Transfer Assets

Improvements to transfer assets


You can transfer assets between legal entities, including all child assets in an asset hierarchy. You can include asset details in the transfer, their functional location, open work orders, and maintenance requests as well.

  • You have set up more than one legal entity in D365FO.
  • You have set up Asset management in more than one legal entity.
  • You have created assets in Asset management in at least one legal entity.


License Configuration

The Transfer assets functionality in Asset management requires specific setup regarding license configuration.

  1. Select System administration > Setup > License configuration.
  2. Select Dynaway Advanced Asset Management.
  3. Ensure that the Transfer Assets check box is selected.

Security Configuration

In D365FO, the Maintenance manager role must include the following setup.

  1. Select System administration > Security > Security configuration.
  2. Select role: Maintenance manager.
  3. Select duty: Maintain asset master.
  4. The privilege Transfer asset must be added.

Refer to Microsoft documentation to learn more about security configuration in D365FO: Security architecture.

Asset Management Parameters

Assets that are transferred between legal entities require a specific asset lifecycle state and functional location.

Asset lifecycle state and functional location parameters must be different for incoming and outgoing transfers in the same legal entity. This setup allows assets to be transferred back to the source legal entity (their original legal entity), if required.

There is no requirement for filling out both Incoming and Outgoing parameter groups in one legal entity. You can set up a source legal entity for outgoing only and a target legal entity for incoming only, if required.

  1. Select Asset management > Setup > Asset management parameters.
  2. Select the Transfer asset tab.
  3. In the Transfer asset section > Incoming group > Lifecycle state field, select the asset lifecycle state that assets get when being transferred to a legal entity.
    1. In order to complete asset transfer, the lifecycle model selected on the asset type must include this lifecycle state.
  4. In the Transfer asset section > Incoming group > Functional location field, select the functional location that assets are installed on when being transferred to a legal entity.
    1. The functional location must be active and allow asset installation.
  5. In the Transfer asset section > Outgoing group > select the Allow selecting sub-assets toggle button to show 'Yes' if you want to allow transfer of child assets independently of parent assets.
    1. If the toggle button is set to 'No', only parent assets can be selected for asset transfer.
  6. In the Transfer asset section > Outgoing group > Lifecycle state field, select the asset lifecycle state that assets get when being transferred from a legal entity.
    1. In order to complete asset transfer, the lifecycle model selected on the asset type must include this lifecycle state.
  7. In the Transfer asset section > Outgoing group > Functional location field, select the functional location that assets are installed on when being transferred from a legal entity.
    1. The functional location must be active and allow asset installation.

Note that when setting up parameters for 'Transfer assets BOM', 'Transfer open maintenance requests', and 'Transfer open work orders' in Asset management parameters, they contain default values for the same parameters in the 'Transfer asset' dialog. Therefore, any parameters set up will automatically be set as default in the 'Transfer asset' dialog. You can always change this setting.

Refer to Microsoft documentation for more information about standard setup in D365FO Asset management:

Set up asset lifecycle states
Set up functional locations
Set up asset types

The screenshots below show examples of parameter and lifecycle state setup for asset transfer.

Example: Setup with incoming and outgoing parameters selected
Example: Setup with incoming and outgoing parameters selected
Example: Lifecycle state setup for incoming
Example: Lifecycle state setup for incoming
Example: Lifecycle state setup for outgoing
Example: Lifecycle state setup for outgoing

We have added functionality that allows you to transfer assets, parent assets and child assets, from one legal entity to another.

Refer to Microsoft documentation to learn more about the setup of organizations and legal entities in D365FO.

Terms used to describe legal entities:

  • Source legal entity - a legal entity that assets are transferred from
  • Target legal entity - a legal entity that assets are transferred to

Records of transferred assets remain in the source legal entity. The transferred assets have a specific asset lifecycle state, and they are located in a specific functional location, indicating they have been transferred from their original legal entity.

Likewise, records of transferred assets must be created in the target legal entity. Here, the transferred assets also have a specific lifecycle state and a specific functional location, indicating they have been transferred to another legal entity.

Transfer an Asset

When you transfer an asset to another legal entity, all child assets are included in the asset transfer.

  1. Select Asset management > Assets > Active assets.
  2. Select the asset you want to transfer.
  3. On the Asset action pane tab, select Transfer asset.
  4. In the Transfer asset dialog, the number of assets to be transferred (parent and child assets) are shown in the Assets selected field.
  5. Select the Target legal entity.
  6. Select OK.

