View & Edit Assets/Objects

Manage Assets/Objects and work with Asset/Object-related information


Assets/objects are the equipment and machinery that you create work orders for. Examples of assets/objects are work centers, machines, buildings, and vehicles.


You have completed asset/object and work order setup for the Mobile Client in the Dynaway mobile app in D365FO.

Maintenance Manager, Technician


The main focus on the Mobile Client is Work Orders and Assets/Objects.

Assets/Objects are the pieces of equipment and machinery that you create work orders for whenever maintenance or repair jobs are required.

As a maintenance worker, you work with the Mobile Client on a mobile device (mobile phone or tablet). On the Mobile Client you can do the following regarding assets/objects:

  • Get an overview of the assets/objects you're working on
  • View and edit Asset/Object details:
    • Work Orders
    • Requests
    • Faults
    • Maintenance Downtime
    • BOM (Bill of materials)
    • Attachments
    • Attributes
    • Counters
    • Event history
  • Create your own lists for Assets/Objects

Before you can start working on the Mobile Client, you must first sign in.

When you've signed in, you see the Mobile Client start screen.

  • On the start screen, select Assets/Objects from the bottom navigation bar to open the Asset/Objects lists screen (seen in screenshot 01), which is the main screen for working with assets/objects.
  • Select the 'More' button from the bottom navigation bar if you want to sign out of the Mobile Client app, or select another module on this screen. See screenshot 02 below.

01: Asset/Object lists screen.
01: Asset/Object lists screen.
02: Selecting 'More' from the navigation bar.
02: Selecting 'More' from the navigation bar.

View or Edit Asset/Object Details

Asset/Object details

  • When you select an asset/object, various details are shown. An asset/object can be selected from:
    • The Downloaded assets/objects list.
    • A list that you have created yourself.
      • On the Asset/Object lists screen, you can select either a downloaded list or a list you have created yourself and then select the asset/object you want to view or edit information about.
    • The Asset/Object tree.
      • You can also select an asset/object from the Asset/Object tree by selecting the 'context menu' button from the top menu and select Asset/Object tree. The Asset/Object tree shows a list of functional locations from where you can scroll to find and select an Asset/Object. In screenshot 01 below, you see an example of an asset's/object's details.
  • You can add or edit registrations, or view asset/object details. Asset/object details are described in the articles below.

Asset/Object details - numbers

  • In the Asset/Object details section at the bottom of the screen (screenshot 02), you may see numbers next to some detail pages for example "1/7". This is for your information to show you there are, for example, 1 attribute/specification and 7 functional location attributes/specifications.
  • In screenshot 02 below, you can see some examples of these numbers:
    • Regarding Attachments, "0/1" shows you there are 0 attachments and 1 asset document related to the asset/object.
    • Regarding Attributes/Specifications, "1/7" shows you there is 1 asset attribute/specification and 7 functional location attributes/specifications related to the asset/object.

01: Example of using the Asset tree to select an asset within a functional location.
01: Example of using the Asset tree to select an asset within a functional location.
02: Example of an asset's details overview.
02: Example of an asset's details overview.

Read or Update Asset/Object Notes

Select Show notes to read or update Asset/Object Notes. See screenshot 02 above.

Edit the notes as you require and select Close notes to save them.

Work Orders Related to an Asset/Object

Select Work orders to see a list of the work orders related to the asset/object (seen in screenshot 01).

  1. On the Work orders screen, work orders are listed by date with the latest date at the top. The date shown is the Actual start date, and if that is not available, the Scheduled from date, and if that is not available, the Expected start date is used.
  2. On the Work orders screen, you can select a work order to open work order details and start working on the work order job, if required. Refer to the Work on a work order section for instructions on how to work on and complete a work order job.
  3. On the Work orders screen, you can select the button Create work order at the top of the page. Refer to the Create a work order section for instructions on how to create work orders.

