setup line should only contain a selection of a worker group or a specific worker, as shown in the first setup line in the screenshot below.

For a more specific setup, planner workers or groups can be related to:

  • object type
  • object
  • functional location
  • job group
  • job type
  • variant
  • trade

in the Planners setup.

For each planner setup line, you can select one or more of the instances available, depending on how general or specific you want the planner worker setup to be. When you create a request or a work order, the planner or planner group selected is determined by the combination of instances included in the Planner setup.

For reference, the setup for planner workers and planner worker groups is similar to the setup described in the EAM documentation regarding Responsible workers.

The screenshot below shows examples of the Planners setup.

Example 1: In the screenshot, the setup line with object type "Kettle" means that if you create requests or work orders for objects using that object type, worker Miles Reid is automatically selected as planned worker on those requests or work orders.

Example 2: In the screenshot, the setup for functional locations means that worker Dan Jump is automatically selected if you create requests or work orders for objects installed in functional locations CH-BP2-02 or CH-BP2-03. However, if a request or work order is created for functional location CH-BP2-03, and the job type "Cal. Pressure" is selected on that record, worker Dana Birkby is automatically added as planned worker.

When the system checks for possible combinations to select a planned worker group or worker, it goes through all variations, starting with the most specific setup and moving towards more generic setup options.

Refer to the test case below for step-by-step instructions on how to set up a planner.

Setting up a Planner

Data Requirements

  1. Standard setup for D365FO Enterprise Asset management is completed.
  2. License configuration "Advanced EAM" is selected in D365FO.
  3. Required security configuration is set up for the EAM Maintenance Manager in D365FO.

Steps 5

  1. Select Enterprise Asset management > Setup > Workers > Planners.

  2. Select New.

  3. Make a selection in the Planner worker group field or the Planner worker field.

  4. Depending on how specific you want the setup to be for the group or worker you selected in the previous step, select data in one or more fields on the setup line: Object type - Object - Functional location - Job group - Job type - Variant - Trade.

  5. Select Save.


The user can create a planner setup for a worker group or a worker.

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