Change Statuses

Use Advanced Statuses to change statuses on documents


With Advanced Statuses you can create and customize your own statuses that a Work Order, Round Order, or Task can go through before, during, and after a maintenance job is carried out.

Change Statuses on Documents

On the document card (Work Order, Round Order, or Maintenance Task), you can select a status directly from the field, but if you're using the next allowed statuses, the most recommended is to use the Set Next Status action, assist button, or available next status code field.

When selecting a status, the following can happen:

  • If a next available status exists, this status will be applied to the document.
  • If more than one next available status exists, a list opens where you need to choose the next status.
  • If next available status doesn't exist, you'll see a message that there is no status to be applied.
    • It might be possible that the next available status or statuses exist but there are no statuses that can be used by the current user, so eventually the user is not able to apply the next status to the document.

Changing the status from the work order status field.
Changing the status from the work order status field.
Changing the status to the next allowed status.
Changing the status to the next allowed status.

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