Selecting a job/line on the Work orders screen

  1. If you select a work order job/line on the Work orders screen, the Work order job/line screen opens. On the Work order job/line screen, you can select the 'context menu' button and
    1. Start timer to start a timer when you begin working on the job and stop it when you've finished working on the job.
      • See the documentation here on how to use the 'start timer' function (refer to the section in the article 'Register hours using the timer'.
    2. Add related work order to create a work order related to the selected work order job (if the current work order state/stage allows it).
    3. Add work order job to add a new work order job.
    4. Create work order to create a work order.
    5. Schedule to me, Schedule to another worker, or Take Schedule to change who the job is scheduled to. Read more about it here.

01: Selecting 'work orders' on the Asset details page.
01: Selecting 'work orders' on the Asset details page.
02: Available actions from the 'context menu' on a job/line.
02: Available actions from the 'context menu' on a job/line.

Requests Created on the Asset

Select Requests to see the maintenance requests created on the asset/object. Refer to the Requests module to learn more about how to work with requests and create work orders from requests.

Downtime/Production Stop

Select Downtime/Production stop to see the downtime/production stop registrations created on the asset/object.

If you want to update a downtime/production stop registration, refer to the Work on a Work Order section > Downtime.

Fault Registration

Select Faults to see the fault registrations created on the asset/object.

If you want to update a fault registration, refer to the Work on a work order section > Faults description.

BOM Items

Select BOM to view a list of the items used on the asset/object. If BOM items have related product images, the images are also shown. It's also possible to see on the item card if an item is part of an active purchase price agreement trade, which you can read more about here.


Select Attachments to see the attachments related to the asset/object. You find two sections on the Attachments screen, Attachments and Asset/Object documents.

  1. Attachments are files that are not related to the asset/object in the same way as asset documents. Examples are photos documenting repair jobs, or descriptions from colleagues with advice of how to work with a specific part of the asset in the most efficient way.
  2. Asset/Object documents are files that are related to the asset/object in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. Typically, they are set up on asset/object types, manufacturers/products, models, and maintenance job types. Examples are work instructions and safety instructions that you must read before you start working on a job on the selected asset/object.
  3. Select an attachment in the list to download and read it.
  4. If required, select the 'context menu' button in the upper-right corner of the screen to take a photo or add a file from your mobile device to the list of attachments.


Select Attributes/Specifications to see the asset/object attributes/specifications and functional location attributes/specifications related to the asset/object. Depending on the Mobile Client setup, you might be able to add/edit/delete attributes/specifications.

To add an attribute:

  1. Select the 'context menu' button in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Add asset/object attribute/specification or Add functional location attribute/specification.
  3. Select the attribute/specification in the list, and select OK.
  4. Enter the appropriate value.


Select Counters to see a list of counter readings on the asset/object. You can see the available counter types, for example, kilometers or production hours, at the top of the screen (as seen in screenshot 01 below where Number is selected).

  1. Select the button +Add Counter Reading to add a counter registration on the asset/objects.
  2. Enter the counter value in the Value field. The Total field is automatically updated.
  3. The current date and time is displayed in the top right corner. If you need to change the date from the current time and date, select the field.
  4. If you're replacing the counter with a new counter, select the Replaced toggle button (showing a dark blue color when selected).
  5. Select Save Counter to save the counter registration. Your registration is added to the Counters screen.

01: The 'Number' counter type is selected in this screenshot. When clicking '+Add Counter Reading', you can add a counter reading for the 'Number' counter type.
01: The 'Number' counter type is selected in this screenshot. When clicking '+Add Counter Reading', you can add a counter reading for the 'Number' counter type.

Update Image

Select the image icon in the top right corner to add or update an image for the asset/object. The camera on your mobile device is activated when you select the icon.

  1. You can select Open Camera to take a photo from your device
  2. You can select Upload from the Device to upload an existing photo from your device.