Asset Transfer Checklist and Details

During the transfer process, validations and subtasks are performed. The following conditions must be met for asset transfer to be successful for all assets involved:

  • Data in the source legal entity
    • Asset transfer has not been done already. The functional location and asset lifecycle state must be different from those set in Outgoing transfer parameters (described in the setup section above).
    • The Outgoing lifecycle state must be valid for the asset type. The asset must be in an active lifecycle state that allows change to the Outgoing asset lifecycle state.
    • The asset must not be based on a purchase order.
  • Data in the target legal entity
    • An asset of the same type and id as the transferred asset must not exist in the target legal entity unless it has functional location and asset lifecycle state as set in Outgoing transfer parameters (described in the setup section above). This prevents creating duplicates while still allowing the asset to return to the original company, if required.
    • The Incoming lifecycle state for the target legal entity must be valid for the asset type.
    • If an asset hierarchy was transferred, all parent-child relations are removed.
    • Image references and asset attributes are included in the asset transfer.
    • The following asset data must be available:
      • Warranty
      • Fixed asset
      • Source project
      • Vendor
      • Attributes
      • Service levels

Transfer asset counters

You can transfer asset counters which is based on the date and time from which all the related asset counters are transferred. However, to make the transfer successful, a few things need to be done:

  • Counter type must exist in both legal entities.
  • Counter type unit Id must be the same in both legal entities.

Note that:

  • If work orders have been transferred, then relations to a work order on counter registrations will be transferred as well.
  • Functional location on a counter is assigned according to source asset counter. When a corresponding counter functional location doesn't exist in the target legal entity, the functional location on which asset was installed after the transfer is set.
  • A warning message will be shown if the target counter value for the replaced counter registration is different than in the source legal entity.

Transfer asset BOM

It's possbile to transfer asset BOMs when BOM items, related to the transferred assets, exist in the target legal entity. Items related to BOM lines should have the same inventory units in both source and target legal entities.

Note that inventory dimensions of asset BOMs behave differently depending on the type of dimension:

  • Product dimensions (configuration, size, color, style) - when a specific product dimension exists in the target legal entity, it will be filled when transferring BOM. Product dimensions which don't exist will be left blank.
  • Storage dimensions (site, warehouse, location, license plate, inventory status) - will be blank in the target legal entity after transferring BOM (even if they exist in the target legal entity).
  • Tracking dimensions (batch number, serial number, owner) - will be filled in the target legal entity after transferring BOM (if they don't exist there, they will be created automatically during the transfer process).

Transfer an Asset with Functional location, Work orders, and Maintenance Requests

When transferring assets, it's possible to include their functional location, work orders, and maintenance requests.

You can configure related data to functional location, work orders, and maintenance requests from the 'Transfer asset mapping' tab in Asset management > Setup > Asset management parameters. See screenshot 02.

Functional location

If you want to transfer an asset and include it's functional location, the source functional location type must exist in the target legal entity. If the functional location field in the 'Incoming' section, in the 'Transfer asset' tab, is left blank, the related functional location will be transferred as well. See screenshot 01 to see the 'Transfer asset' tab and the 'Incoming' field in the system.

Note that the target lifecycle model must allow for the lifecycle state being set up on functional location during the transfer.

Work orders

You can transfer an asset with its open work orders included. To do that, turn on the parameter for 'Transfer open work orders', which can be seen in screenshot 03.

Maintenance Requests

You can transfer an asset with its open maintenance requests included. To do that, turn on the parameter for 'Transfer open maintenance requests', which can be seen in screenshot 04.

01: The 'transfer asset' tab in Asset management parameters.
01: The 'transfer asset' tab in Asset management parameters.
02: The 'Transfer asset mapping' tab in Asset management parameters.
02: The 'Transfer asset mapping' tab in Asset management parameters.

View Transfer History

A transfer history log is created for each asset included in the transfer. The Transfer history form shows an overview for all transfer events that have occurred for a selected asset in the current legal entity or all legal entities.

  1. Select Asset Management > Assets > All Assets.
  2. Select the asset in the list.
  3. On the Asset action pane tab, select Transfer history. In the list you see a list of all transfer events involving the selected asset.
  4. Select the Show related assets check box if you want to see transfer history of related parent and child assets that were transferred along with the selected asset.

To see an overview of all transfer events in the current legal entity:

  1. Select Asset management > Inquiries > Assets > Transfer history. All transfer history events from or to the current legal entity is shown.
  2. Select the Show transfers from all legal entities check box to see a list of all transfer history events from all legal entities in your organization.

View Event History

In the Asset event history form, you see the complete event history of an asset. The event history includes updates and events from the current legal entity as well as target legal entities, if the asset was transferred.

  1. Select Asset management > Assets > All assets or Active assets.
  2. Select an asset in the list.
  3. On the Asset action pane tab, select Event history.
  4. Select the Include all legal entities check box to show 'Yes' to see information about all updates and events related to the asset in all legal entities.
    1. Information shown on the events in the grid in the left side of the form now includes company ID of the legal entity in which the events occurred.

The screenshot below shows an example of an asset event log.

Asset event history log
Asset event history log

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