Maintenance Tasks are similiar to work orders but they're only dedicated to Resources. They're documents where you can set up needed resources and post the consumption on them. Assets, Items and Expenses lines are not possible to add.
You can plan Maintenance Tasks to consider other types of activities for your resources when doing maintenance planning. For example, a maintenance team is not available every first Monday of the month because the whole team has regular first-aid training.
Maintenance Tasks are fully supported by Advanced Planning functionality in the same way Work Orders are.
When everything is ready you can release your maintenance task plan so it will be ready to create a maintenance task.
On the Maintenance Task Plan, you can find the following areas:
Here you can set up:
Here you can define (in the same as on the Work Order Plan) when the plan should create a dedicated Maintenance Task.
For Maintenance Task Plan, two frequencies are dedicated:
Here you can specify resources that are planned to be applied to Maintenance Task. Specifying Resources works the same way as on any other order document. Read more in the article Resources on Work Order Plans.
Here you can create a list (the order will be copied to the maintenance task) of all steps that should be covered in the maintenance task. You can specify that a resource is responsible for a specific step.
To see a list of Maintenance Task Plans, select Work Orders > Maintenance Task Plans on your role center, or search for and select Maintenance Task Plans. In the Maintenance Task Plans list, you can see a filter in the upper-left corner of the screen. The default selection of the filter is 'All'. In the filter:
Created Maintenance Task Plan can be released and when in this status, the maintenance task can be created if the frequency is triggered. You can calculate the plan directly from the card or from the Work Order Planning Worksheet. There is an additional option added when you specify which plans should be calculated.
Run a Maintenance Task simulation to see calculations of the resources expected to be consumed on Maintenance Task, based on the content on their plans.
The simulations are created every time you calculate the plan. You can also run the simulation manually by searching for and using the task Simualte Maintenance Tasks.
Maintenance Tasks are fully supported with simulations. On the page, you can inspect incoming Maintenance Tasks and their lines.
A maintenance Task is a document created from its plan.
On the card you can find the following sections:
On the Maintenance Task Card, you can use the basic Status to define the current state of the document, or you can use Advanced Maintenance Statuses.
Here you can edit the Status, Description, Planned Date, Posted Date, or Asset Responsibility Center. You can also see how many steps are included in the task and how many of them are completed or remaining.
Here you have the same options as on the Work Order Card.
Task Steps
The order of steps is taken from the plan. Here you can specify if the step is done or not. This is only one value that can be changed on the line. You can't add new lines, edit, or remove existing ones.
Here you can find information about who and when a document was created.
You can use this task (from the search button) to start the process of creating a one-off maintenance task. You need to specify the description, category, and priority. On the bottom, there is an area where you can add steps one by one by providing a description. The process will create a one-off maintenance task and relevant maintenance task plan. This process is similar to the creation of a One-off Work Order.
On the resource card, you can use the Maintenance Availability button to check what the resource has planned in the company.
The document reflects the Maintenance Task at the moment it was closed. Therefore, you can easily check what was posted and which steps were done. Select the search button and look up Posted Maintenance Tasks.
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