Event History

The Event history is an important part of the asset/object details, as it informs technicians about all important events on the asset/objects, e.g. request updates, work order updates, and faults.

Setup in D365

Enable the Event history functionality by going to:

  1. Setup > Entity setup and enable ObjectChangelog.
  2. Make sure entities have been initialized in Periodic > Entity initialization.
  3. You will now see Event history on the asset/object details page.

On the asset/object details of an asset/object, go to the Event history to see a list of entries. You can expand and collapse the entries and search for entries using the button in the upper right corner.

If an entry refers to a request or work order, you can go directly to them from the Event history.

Example of a list in the Event history.
Example of a list in the Event history.
Example of expanded Event history.
Example of expanded Event history.
Example of a search within the Event history.
Example of a search within the Event history.

Create Asset/Object Lists

Create your own asset/object lists to see only the assets/objects that are relevant for you or certain user groups.


The setup for creating lists is mainly done and maintained from the mobile client described in the steps below. Deciding who has access to certain lists is specified in the article Distribute Saved Search Lists to Users.

Create lists

  1. On the Asset/Objects lists screen, select the 'context menu' button and Create list.
  2. On the Create list screen, you see a list of parameters that you can use to define your list. Make one or more selections in the list.
  3. Select the details for your list, and select Apply.
    • Note, if you see an All/Clear toggle button in the upper-right corner of the screen, you can select All, if you want to select all options shown on the screen. Select Clear if you want to remove the selections.
  4. If required, repeat steps 2-3 to add more details to your list.
  5. When you've made your selections, enter a name for the list in the List name field, and select Create List.
  6. When you return to the Asset/Objects lists screen, you can see that the list has been added.

Editing and Deleting Lists

If you want to edit a list that you created: Select the list. Then select the 'context menu' button and Edit list. Make your changes, and save the list. You can't edit predefined lists.

From the Asset/Object lists screen, you can delete a list that you created: Select the list and the select the 'context menu' button and click Delete. You can't delete predefined lists.

Limit Results from Lists to Functional Location

It's possible to limit results shown on lists to functional locations that are assigned to maintenance workers.

You can limit the results shown on lists in D365 by going to Setup > Mobile Parameters and toggle the button 'Query functional location limitation' to limit results shown on lists to functional location.

To assign workers to functional locations, go to:

  1. Asset Management > Setup > Workers > Workers.
  2. Pick a worker from the list on the left.
  3. On the functional locations tab, add a line to assign a functional location.

If the assigned functional location has children, these are also assigned.

Search for Assets/Objects

Search for assets/object either by typing information related to an asset/object in the search-bar, or by scanning a QR code or barcode. You can search for assets/objects in both online and offline mode. Offline mode means searching the data available on your mobile device at the time of the search.

On the Asset/Object lists screen or in a list (predefined and user-defined lists), you can start a search by selecting the search icon.

You can search for:

  • Asset/Object ID
  • Asset/Object name
  • Serial number
  • Functional location ID
  • Functional location name

Note, when you make a search on the Asset/Object lists screen, you are searching in all active assets/objects. When you make a search in a list, you are only searching in that specific list.

  1. On the Asset/Object lists screen, or in a list, select the search icon. Enter a search string in the search field, or search by scanning a QR code or barcode. View further documentation here.
  2. Search by scanning a QR code or barcode:
    1. Select the Scan a code button.
    2. Follow the instructions on the screen to scan a QR code.
  3. Search by entering a search string in the search field:
    1. Your search string may contain the entire ID or name, the middle of an ID or name, or part of the ID or name.
      Example 1: If you enter *20 in the search field, the result is a list of assets/objects that end with the number 20 in the ID, name, or serial number.
      Example 2: If you enter *enz* in the search field, the result is a list of assets/objects that have the letters 'enz' in the ID or name.

If you select a search result to go to an asset/object, the search string is reset.

Select or to cancel a search and return to the Asset/Object lists screen.

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