Work Orders

Capabilities for Work Orders

What you can do with the Work Orders module.


Setup required for working with Work Orders and Work Order Plans

Work Order Plan

Use Work Order Plans for preventive and reactive maintenance planning on Assets

Work Order Groups

Group Work Order Plans and make multiple changes simultaneously

Advanced Planning

Advanced Planning gives you the possibility to plan work orders for multiple dates

Advanced Statuses

Use Advanced Statuses to change statuses on documents

Work Order Execution

Use Work Orders to manage and register consumption on maintenance jobs

Availability and Planning

Set up and manage Resource Planning and Item Availability

Skill-based Planning

Work systematically with skills needed for maintenance work


Set up and manage Contractors on Work Orders

Work Order Journal Registrations

Use the Work Order Journal to create consumption registrations on multiple Work Orders

Time and Cost Tracking

Get an overview of posted consumption on Work Orders

Work Order Statistics

Use KPIs and Maintenance Statistics to measure performance on Assets in your maintenance department

Work Orders by Priorities Report

Create reports to get an overview of overdue Work Orders and Round Orders

Checklist Setup

Setup required for working with Checklists


Create and manage Checklists for Work Orders

Round Setup

Setup required for working with Rounds

Round Plans and Round Orders

Plan and perform preventive and corrective maintenance on several Assets in one go


Connect equipment and other applications to EAM-BC by using API

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